
About iradulescu

Hello. I am Iuliana Rădulescu, teacher in Primary School " Abecelus" from Republic of Moldova. Education through STEM activities is opportunity to develop yourself and motivated students to be involved in science.

First steps in STEM carreers

We are look for STEM careers!

The results of the latest research have shown the need for qualified people in the field of science. And for this we need to develop a love for the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics from an early age. For this reason, the need to integrate STEM activities is a current one, which contributes to the vocational development of students in the first stages of the educational process.

The most favourable way to cultivate one’s love for learning is to encourage curiosity and children should be inspired from a young age to ask questions, to explore and to play.

The essence of STEM activities is based on finding solutions to real-world problems and focuses on project-based learning.
Based on this premise, first grade students were chellenged to find solutions for real problems. Namely how could they navigate the unknown space of the school!
The students, in turn, came up with the following solutions:

  • to explore the environment, taking a tour of the school;
  • to make the scheme of the school, indicating the position of the classrooms and other spaces inside the institution;
  • draw the route they need to take in order to get rom the classroom to the library, gym or any other destination inside the building.

In order to accomplish this task, our first graders used the programming algorithm. Thus taking the first steps to develop computational thinking in turn, stimulating the creative potential. This is not just about technology, but about one’s own development.
Therefore, by integrating STEM activities, learning opportunities were created in a pleasant and safe environment. The first graders got involved with pleasure and enthusiasm, discovering that the learning and knowledge process is friendly and fun!

STEM activites are fun and easy to learn!