This work is an eTwinning project carried out by 11 schools in total, with 2 Spain, 2 Italy, 2 Romania, 1 Greek and 4 Turkish partners.
The main aim of the project is to help students improve their knowledge through robotics and STEAM activities. Blended teaching methods were used. Thus, it contributed to the development of creativity, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and digital competencies.
During the implementation of STEAM learning scenarios, the subjects in the curriculum were addressed. For example, biodiversity, the effects of the environment on living things, and speed are integrated with engineering design. Our work has been showcased on twinspace, Facebook, and our school website.
Our work has been done face-to-face and remotely. The project Logo and posters were designed and submitted for voting. After that, the most liked logo was determined as the logo of our project.
Students learned how a robot moves, what the role of sensors is and how they can detect an obstacle.
For this they used previously acquired mathematical and physical concepts. They did this on a virtual platform with a simulator in the first stage (https://lab.open-roberta.org/, VEXcode VR/), then in the second stage with the active help of robots on certain platforms.
With Open roberta lab, they guided their vehicles with block coding from the starting point to the end point. They tried to get to the finish line as soon as possible.
They did block-based coding with Microbit coding. At the end of this course, students created their animals with microbit coding.
Pupils learned how to code the microbit’s accelerometer and radio capabilities to prototype a device that will help them monitor animals and discover how they are affected by climate change.
Our students made a game with Scratch. They worked on international women’s day and peace.
They designed a robot with the Lego mindstorm EV3 kit and wrote codes for the robots they designed.
Check our activity here: https://youtube.com/shorts/JOk3ZURzQzQ?feature=share
Check how it went here: https://youtu.be/lzN3cKQrrDg
Our students participated in activities on the CODE.org site during Code week. Completed the “Artificial Intelligence for the Oceans” event.
It was full of work. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this beautiful etwinning project.
Very nice work I am very happy to participate
I would like to share some links about our project for more information.
Project web: https://sites.google.com/view/the-first-steps-in-robotics/home
ebook: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE-DFmXTyw/9SFyTvL_DRqgUQX5s1J4hA/watch?utm_content=DAE-DFmXTyw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Lesson plans: