Leonardo da Vinci Bridge – “Self Supporting Bridge”

Our Self Supporting Bridge event; We planned to get to know the world-famous painter and engineer Leonardo Da Vinci, who lived in the fifteenth century, and one of his works, to see how to build a bridge without using nails or any other clamps.
By watching a video about Leonardo Da Vinci’s life, students learned about Leonardo da Vinci, one of the engineers with the most surprising intelligence. They also had the opportunity to examine the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, a famous painter.

They examined some of Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions that shed light on the Helicopter, Tank design and anatomy studies. Developed by Leonardo Da Vinci; they learned about bridge design that we could build using only long boards and wooden sticks, without the need for hammers and nails. The working logic of the bridge lies in the fact that the materials used can be clamped together without slipping. The parts that lean against each other never slide so that there is no collapse. The reason why the parts do not slide is that the system transfers the weight on the wooden bars exactly in the middle. Each plank, placed parallel to the bridge, presses the wooden bars on which they rest against each other. This ensures that the bridge parts are clamped together as the weight on the bridge increases.

The students, who discovered how to build the da Vinci bridge, completed the bridge design with great excitement. Students developed their problem solving, cooperation, responsibility, and creative thinking skills. Thus, it positively affected the students’ perspectives on science and engineering.

AERO-Learning Scenario Habitat on the Moon

This learning scenario aims to teach students some basics about the Moon. By designing, students will experience STEM, learn the Moon subject in the Life Sciences curriculum. Also develop their research and design skills. Airbus Foundation Discovery Space videos were used in the learning scenario.

Moon, Atmosphere, Design, Life, Exploration

Integration into the curriculum

Observations of the moon are integrated into the National curriculum. This topic is one of the main topics of the course. The moon aims to provide general information about it. Students are expected to observe the moon and learn its structure.

Aim of the lesson / Learning Objectives
This learning scenario; It aims to teach students to observe the Moon, to teach basic knowledge about the
structure and properties of the Moon. It enables students to design and create a poster about the moon to
establish a living space on the moon.

Results of the lesson
At the end of this course, the students. Will be able to explain the properties of the moon. They will create a living space on the moon.He prepared a poster about the moon.


STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics will be taught together.
Design Thinking: is a process for creative problem solving.
Poster: Preparing a presentation with student information.
21st century skills and Creativity / Design Thinking / Inquiry-Based Science Education
Depending on which series you are working with, we encourage you to focus on these pedagogical topics:
Creativity: Students use their creativity in living space design.
Critical thinking: Students use critical thinking processes such as reasoning, analysis, evaluation across videos and their research.

Collaboration: Students collaborate while creating posters and making presentations.
Innovation: Students design an innovative material for life on the Moon.
Problem solving: Students solve a problem according to the instructions given to them.
Communication: Students communicate with each other during the poster preparation phase.
Productivity: Students produce by preparing a design and a poster.

Moon, habitat design

All the visuals belong and were provided by the Author – Attribution CC-BY

Teacher’s remarks
The course was applied online. There were no problems during the process. Successfully implemented.