
About corneliamelcu

Cornelia Melcu is a primary school teacher in Brasov, Romania. Additionally, she is a teacher trainer of Preparatory Class Curriculum, Google Application in Education Course and European Projects Course. She is mentoring newly qualified teachers and trainee teachers. She is also Scientix Ambassador in Romania, eTwinning ambassador, ESERO consul and an award winner in several competitions (eTwinning Awards and national competitions). She has received European Quality Label for her eTwinning projects and coordinated one Comenius project. Cornelia si currently involved in Erasmus+ programme, using extracurricular activities and projects to motivate her students.

My Plan(eT)- Building a space habitat in the classroom

The students, 11 girls and 18 boys, aged 6-7 have participated in an eTwinning project called My Plan(eT) https://twinspace.etwinning.net/77749/home .

The first step for students was to create a profile of a new planet. To achieve that, they applied their knowledge to carry out their tasks. They created products related to their imaginary planet’s special features. They collaborated in order to create joined products. After they chose the name of their planet, they described it and presented the flora, fauna and inhabitants and they built a shelter for the inhabitants of the new planet called Planet Happiness.

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STEM Discovery Week 2018 in our school

This year, in my school, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 9 „Nicolae Orghidan” Brașov, between 26th and 30th of March, an event dedicated to STEM education was organized for providing opportunities for learning STEM topics to young students – aged 6 to 11.

For five days, the students  visited companies, met engineers, doctors or scientists, made experiments discovered on Scientix Resources section and created posters.

On the first day, the students visited the National Bank of Romania headquarters in Brașov in order to understand the relation between STEM and financial education.


In the second day, students aged 10- 11 visited Schaeffler Romania S.R.L . (https://www.schaeffler.ro/remotemedien/media/_shared_media/03_worldwide/02_websites_worldwide/romania_1/SchaefflerRomania_EN_2016.pdf). Schaeffler Romania is a company which is specialized in industry and automotive. During the visit, the students met STEM professionals, asked questions about the products and saw how the workers and specialist worked together to move the world! Now, they know more about STEM professions.

The third day was dedicated to experiments! The students were teachers for one day: they prepared an experiment and made it with their colleagues. Then, they  presented the conclusions to their peers. All the experiments were made by the children and they enjoyed the activity a lot as they understood better some STEM phenomena!

On Thursday, one student from the local University of Medicine was invited to talk to the children about his future job. He held a course related to human body and hygiene and taught the students how to maintain their health.

 The last day of the week was dedicated to our eTwinning (https://twinspace.etwinning.net/45279/home) and Erasmus + (https://twinspace.etwinning.net/45916/home) projects. The students worked on some STEM activities based on Scientix resources, visited the TS and presented their work to other classes.

Finally, one poster session was organized and the students presented their experience after one whole STEM activities dedicated week.

Join STEM Discovery Week 2018 and tell the world about it! Good luck!

Cornelia Melcu, primary school teacher, Scientix ambassador for Romania


Preparing for the future – STEM professions

Every school year, in Romania, one school week is dedicated to “Another kind of school” week. During this week, students participate in extracurricular activities and projects. This year, in my school, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 9 „Nicolae Orghidan” Brașov, between 26th and 30th of March, an event dedicated to STEM education will be organized for providing opportunities for learning STEM topics to young students aged 6 to 11. For five days, students will visit companies, meet engineers, doctors or scientists, make experiments based on Scientix Resources or create posters. STEM education is a priority in our school as we are involved in many national and international educational projects based on STEM topics.

My students aged 10- 11 will visit Ina Schaeffler S.R.L on the 27th. (https://www.schaeffler.ro/remotemedien/media/_shared_media/03_worldwide/02_websites_worldwide/romania_1/SchaefflerRomania_EN_2016.pdf) – a company which is specialized in industry and automotive in order to know more about STEM professions. Then they will present some of the professions and present them to another class. They will make experiments and present their conclusions. A poster session will be held too.

Join STEM Discovery Week 2018!

Cornelia Melcu, primary school teacher and Scientix ambassador for Romania