Water Day and Earth Day
Solar Energy
March 22nd, April 22nd
Anna Plewa
Bilingually Improving Learning Sustainable Energy Mindset
Water Day and Earth Day
Zespół Szkół Technicznych i Handlowych, Bielsko-Biała,
ZSTiH is taking part in an international project B.I.L.S.E.M. So far, we have shared ideas and lesson plans.Teachers prepared activities and events to engage students. Actually, there were 12 schools from all over the world in the project.The project’s aim was to broaden students’ minds about sustainability. In March and April we organised events in each school to celebrate Earth and Water Days. In ZSTiH we had a couple of engaging educational iniciatives on Water Day and Earth Day. We shared an online board and a tablet page for students to take part in numerous activities. We uploaded fact files, quizzes and links there. Additionally, we held workshops, events and gave presentations. What’s more, we invited experts to give lectures on sustainability, carbon footprint and renewable and non- renewable sources of energy. Finally, we presented all students’works on e- twinning pages.
1.Workshops, Competitions, Awareness Raising Events on Earth Day and Water Day
We invited an expert on sustainability. She ran a workshop showing B.I.L.S.E.M students how to be eco –friendly. They recycled old T-shirts changing them into bags. They also worked on artistic expressions of Water Day . We showed all students works to public.
2. Building Solar Ovens on Earth Day
We had a B.I.L.S.E.M workshop during which students built solar ovens using instructions and learning about the fact that in some countries solar energy is extremely valuable because electricity is scarce.
Harness the energy of the sun.
A solar oven is a box that that traps some of the Sun’s energy to make energy to make the air inside the box hotter than the air outside the box. In other words, the solar oven is like a super greenhouse.
You will need:
- cardboard box with attached lid. Lid should have flaps so that the box can be closed tightly. Box should be at least 3 inches deep and big enough to set a pie tin inside.
- aluminium foil
- clear plastic wrap
- glue stick
- tape 9 transparent tape,ducttape. masking tapeor whatever you have)
- stick ( about1foot long) to propopenreflectorflap. 9Use a skewe,knittingneedle.rulerruler,or whateveryou have.)
- ruler or straight- edge
How to make solar oven:
1.Using the straight edge as a guide, cut a three-sided flap out of the top of the box, leaving at least a 1 each border around the three sides.
2.Cover the bottom ( inside) of the flap with aluminium foil, spreading a coat of glue from the glue stick onto the cardboard first and making the foil as smooth as possible.
3. Line the inside of the box with aluminium foil, again gluing it down and making it as smooth as possible
4.Tape two layers of plastic wrap across the opening you cut in the lid -one layer on the top ane one layer on the bottom side of the lid.
5.Test the stick you will use to prop the lid up.
Raising awareness.
Studens read articles about regions of the world where Solar ovens are regularly used. . Especially in Africa solar energy is used to cook. We also found a Polish restaurant which uses solar ovens in summer.
3.B.I.L.S.E.M. Webinars, lectures run by experts.
We met online with our B.I.L.S.E.M partners from abroad. We prepared students’ webinars and had e-twinning webinars with an expert.
4.Working together on e-twinning.
Being a part of a B.I.L.S.E.M. team, each school made a lot of exercises. We focused on renewable and non- renewable energy sources, calculated a carbon footprint. gave lectures and run workshops about water and energy.
5. Names of B.I.L.S.E.M. Schools cooperating.
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