
About anitasimac

I am a mathematics at the Petar Preradović Elementary School in Zadar, Croatia and a teacher mentor. Apart from monitoring the Regional Education Centre in Zadar and Centre for gifted children, I am also a National Geographic Certified Educator, an Adobe Creative Educator, a Scientix ambassador since 2016 and an active and award-winning member of the eTwinning community. Participating in numerous national and international conferences as well as projects in the STEM field helps promote my goals in teaching which are to connect mathematics with lifelong learning through project and inquiry based teaching, and to develop students' passion for science, creativity and research.

STEM week in Zadar Croatia

Day 1 of the three day STEM Discovery week workshops planned in Zadar, Croatia, kicked off today. The opening ceremony was held at the University of Zadar campus area and several biology workshops were held for teachers and students.

  1. What would nature do, and what wouldn’t it do?
  2. The role of bees in the ecosystem.
  3. Deep secrets of the ocean.

At the Osnovna škola Petra Preradovića school, the representatives of FabLab visited us and introduced to us the concepts of 3D printing. The children listened to a presentation about the history of 3D printing and then embarked on a practical Sketch-up workshop.

Tomorrow, we continue at the University with the afternoon devoted to geography, information technology and computer sciences. Of course, we continue our 3D printing adventure at our school but will also learn how to use laser cutting and thermal printing.