
About Gülsüm ATİLE

Scientix Ambassador

Nature’s S.T.E.A.M. ”School Crane Sorting Metal Waste”

Class: Kindergarten
Recommended Time: 25×5 minutes

The aim of our project is to raise a new generation that protects our nature. While doing this, it is to use natural resources correctly and to find solutions to daily life problems with STEM skills. To use natural resources correctly and to find solutions to daily life problems with STEM skills. By separating the wastes as metal, plastic and wood with a magnetic separator crane, we have provided the construction of a crane that saves the nature.
– Child and nature education
Pollution of nature, felling of trees and fires, conscious consumer society, reduction of plastic use, ecological literacy
– Facilitating students’ learning with the use of technology
-Our goal is to develop students’ cognitive, psycho-motor, language, self-care, social-emotional skills through workshops.

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Problem Statement: In order for waste to be recycled, it must be properly separated. Glass waste should be together, plastics should be together, metal waste should be together. Sometimes this may not be possible. All wastes can be found in a mixed state. In such cases, can we easily separate metal wastes from other wastes? How can we separate the waste down to the smallest piece of metal?
Engage: The teacher asks the children to bring Newton-related images, paper clips and magnets to the class. A center of interest is created with all the materials brought. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the center of interest. They review the materials that come with the children. The teacher took a pencil and asked, “What will happen if I put down this pencil?” she asks. After the answers received, she puts down the pen. Observing the pencil falling to the ground, “Why do you think the pencil falls to the ground? The question is asked. Ask the children to guess. One day, while Newton was sitting in the shade of an apple tree, an apple fell on his head. “I found it!” he shouts. Well, what do you think he might have found?” Their ideas are taken.

Course Flow:

By examining the pictures about Newton and painting the images, it is talked about that he made many discoveries in the fields of mathematics and physics.

Magnet attracts metals to itself
Pulls, pulls. None of them can escape.
The magnet immediately finds the metals
Pulls, pulls. None can escape

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EXPLANATION : A table is placed in an area where children can see it. Paper clips are placed scattered on the table. By moving the magnet under the table, the teacher causes the paper clips to be drawn towards the magnet. “It’s called the law of gravity.” All children are allowed to move the magnet.

We used the project-based learning method GEMS training model.

DEEPENING: Damages caused by wastes to the environment; air pollution, global warming, groundwater pollution, damage to vegetation, fire and explosions. How can we create a design that can easily separate metals from other wastes by taking advantage of the magnetic field effect?
Learning by design model and project based learning method are applied .
The prepared setup is exhibited and each group presents the design to the other groups.

https://wordwall.net/en/resource/9156487/m%C4%B1knat%C4%B1s (Game)

EXPLORE: Children are told that they are going to play a game to defy gravity. The necessary materials for the game (two tennis balls, two hair dryers, four plastic plates) are prepared. Chairs are placed at the start and end points. Plastic plates are placed on the chairs and tennis balls are placed in the plates at the starting point. Two volunteer students are selected and asked to proceed to the starting point. By starting the machine with the start command, the students are made to turn their mouth upwards and leave the ball towards the air flow in a way that comes to the mouth of the machine. Thus, the ping pong ball stays in the air by itself against gravity. The child who gets the ball into the plate at the finish point without dropping it wins the game. The game continues until all children have played.

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Zero waste : We built a crane that collects metal waste

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Nature’s Steam School Our Collaborative Work:Crana orting Metal Waste – YouTube

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Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: joana-vinc-miknatis.jpeg

melek stem discovery blog – YouTube

EVALUATION: Afterwards, each group evaluates the design prepared by the other groups. For this, he creates a rubric suitable for each class work and problem situation.
Are the magnets large enough to separate metals? (5 points)
Are the materials you use in your design solid? (5 points)
How original are the materials you use in your design? (5 points)

Author: Scientix Ambassador Gülsüm Atile Hakkı Tatoğlu, Primary School Antalya Turkey

Project Team:

  • Stanislawa Stepien Kielce, Poland Przedszkole Samorządowe nr 18 w Kielcach
  • Dilek Yıldırım Petek Aksu İlkokulu Türkiye
  • Andrea Izabela Botos CAREI, RomaniaLICEUL TEORETIC CAREI
  • Fatma Öz Manavgat Anaokulu Türkiye
  • Melek Çılgın Mustafa Şimşek Anaokulu Muratpaşa/ Türkiye
  • Ewelina Koziol Kielce, Poland Przedszkole Samorządowe nr 18 w Kielcach
  • Joana Leitão Montijo, Portugal Agrupamento de Escolas de Montijo
  • Hülya Çevik Değirmendere İlkokulu Alanya Türkiye
  • Ola Navara Przedszkole z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi w Koziegłowach Koziegłowy, Poland
  • Semran Kaya Alper Duru Anaokulu Konyaaltı Türkiye
  • Zeliha Alaç Hayme Hatun Anaokulu Manavgat
  • Özlem Esen Yılmaz Sugözü Cemal Coşkun Ortaokulu Alanya Türkiye
  • Ülfet Öncel Hanım Ömer Çağıran İlkokulu Muratpaşa/ Antalya

S.T.E.A.M. For Happy World “Power sources-Motion / Robots”

Problem situation: The world is getting more and more crowded and there are many things people have to do.
they have responsibilities. Cooking, cleaning the house, etc. Guys do you know electricity
Before the broom was invented, cleaning was done with a grass broom. To make our life easier
Scientists have developed some machines. For example, vacuum cleaner. vacuum cleaner
Manpower was needed to use it. Then the scientists thought a little more,
They worked and began to design these tools in such a way that they could do the job on their own. Electricity
they made robot vacuums that are more capable than their vacuum cleaners. Well guys, we people’s lives
How can we make robots to make it easier?
The teacher brings a toy robot to the class to attract the attention of the students. robot toy
and students are made to observe. Meanwhile, the teacher asks some questions.
➢ Where have you seen a robot before?
➢ Who makes the robots?
➢ What movements can robots make?
➢ What do robots do?
➢ Where are robots used? etc.”
After listening to the answers, educational films about robots are watched.

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Activity Type: Mother Tongue, Drama and Music Activities (Integrated large and small group
Learning process
• The teacher reads a story about robots to the children.
• After the story, the teacher asks the children about the differences between robots and humans.
“Robots do not work according to their own will, but according to our programming.”
He says they will play a game and asks the children to stand up.
—Now I’m going to push your button and turn it on, and then smack the children’s noses one by one.
touches. Children move around the classroom with free movements.
The teacher then:
—Squat, walk slowly/fast, scratch your head, run, raise your arm, jump, somersault, etc. movement
gives instructions.
—Aaaah, you’re getting loud voices, what do you need? he asks the children
As for the “oil” response:
—Then I’ll lubricate you immediately, he says, and touches the children’s ears.
—Getting oily cheered up my robots, how nice! says.
—Now you’re out of energy, you stop, it’s said, and they ask the kids what they need for energy.
is asked. After the answers received, the energy they want is given. The battery is inserted/plugged in. To robots
new commands are given one by one this time.
—You be the robot picking up the fallen toys, I press your button.
—You, be the robot that fixes the puppet corner, routine chores in the classroom to every kid like I’m making you work
assigned a task.
—Now pair up. Let one of you be the robot and the other the owner of the robot, they are called and they play for a while.
Then they sit on the floor, explaining the roles they take in the play.
• Then the music activity is started. Children sing lyrics and robots with musical accompaniment.
repeats his movements.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5etx3O1Hr9U (robot and motion themed sample songs)

Ece Şirin-Dr.Ufuk Ege Kindergarten/Turkey (Our trip to Feza Gürsey Science Center on Electricity) – YouTube

• Do people have the freedom to choose about their own behavior?
• When you became a robot, did you act according to my wishes or according to your own will?
• What movements did you have difficulty with while playing the robot role?
• Which part of the song and which movement did you like the most in the music event?
• If you were designing a robot, what movements would you make it do?
Activity: Moving Pencil Experiment (Science Activity)
Materials: 1 balloon, 1 pencil, 1 full water bottle
Learning Process: First of all, the teacher tells the children the name of the experiment they will do and
introduces the materials they will use in the experiment. Then tell them how to do the experiment.
starts. First he puts the pencil on the bottle of water. Then the balloon is inflated and pen
It is brought closer to the right and it is ensured that the children observe the movement. All children’s experience
are given the opportunity to do so. Next, they are asked what makes the pen move.
Emphasizing the subject of electrification, it is said that the pen can be moved by electrification.
It is noted that objects can be moved with different tools and resources.

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Event: Two-Dimensional Art Event
Materials: Crayons, colored paper, scissors, cardboard and glue.
Preparation: A worksheet consisting of robot parts is distributed to students. parts of the robot
They are asked to decorate with materials such as crayons or colored paper. Then the pieces
cut with scissors. The robot is created by sticking it on another cardboard. A name for every kid robot
puts it on and introduces it to his friends. At the last stage, the names of the students are written and their products are placed on the board.
hangs. (This activity is a free-cut geometric figure without the worksheet.
It can also be prepared by combining.)
Activity 1: Making a 3D Robot (Small Group Art Activity)

Purpose: Creating original products (prototypes) suitable for the given problem situation

  1. Investigation of the characteristics of robots
  2. Drawing robot designs.
  3. Making the robot.
  4. Introduction of robots
    Required materials:
  5. Cartons, boxes, rolls, bottles, etc. waste
  6. Button for eye etc. residual materials
  7. Adhesive
  8. Scissors

Problem situation: If you were an engineer, it would help people, make their job easier
How can we design a robot?
• First of all, the problem situation is given to the students and the ideas of the children are given by brainstorming.
is taken. Then, worksheets are distributed to students to design their own robots.
They draw the robot of their dreams. The teacher asked the students, “What can your robot do? Which
made up of parts? What moves can he make?” in students’ drawings with questions such as
movement, usage area etc. guides them to add features. Then the class goes into groups of four.
are separated.
• At the last stage, the groups are given residual materials and the three-dimensional robot making activity begins.
• Each group shares their product with their teacher and friends and examines the different designs.
seizes the opportunity. The contribution of the robots they designed to the solution of the problem was discussed.
The similarities/differences between the designs are examined. The aim here is that the student does what he or she does.
It is to provide peer learning by comparing with others.
Additional Activities: (Reading-Writing Preparation Activities)
Purpose: Creating original products (prototypes) suitable for the given problem situation

  1. Investigation of the characteristics of robots
  2. Drawing robot designs.
  3. Making the robot.
  4. Introduction of robots
    Required materials:
  5. Cartons, boxes, rolls, bottles, etc. waste
  6. Button for eye etc. residual materials
  7. Adhesive
  8. Scissors
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    Engineering Integration
    • At this stage, the teacher asked the students, “How can we move the robots?” question
    asks. After receiving the answers of the students, the students were educated about robotic coding.
    video is played. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BAaRcuJWh0 (robotic coding)
    • Then it shows the movement chart below and the moves in this chart first
    with their bodies; then play dough, lego, stick, rope, etc. asks them to create with tools.
    Activity: Making a Somersault Robot with Simple Tools (Large Group Event)
    Materials: 1 gearmotor, 4 ice cream sticks, 6 mm copper cable, 1.5 mm
    copper table, 2 leds, 1 mini switch, 3v coin battery 2032, 1 pen battery
    • It is stated that scientists have created new robots that are very similar to human movements.
    and the video is watched. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LCAFRt2VMo Previous
    The importance of the concept of movement by associating it with the concepts of movement taught in the lessons
    is talked about.
    • The materials are introduced one by one and the children are examined.
    • Then, the materials were combined with the help of a teacher or an adult, and the children’s
    They are allowed to operate the robot and make observations.
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Mathematics Integration
At this stage, teaching students rhythmic counting, geometric shapes and addition
is targeted.
In the first activity below, students’ rhythmic counting skills up to 7 and the number of robots
They are asked to draw the geometric shape (circle) on the part in the space. In the activity on the left
The concepts related to the collection process are included.

Author: Gülsüm Atile Scientix Ambassador

Project Team :

Barbara Trivelli ,Ece Şirin , Şerife Uysal Demet Karakaya, Ayça Demir, Neşe Yağcı , Kıymet Yalçın, Fazilet İ. Ketboğa , Şeyma Tan, Apostolia Beka , Krista Rakallidou, Ausenda Silva ,Joana Leitao,Stanislawa Stepien .



Class: Kindergarten


Recommended Time: 25×5 Minutes

Concepts: time, space, location, direction

With the Stem approach aimed within the scope of the Green Stem eTwinning Project, planned at the end of the discovery learning process;
“*Develops prototypes as part of a circular design process.
*Develops strategies that leverage technology to achieve personal learning goals. It is aimed that students create a product by using the “clock, compass and electrical circuit” activities and the process cycle of imagination and design.
It is our basic approach to train individuals who have developed the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of this learning process, and students who have developed transfer skills, who design and produce, who are sensitive to the environment and the world they live in, who can design their own future, who can work in teams, who offer solutions and produce.

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Source: Gülsüm Atile

Problem Statement: How do we understand the passage of time? How do we find our direction.
How does a light bulb light? What is the name of the insect that gives natural chic? What do we invent by looking at this insect?

Students are asked to bring their broken watches from home.
Clocks are removed and put back on. Clock is a tool for measuring time.
It allows to measure the difference between two different times within the scales created by humans.
The angles between the digits of the clock are 30 degrees. The clock is considered one of the most important inventions in the world.
There are many types of watches. Clocks that we hang on the walls and wear on our wrists accompany us in a large area of our lives.
The watch, which we can follow the time, also has an adventure of invention. So, who found the clock? Who invented the clock? When was the clock discovered? The clock was first used in Egypt around 4000 BC.
The Egyptians discovered that the Sun rises and sets in a certain order every day. Taking advantage of this, they succeeded in inventing the sundial.
In this type of clock, the hour was calculated by looking at the shadow length formed by an upright object according to the angle of incidence of the Sun.
However, the sundial was lacking. He could not work at night because there was no sun. Thereupon, the Ancient Egyptians invented the hourglass and the water clock.

The date 1524 went down in history as the first date in which wind-up watches were made. German locksmith Peter Henlien produced the first known wind-up watch in history.

In the 1550s, the number of mechanical watches in the world had increased greatly, and the winding watches were replaced by mechanical watches.

Most of the watches produced were of German and French production. In 1575, Swedish and English manufacturers appeared. But at that time, watches were seen as an accessory tool.

 In other words, watches were a fashion attempt, apart from the development of the watch literally.

Changes after 1600 did not essentially change this view of fashion and accessories. Now watches were seen as pure jewelery and were worth jewellery.

The first pendulum clock was produced in 1656.

In 1704, a manufacturer named Dullier tried to replace some of the brass pieces with jewellery.

The pendulum clock made by George Graham in 1721 broke new ground with its punctuality. This pendulum clock was only running 1 second a day.

The watch made by John Harrison in 1761 was the one with the lowest strabismus rate among watches made up to that time. Just 0.02 seconds per day was a surprise, the maker of this watch, John Harrison, was awarded the prize money. The prize was worth $10 million.

In 1800, a pocket chronometer was made for the first time, meaning the second was pocketed for the first time.

In 1850, a large-scale watch factory was opened for the first time in America, and mass production began for the first time.

In 1952, the first battery-powered watches began to be produced, working with batteries “miraculously” and reaching the durability and precision that no winding watch could match.

In 1970, the first electronic clocks in history began to appear in the markets.


Astronomical watch,Astrarium,Atomic watch,Quantum watch,Quartz watch,Marine timepiece,

Wristwatch,Waterproof wristwatch,Analog watch,Train watch,Solar watch,Diving watch,Pocket watch,

Braille watch,Mechanical watch,Automatic watch ,Stopwatch,Water clock,Cuckoo clock,Pendulum clock,

Digital clock,Turkish Clock,Fire clock,Electronic clock,Real time clock,Beacon clock,Game clock,Tourbillon,

Timer,Turret clock,Time clock,Tide clock,Talking clock, Alarm clock,Oil lamp clock,Chemical clock,Street clock,

Torsionally pendulum clock,Color changing clock,Rolling ball clock,Nuremberg clock,Fireplace clock,Musical clock,

Lantern clock,Lighthouse clock,Flip clock,Flying pendulum clock,Transport clock ,Cartel clock,Bracket clock,Dual clock

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Source: Gülsüm Atile / Permission from parents given to Gülsüm Atile
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Source: Gülsüm Atile / Permission from parents given to Gülsüm Atile
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Source: Gülsüm Atile / Permission from parents given to Gülsüm Atile
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Source: Gülsüm Atile
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Source: Gülsüm Atile / Permission from parents given to Gülsüm Atile


A device used primarily in transportation and land surveying, to determine directions on Earth.

Compasses; They work magnetically or gyroscopically or with the principles of determining direction relative to a star. The oldest type of compass is the magnetic compass that shows the directions according to the Earth’s magnetic field, and the word compass is often used synonymously with the magnetic compass.

The magnetic compass is a magnetized needle that is used to observe the direction of the earth’s magnetic field and helps to find a position by taking bearings. It is contained in a box made of a non-magnetic material.

 Other measuring devices, the basic organ of which consists of a movable magnet, are also referred to by this name.

Compass has been translated into Turkish from bussola which is an Italian word .

The working principle of the compass: The compass needle, which is the most important part of the magnetic compass and is in a magnetic field, is mounted on the compass body so that it can move freely.

When the compass needle is released, it always points in the same direction. The pointing of the needle in the same direction is due to the fact that there is a force on earth that pulls the needle. The earth is like a gigantic magnet with one end to the north and the other to the south. The magnetism of the earth causes the compass needle to rotate towards the magnetic north (the north pole of the magnetic field).

The first compasses were produced using magnet stone. First, the sailors; When they placed a small piece of magnet stone on a litter and dropped it into the water, they discovered that the litter aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field lines and one end points to the Pole Star.

This discovery was immediately followed by a second one. An iron or steel needle, which was brought into contact with the magnet stone for a long time, was also aligned in the north-south direction.

The compass was probably discovered separately by Chinese and European sailors in the 12th century.

According to another theory, it was first discovered by the Chinese and reached European civilization through the Arabs.[citation needed]

The first mention of the compass in France began in 1200. This was followed by England in 1207 and Iceland in 1213. Back then, the compass had a primitive structure.

The first important development was Pierre de Maricourt (1269). After threading the needle into a mile, he placed it inside a graduated box with one side transparent.

ART ACTIVITY: Pictures of clock types are now complemented by materials.


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Source: Gülsüm Atile
Source: Gülsüm Atile / Permission from parents given to Gülsüm Atile

DEEPENING: Engineering Integration:



 Using switch, generator, and socket to make circuits and recognize the three elements that must be present in an electrical circuit. Making open circuit and closed circuit according to the switch state.


1-How can we create a simple electrical circuit? What elements are in an electric circuit? Discuss.

2-How to create series and parallel circuits in an electrical circuit? Please search.

3-What do you understand when you say open circuit and closed circuit? Discuss.


1.power supply

2nd socket (with lamp)

3rd key

4.connection cable


1-Plug a connection cable to the ( + ) and ( – ) poles of the power supply.

2-Connect one end of the connection cable to the switch and the other end to the light bulb.

3-When the key is in the on position, turn on the power supply by bringing it to 3-4.5 volts.

4- Observe that the bulb does not light when the key is in the open position.

5-This time, turn off the switch, complete the circuit and observe that the bulb is lit.

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Circuit with no current is called “open circuit”, circuit with current is called “closed circuit”.


The uninterrupted conductive path that provides the movement of electric charges from one end of the generator to the other is called an “electrical circuit”. The direction of the current in an electrical circuit is from the (+) pole to the (-) pole.

Mathematics Integration:

Placing the numbers of the clock correctly. Placing the directions of the compass correctly. Placing the materials correctly in a simple electrical circuit.

The project-based learning method is applied by using the learning-by-doing method.

EVALUATION :Attributes Yes No Undecided
Engineering:How many batteries did you put in the electrical circuit?   
Measuring: Does the bulb turn on when the switch is opened in the electrical circuit?   
Time: When the switch in the electrical circuit is closed, the bulb goes out.     
Was it fun to build the electrics?   
Do you want to do the same activity again?   
Can we find our way when we lose our way?   
We find our way with the compass.   
Does the clock show the time?   
Did you like the activities?   
Author : Scientix Ambassador Gülsüm Atile Hakkı Tatoğlu Primary School Muratpaşa / Antalya

Project Team :

Aynur Akhundova Qobustan, Cəyirli kənd ümumi orta məktəbi Azerbaijan Stanisława Stępień Kindergarten Self-Government No.18 in Kielce/Poland Apostalia Beka-4th kindergarten of N. lonia Greece
Melek Çılgın-Mustafa Şimşek Kindrgarten-Antalya-Türkiye
Joana HG Leitao, EB Caneira-Montijo, Portugal
Şerife Uysal-Şekibe Aksoy Primary School-Konya /Türkiye Salih Çalık-Kestel Mehmet Akif Ersoy Primary School-Bursa/Türkiye
Ayça Demir-Türkoğlu Primary School-Ankara/Türkiye
Emel Cansevdi-Helvacı Primary School-İzmir/Türkiye
Mehtap Demirel-Şehit Bebek Mustafa Bedirhan Karakaya Kindergarten Małgorzata Ira Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy im. ks. J. Twardowskiego w Radomsku Poland Valentina Shkreta Fushe Kruje, Albania Ndrec Cup
Tuba Şen-Şehit Faruk Erarslanoğlu Primary School-Ankara/Türkiye
Seher Bedir-Çukurca Fan Club Primary School/Türkiye Nurullah Gürbüz Kestel Mehmet Akif Ersoy Primary School-Bursa/Türkiye Evangelia Triantafyllou 2nd Kindergarten Peania Attica Greece Maria Zindato ICS “Sant’Eufemia” di Lamezia Terme Italy

One Seed One Sapling For A World

Event Name-Content: One Seed One Sapling ( Climate Change )

Type of Activity: Science and Nature Art Activity (Integrated Large and Small Group Activity)

In my single seed sapling scenario, we enabled our students to discover and learn what we can do to instill a love for trees, protect our world from the negative effects of global warming, and raise awareness about climate change. We learned the benefits of trees and forests for our world. We made seed balls that cannot be thrown from the accumulated waste paper. We observed our seed balls and acorns, we were responsible for their care. When we reached a sufficient size, we planted them in nature with our families.

Achievement and Indicators:

Motor Development : K4: Makes the movements that require the use of small muscles. ( Pours the objects from the container to the container. Gives the materials to the shape with their hands. It cuts the materials. Bonds the materials)

Cognitive Development : K 2: Predicts about an object / situation / event. ( Tells the guess about the object / situation / event. Examines the real situation. )

K5: Observes the object or entities. (Tells the color of the object / entity.

K 17: Establishes a cause-effect relationship. ( Tells the possible reasons of an event. Tells the possible consequences of an event. )

K 19: Produces solutions to problem situations. ( Tells the problem. Suggests various solutions to the problem . Chooses one of the solutions. )

Language Development : K5: Uses language for communication purposes. ( Participates in a conversation. He tells his feelings, thoughts and dreams .)

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Pre-school Gain Centered Stem Implementation Plan Let’s Make a Basketball Pot

Let’s Make Basketball Hoops: We made mini basketball hoops from cardboard boxes to learn about sports with recycling. It is a fun educational game for our students to stay at home. They played very fondly and we did the ball throwing race online, we chose the 1st team. We made them do a sports activity that develops their small muscle skills. We ensured them to play with cardboard boxes and balls to spend quality time with their families.

Ünit : Healty Lifestyle

Age : 3-6 age

Time: 8 Hours


Behaviors Expected To Be Gained By Students

  • offering solutions to problems
  • estimating measurement results
  • doing sports activities
  • self-expression basis

Associating stem attachment with lessons

SCİENCE : To take the necessary precautions for health, to understand the importance of sports in terms of health

MATH :  Predicts non-standard measurement results.

TEKNOLOJI  : Makes the necessary research by using media literacy

 21st CENTURY SKILLS : Problem solving , Communication skills, Innovation


The teacher opens the video in the link below to the students and tries to apply the movements with the video in a synchronized manner with the students.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: steam-stem-kesif.jpeg
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