
About Gülsüm ATİLE

Scientix Ambassador

Magnetized Green Car

The primary cause of global warming is vehicles burning fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel. However, since natural gas and oil are not entirely of organic origin, we can call them hydrocarbons in general. Based on the fact that electric vehicles do not burn hydrocarbons, we can say that they are more environmentally friendly and do not emit toxic exhaust smoke and greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
If we use electric or magnetic tools to protect our environment and prevent global warming, we can make our environment more livable.

Our digital STEM project aims to increase the interest of our students in the fields of science, technology, mathematics and engineering. Apart from this, it is aimed to train students who can think creatively, solve problems and have 21st century skills by integrating STEM disciplines with each other. In our project, the batteries of Ahmet’s car run out and cannot be changed. remembers that they can walk with the magnetic effect of the magnet. He moves his car with the method of trial and error.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: stem-dicoveryweek.jpg
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Collecting Machine ; I COLLECT – PLAY

Purpose of the Lesson Plan: We call it zero waste, we make (Collecting Machine ) “TOTALS” with waste bottles. We have fun and learn by collecting in Stem Discovery Week.

ENGAGE: The Collector Machine, designed using waste bottles, was built to raise awareness among students about preventing global warming and reducing the use of plastic. In addition, we realized our engineering design by contributing to the mental development of students with concrete operations in mathematics. During the Stem discovery week, they learned the gathering process by having fun

The teacher shows a card with a plus (+) sign to the children and asks about the meaning of this sign. After the answers of the children, it is explained that the sign is a plus sign and it is used in incrementing operations. (The plus sign is used in addition in mathematics. Addition means the increase of numbers and objects.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: aski.png
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With this study, we aim to raise our students’ awareness about global warming from an early age and to be ecologically literate by having information about renewable energy sources due to the greenhouse gas effect. Individuals who are ecologically literate act in their personal lives with the awareness they have about how life processes function, such as clean energy and responsible production.

With this project, project partner teachers will learn to make an interdisciplinary STEM plan in accordance with the curriculum-integrated (gain-oriented) 5E model.

In the lessons, the project teachers will learn how to plan, design products, and apply STEM plans. With STEM studies, students will gain the skills of collaboration, teamwork, inquiry, research, critical thinking, solving daily life problems and analyzing what we call 21st century skills.

The image is the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)
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Author: Gülsüm Atile

I, Antalya Hakki Tatoglu Primary School teacher, organised several projects. I’m the founder of this eTwinning project. I have been doing STEM-related projects for 2 years.

This project is aimed to support 21st-century competencies, improve students ‘ scientific thinking and problem-solving skills, and adopt STEM disciplines as innovative and entrepreneurial individuals. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) related activities are studied. (With this project, the project partners- teachers learnt how to make an interdisciplinary STEM plan in accordance with the curriculum integrated (acquisition-oriented ) 5e model.

Project teachers learnt to make STEM teaching plans appropriate for their lessons. Students will have the skills of collaboration, teamwork, inquiry, research, critical thinking, solving daily life problems and analyzing.

We have worked with 67 teachers and 13 other European countries on our project called STEM club to STEM school. We aimed to help preschool students find solutions to their daily life problems related to STEM by using their creativity.

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