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Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten Learns with STEM school activity's Zero Waste Tool plan application prepared in accordance with the engineering Design Process pedagogy

Context: The disposal of waste without being evaluated in the recycling and recovery process
It causes serious resource losses in terms of both material and energy. World
As the population and living standards increase, there is an inevitable increase in consumption.
and this situation increases the pressure on our natural resources, upsets the balance of the world,
our resources are not able to keep up with the increasing needs. Given this situation, natural resources
The importance of efficient use becomes even more evident. That is why in recent years, all over the world
zero waste implementation studies both individually, institutionally and throughout the municipality
is spreading. Preventing waste in the world, making our natural resources more efficient
use, prevention of waste generation by reviewing the causes of waste generation or
minimizing it, and in case of waste, separating it at the source and recycling it
In order to put the current system on a more regular, systematic and applicable basis at the point of
started with the waste principle. A vehicle that collects and separates waste within the scope of the zero waste project
they use to design.
Engineering Design Problem: A tool to collect and sort waste as part of a zero waste project
Criterion: The collected wastes should be properly separated according to their types.
1 Context Environmental pollution, soil pollution, recycling and
Learn about zero waste. Causes of environmental pollution
2 Material discovery How to create a zero waste tool of different materials
IMAGINE it can be used
3 Designing solutions PLAN a tool that collects and sorts recycling waste
and to CREATE environmental pollution, soil pollution, zero waste and
use information on recycling types
4 Test the Data Analysis Model tool and identify ways to IMPROVE the design
5 Expansion Find ideas for additional exploration
engineering for students
Tiny engineers will need varying degrees of adult assistance throughout this challenge.
Asking young engineers about their ideas and work helps adults learn
It's a good way to support it.
• To determine how environmental pollution occurs and what is the waste that pollutes the environment.
• The 5-step Engineering Design Process (Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create,
Develop) to understand and apply.
• To discover the characteristics of the wastes and to determine how they will be separated.

LESSON 1: DESIGN CONTEXT: AIM: To learn about the environment, environmental pollution and soil pollution. Information about recycling and zero waste obtain. ASK questions about environmental pollution.
MATERIEL • TV screen, computer, whiteboard or projector • Worksheets • Crayons, scissors, glue. 
• A few days before the children's families start implementing the plan, your STEM plan and forward a digital or hard copy of the worksheets.
LESSON: 40-50 min. 
ENTRY: 10-15 min. 
• If I Say Soil, Quit video is watched.After watching the video, chat with the children. 
• After the videos, collect the wastes in the worksheet and the recycling bins opposite. pairings are requested.
EVENT: 20-25 min. 
• Environmental Protection Awareness cartoon training video is watched. Questions to children after watching the video chat by asking. 
 After the video, it is requested to paint the recycling truck on the worksheet. 
• TEMA FOUNDATION Zero Waste video is watched.After watching the video, the children are chatted by asking questions. 
• Zero Waste video is watched with TEMA FOUNDATION 5R.Chat with children after watching the video. REFLECTION: 2 min. 
• Discuss what they learned in class about environmental pollution, recycling and zero waste. 
• Gathering materials and preparing students They will need the help of an adult. 
LESSON 2: MATERIAL DISCOVERY AIM: Imagine ways to use materials to create a tool that collects and separates waste. to make. 
MATERIEL: • TV screen, computer, whiteboard or projector • Worksheets • Crayons, eraser, pencil • 6 recycling bins • Achievement medal 
• Nature walks are made with the children. On this walk, examination, conversation about what they see around them. from children Wearing gloves, they are asked to fill all the garbage they see in nature into a bag. 
• Zero Waste Plastic Wastes TRT documentary video link for them to watch and chat sent to families. LESSON: 40-50 min. 
ENTRY: 10-15 min. 
 The boxes on the worksheet and the wastes are matched. 
• Watching the Recycling Education Movie with ÇEVKİ and Friends. questions to children after watching chat by asking. 
 It is requested to complete the MAZE on the worksheet.
EVENT: 25-30 min.
 The teacher has prepared 6 colored (blue, yellow, green, gray, red, brown) back papers. brings transform boxes to class. Chat with children about which color has what waste is done. 
 Garbage And Recycling (Author Anna Hatzimanoli) is read. Questions about the book chat by asking. 
 Then play with the colored boxes prepared by the teacher and the waste they collect from nature. They are said to be playing. They are told how to play the game. Every child with music He is asked to throw the collected wastes in the right box in order. 
 At the end of the game, questions are asked and chatted. Example made by teacher children Congrats on the behavior. The teacher hangs the medals prepared in advance on the children's necks. 
• Discuss in class about natural waste and its types. 
• Tell the Little Engineers that they will plan in the next lesson and that they will be in this recycle bin. They are asked to think about what the vehicle they will build with the waste will be. At home with the help of their families They are asked to work on how to design the vehicle they will build.
• To PLAN and BUILD a mechanism model that will collect the garbage thrown into the environment. learning about zero waste, how materials are affected by recycling use relevant information. 
MATERIEL: • TV screen, computer, whiteboard or projector • Plastic waste • Glass waste • Paper waste • Metal waste • Technological waste • Fund cartons • Cardboards • Evalar • Finger paints • Scissors, glue 
Tip: Advise parents in advance so that the children can help them design a vehicle at home. Instruct children to guide them to plan how to design. Waste Be careful that the materials thrown into the boxes do not contain wastes that may be dangerous for children. do it. 
LESSON: 40-50 min. 
ENTRY: 10-15 min.
Review the Junior Engineers' findings from Lesson 2. Their plans for the setup Ask questions about: What materials did you decide to use to make the vehicle? How will you combine them? How will you divide the interior of the vehicle for each waste? What materials will you use to divide it? ASK and IMAGINE steps in the Engineering Design Process to Little Engineers so far. Remind them to complete. What are the other steps of the Engineering Design Process? PLAN, CREATE and IMPROVE. 
EVENT: 25-30 min
Tell Junior Engineers that they will plan and build their own model assemblies today. remind me. 
STEP 1: Remind watched videos. Discuss the design problem. Hint: The words criteria and constraints can be too complex for children to understand. Successful Focus on how the model setup should be and what the limitations are. 
• What do we need to create? : Zero waste vehicle to collect-separate garbage 
• What do we need to do before we start building the setup? We must make a plan. 
STEP 2: Have the Junior Engineers draw the shape of the vehicle they designed according to the method they first determined. design by drawing the shape of the interior of the vehicle and the compartments to be separated according to the methods Show them how they can draw their plans. Where and how to use different materials Remind them to add details. 
STEP 3: Get Junior Engineers to start building their model assemblies based on their blueprints give it time. Tip: If Junior Engineers need more time or hands-on help, they're at home. they can do Steps 3–5 with adults. 
STEP 4: Remind each student to choose the materials they will use. supplies for each student After choosing, remind them to go by following their drawings with the right steps. 
STEP 5: Remind you to help in case of problems. problems directly Don't solve, guide. Ask the following questions: Do you think these materials are enough? What happens if you remove one of the material? What happens if you change the material? What is the most important material of the vehicle? Are you having trouble making the tool? Does the vehicle turn out as you designed it? What should you do if the material you use is not as you designed it? Hint: To the Junior Engineers, if their design fails, they can make new plans and before the next lesson. Let them know they can try again.
REFLECTION: 5min Have Junior Engineers discuss how they feel about the experience of creating a zero-waste vehicle provide. These discussions can be videotaped. If they are not sure what to talk about, share: What did you enjoy most from today's activity? I am an engineer because _______. THINKING FUTURE: 5 min I told the Junior Engineers that in the next session they will observe how well their designs work. remind me.
LESSON 4: DATA ANALYSIS Aim: Testing the zero waste tool and identifying ways to IMPROVE the design. 
MATERIEL • Model zero waste vehicle • Wastes • Paper, pencil • Scissors, glue 
LESSON: 15-25 min Check-in: 5 min: 
 Discuss the DEVELOPMENT step of the Engineering Design Process with engineers. 
 Which step of the Engineering Design Process are we working on today? 
 How will we know if our designs need improvement? zero waste vehicle We will test its suitability for its intended use. 
 Teach students that engineers' first designs often fail, and that failure is a sign of failure. Remind yourself that next time there is an opportunity to learn how to improve. 
STEP 1 - Tell Junior Engineers to check the vehicle's collection of waste first. 
STEP 2 - Tell Junior Engineers to check if the vehicle can separate the waste 
STEP3 – Have them check their design for a degraded area. (missing part of the vehicle, a missing compartment) 
Discuss what the Junior Engineers have observed in their vehicles and pose the following questions. 
• What parts of your design worked? 
• Would you change any of the materials you use? 
• Would you change the way you put the materials together? Have each engineer draw a new and improved design for their model vehicle.
LESSON 5: EXTENSIONS (EXTENSION) Purpose: To offer an extension after testing results are shared and improvements are considered. 
 After the zero waste vehicle collects and separates the garbage, its hoppers will be full. filled chambers A mechanism or part can be added for its compression. 
 When the compressed waste fills the chamber, it leaves them in the form of a package. he left A vehicle with arms can be designed to collect materials. 
 A robot can be designed to collect the places that the vehicle cannot reach while collecting the garbage. Science Extension: Investigating the factors that cause climate change and global warming. Introduce the idea of ​​climate change and global warming by asking the following questions: 
• What is the climate of the place we live in? 
• Are there different climates on earth? 
• What if climates change? 
• What happens if the earth warms up? 
• How does the warming of the earth affect living things?
This STEM activity plan has been published in the digital repository of Denizli National Education R&D unithttps://denizliarge.meb.gov.tr/didepo/indir.php?id=39

Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten Learning with STEM


In 2021, Denizli Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten received the STEM School Label. This year, we participated in the 2022 STEM Discovery Campaign with the “Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten Learning with STEM” event we organized throughout April in order to bring the STEM … Continue reading