
About gerogioschatzigeorgiou

I'm a biologist teacher and coodrinator of European projects at the 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro - Thessaloniki, Greece., such as Erasmus+ and etwinning.

Active South Aegean volcanic arc and natural disasters through history by Alexandros Chatzipetros, assistant professor, Department of Geology A.U.Th.​, eHAND project «Enceladus» meeting in Oreokastro, 23-27 April 2018

Where is the south Aegean volcanic arc?
What is a volcanic arc?
Natural Disasters throughout History

You can read the presentation at the following link:


Are you playing games with me? Are you serious? by Crhistos Alexakis, Mathematician, 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro, eHAND project, «Enceladus» meeting in Oreokastro, 23-27 April 2018

Serious games are the accepted term for games with an educational intent.

There are many definitions and ways of classifying educational games, serious games and their relationship to virtual worlds and simulations.

Identifying games that can be used for education is complex. We can say that serious games are games designed for a purpose beyond pure entertainment.


«Getting ready for an earthquake» students’ booklet during the eHAND Erasmus+ «Enceladus» meeting in Oreokastro – Greece

«Getting ready for an earthquake» students booklet during the eHAND Erasmus+ «Enceladus» meeting in Oreokastro – Greece


Be informed about the earthquake

To be informed about earthquakes, you can first of all listen to the radio or watch the news. You can also count the time which separates you from the last big earthquake and read articles and books about this topic in order to be well informed about all those things. In addition, you can just talk to the emergency staff and ask them to prepare you properly….


STEM & IBSE in action: earthquakes and engineering in the classroom (Erasmus+ eHAND meeting at the 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro – Greece)

As concerning the European Erasmus+ Programme, our school, the 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro, is planning to run a STEM lesson titled “Earthquakes & Engineering in the classroom”. Although we cannot escape earthquakes, as they can happen in any unpredictable time, we can resist them by designing anti-seismic buildings (hospitals, houses, skyscrapers, bridges, roads etc).
