The Buzzy Bees project

Author: Edina Djorovic (Naša radost Preschool Organisation, Subotica – Serbia)

Date of activity: 11.- 19th of April 2022.

This spring in our kindergarten we could hardly wait for the nice weather to conduct our STEM activities outdoors. The children were inspired by the colors, sounds, smells, and especially by the buzzing sound from a tree in our schoolyard. The tree was blossoming and it was full of bees.

My class of preschoolers called “Ladybugs” (age 4-5) became very curious about what is happening. We decided to research more about the topic, and for that, we find great resource material among the Scientix lesson plans. This lesson is suitable not only for primary school students but also for younger children who learn about how important the bees are to keep the environmental natural balance. This activity is not only about science; it shows that mathematics exists in our daily life and in nature.

What is that buzzing sound?

My students already knew that bees are winged insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the western honey bee, for producing honey. Among the children, there is a little girl whose family is engaged in beekeeping, so that is why we asked the parents to make us a little video about bees, hives, and the honey-making process.

The video increased their interest in bees, and we invited the parents to join the project by doing some research, founding materials, and even giving us some new ideas, a new direction for our project. Our goal was the following:

  • Children learn about the life and behavior of bees.
  • They experience the advantages of hexagonal structures, such as the honeycomb
  • Try to decode and read the bee language.

We focused on the unique relationship between flowers and bees:

• Why do bees need flowers?

• Why do flowers need bees?

• What is the problem for the bees?

• What causes the problem?

The class researched a meadow near our kindergarten. They looked for dandelions, daisies, and violets took some pictures with the digital camera, tried to catch pollen from the flowers with their little fingers, etc. We also captured some bees, ants, and other insects on camera. I am always encouraging my students to document everything they want to discuss later, so we always make a video material of their photographs.

Bee Quiz

It was time to repeat what we have learned about bees. I created a small game quiz for my students by using Educaplay. ( ) In this game, we answered questions about the outlook of the bees, their habitat, and their importance. After playing, we organized a video call with our friends from another kindergarten, and shared with them our information about bees, learned together, and played the quiz together too.

Learning and having fun via Google meet

Group work: Design your own honeycomb!

After the S and T (science and technology) it was time for E and M (engineering and mathematics)!

We already knew that honey Bees are social animals, they live together in big groups in the beehive. In this beehive, which is made from wax, they store their food (honey) and breed their larvae. They need rooms to store their honey or to breed the little bees.

• The children watched a movie that shows the life of bees in a beehive. They saw the larvae in their rooms. They saw the vertical pilling of the rooms.

• The children got paper and glue and in small groups, they designed their own 3D honeycomb.


– No empty spaces between the shapes

– Needs to be strong (be able to stand up vertical)

Bees in the honeycomb

The Bee Dance

Šifrirani ples pčela – YouTube

After watching an educational video about the dance of the bees, we tried to decode their movements.

Bees are always looking for flowers. They tell each other where there are flowers, how far these flowers are, in which direction, etc.

Based on some examples of bee dances, the students discussed:

• In which direction do you think the flowers are now?

• What would the bee do if the flowers are in another direction? What will change?

• What is the difference with the former dance?

We decided to make some bee codes too, by programming the Bee bot. The task was to match the bees with their hives (numbers from 1-to 3), The Bee bot had to find its way home by choosing the shortest path, but in the meantime, it had to collect pollen too from the flowers. This activity was also created as a Codeweek activity, and we got the Codeweek certificate too.

Codeweek event

Bee dance – YouTube

Archimedes in the kindergarten

“There is no great discoveries and advances, as long as there is an unhappy child on earth. “

Albert Einstein

Is there a right age for science? Can 3-year-olds understand STEM principles? What can you expect a child to learn about science by the end of kindergarten? In general, they will learn some basics of the physical sciences, Earth sciences, life sciences, and scientific principles of investigation and experimentation. Children are encouraged to develop their curiosity about the world around them and to make observations. As they are introduced to science, children develop organized and analytical thinking as well as problem-solving skills. So, my answer is: yes, 3-year-olds can and should be involved in STEM projects in kindergarten.

Our STEM adventure with water

The “Ladybugs” are a group of 3-year-olds from “Naša radost” Preschool Institution from Subotica (Serbia). We joined a very interesting eTwinning project called WORLD CHILDREN’S COUNCIL. With our partners from Greece, Turkey and Spain we come across a very interesting topic about water saving, collecting and reusing rainwater, and about the importance of biodiversity, and how it supports ecosystems to provide and purify water.

The pictures are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)
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Mirrors and Kaleidoscope

Author: Edina Dorovic

Preschoolers from Subotica, Serbia are taking part in eTwinning projects for already a couple of years. Our Preschool Institution “Naša radost” is encouraging teachers to take part in STEM projects, and we are enjoying these little science adventures a lot.


The group called “Ladybugs” (from the kindergarten “Šumica”) teamed up with two other groups from the same kindergarten, and some international partners: Hungary (two classes) and Romania (one class). Our journey with science, physics and optics started in March 2020 with an eTwinning project “Tükröm, tükröm…” (“Mirro, mirror”). We used fairy tales and stories about mirrors to evoke interest in STEM subjects in our preschoolers. We used cameras, mobile phones to capture reflective images in our classroom, yard, street etc.

The project “Tükröm, tükröm…” (“Mirro, mirror”) was prepared for the Digital Theme Week (held in Hungary) held on 23 – 27 March 2020.

Project logo

Our goal was to introduce children to the world of science by working on digital competencies. We used a lot of web tools: Metaverse, Musiclab, Permadi.

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STEM Discovery Week in Subotica

The “Naša Radost” Preschool organisation (Šumica kindergarten) is for the first time joining the STEM Discovery Week with two projects: “A STEM story” and “Meses kalandok”! In the first project, we will use a Scientix resource about water experiments, and the second is an eTwinning project with 3 other project partners.

  ” MESES KALANDOK”  (Fairytale adventures)

From 8-19 th April ,2019

This project was a collaboration between 4 countries: Serbia, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. We came to the idea around the Digital Theme week which was organized in Hungary in April, and we chose to make a mini-eTwinnig project for easier communication and collaboration. The main idea was to make a project about Hungarian fairytales, but in an innovative, modern and digital way. The age of the included children was from 5-9.

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