
About dcimbar

Science Teacher at Aci Schools Live in İstanbul, Turkey

Design Your Own Shoes

Teachers: Deniz Cemre Cimbar & Özgün Pehlevan

Age: 13-14 years old

Duration: February, 2021, 2 weeks, 4 lessons per week

The aim of this STEM project is to discover that solid pressure is related to force and surface area with the connection to everyday life. For this purpose, students were asked to design their own shoes by following the STEM steps. The study was applied in the distance education process due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the students had to work individually.

Throughout the entire study, the engineering design process is applied to identify, explore, design, create, test, and rearrange the problem. The general flow of the study is as follows:

  1. Identify the Problem: In this step, students investigate the question of “why do we wear shoes?”. By obtaining information about the history of shoes from the past to the present, they reach the knowledge of how the use of shoes has changed with the developing technology.
  2. Explore: In this section, students investigate the general structure of the foot, what is important when designing a shoe, and the features that should be in a good shoe. The purpose of this step is to obtain information about what to pay attention to and how to design the shoes they will design.
  3. Design: Students draw a design for a winter shoe that covers the feet. The limitations determined for this purpose are as follows:
The picture is the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)