Virtual EscapeRoom and Jeopardy game during SDC 2021

It is always funny and enjoyable to check your knowledge in Science in the form of game. But is better to learn more about your career possibilities in the same way. During SDC 2021 in Vilnius Alexander Pushkin Gymnasium in Vilnius, Lithuania. 9th and 11th form students have played special educational games.


9th form students have participated in virtual EscapeRoom activity. The students were divided into groups of 4-5 people. Each team must receive 6 text documents. Five documents were protected by passwords. In order to open the next document, you need to complete the tasks. Each completed task not only gave the opportunity to go to the next “room”, but also get points for correct answers. All participants successfully completed the tasks, and the fastest were determined as the winners of the competition. Students not only learned more in biology, but also have developed their digital, leadership and communication skills.

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Let’s code and learn about forces

Students from Vilnius Alexander Pushkin Gymnasium during SDC 2021 have learned how to code with Scratch and use these skills to create learning materials about forces in nature. We organized integrated science and coding lessons from 18th to 19th March. Lessons were organized by biology and science teacher Aleksej Peržu. We called this lessons “Lego, Forces and Coding”.

During activities students have learned about force of gravity and friction force. Using Scratch coding tool they had to create their own animation in which Lego character (we have called him “Lego boy”) have to explain and demonstrate how this forces works in real life situations.

First lesson took place on 18th March. We learned basics about Scratch and coding. We talked about how computer “think” and how give to it commands in a proper way. Students together with teacher tried to create different animations using Scratch with “Scratch cat”. We have payed attention to movements, “talking” command, cycles and how to add button controls for our program. It was really fun to see how students learning in a very fast way how to code with Scratch. They found more different options to use than teacher have showed to them.

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TinkerCad Workshop: Adaptations for Flight

During SDC2021 in Vilnius Alexander Pushkin Gymnasium we have organized special Workshop about animals’ adaptations for flight. These activities took place from 15th to 26th March. Teacher, who organized activity – Aleksej Peržu, biology and science teacher.

The purpose of this work was to get acquainted with the various adaptations of organisms to flight and create their own animal, which will be adapted to fly. Students had to use TinkerCad program to create their animal. Also, they could work individually or in pairs.

The students’ work was divided into three stages. During the first part adaptations for flight was presented using the example of birds living in different regions of our planet. Then the task was presented: students in pairs or individually, using the TinkerCad program, have to create their own organism adapted to flight, name it and present it. The criteria for evaluating the work were discussed with all students. As a result, the assessment criteria were arranged in the form of criteria table.

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Online meeting “STEM: Science, Technology, ENGLISH and Math”

Author: Aleksej Peržu

Due to the current situation of a global health crisis, teachers are faced with new challenges of how to successfully operate and navigate with distance learning.

Video presentation project at Vilnius Alexander Pushkin gymnasium was initiated by English teacher G. Kuzborskaja and biology teacher A. Perzhu, to help students develop their English skills within the framework of biology and IT academic disciplines, as well as to build their confidence beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

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Let’s create a board game!

Author: Aleksej Perzu

During this school year our school with partners from aboard have joined together the eTwinning project “Welcome on Board”. During this project students have created a lot of different educational board games that can be used during lessons. The end of the project have been planned for STEM Discovery Campaign period to honor integration of different subjects.

In Vilnius Alexandr Pushkin Gymnasium students have worked hardly for several months to prepare their educational board games for biology subject. During last week of February (from 24th to 28th) students have presented their games for classmates. We planned to organize the conference during Science week in March to present these awesome games for school community but COVID-19 pandemia have changed our plans. The final results of the work are presented in project eBook in school webpage and in projects’ TwinSpace.

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