
About elenavladescu

Elena Vladescu is a Physics and ICT secondary school teacher in Slatina, Romania. Additionally, she is a teacher trainer of Olt county Didactic Body House. She is also Scientix Ambassador in Romania, eTwinning ambassador, Europeana DSI-4 group member and an award winner in several competitions (eTwinning Awards and national competitions). She has received European Quality Label for her eTwinning projects and coordinated Comenius and Erasmus+ projects.

Let’s build a house not shaken by an earthquake!

My name is Elena Vladescu, I am Scientix Ambassador for Romania and on 14.04.2019, I organized the activity “Let’s build a house not shaken by an earthquake!”.

This was a practical activity for 17 years old students for constructing a mock-up of an earthquake resistant building. I used Scientix resources in order to make a more interesting and attractive activity for my pupils to practice what they learn. The main Scientix resouce used was Constructing Earthquake-Proof Buildings – Student Worksheet For Upper Secondary Education available here:


I used also Crossword Puzzle On Seismology – Student Worksheet For Upper Secondary Education from here


and ERIS Educational Package “Physics Of Earthquakes – Extended” from here http://www.scientix.eu/resources/details?resourceId=21445.

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