To comprehend and apply STEM principles in making and utilizing wall paints. Students explore the history of paints and the type of paint used in their homes and the reason for using it. They measure the length, breadth and height of their classroom in group and home living room [individual] and determine the amount of paint they would require for 2 coats. They will decide upon the choice and colour for the walls and ceilings and share their scientific and aesthetic reasons for the same.
Structure of the Lesson
Introduction of the Lesson
Teacher asks students to study the class walls and share their knowledge on the type of wall
paint used and how it was manufactured.
Teacher shares the following links with students to understand the history of paints.
Tasks designed for the students [Individual]
Teachers asks students to research on the wall paints used in their own home and share the following:
1. Type of paint used:
2. Gallons of paint used:
3. Cost of painting:
4. Properties of the paint used in their homes
5. Living Room dimensions in terms of length, breadth and height
Students present their findings to their peers through peer –peer interaction.
Teachers with students create a bar chart to know the various types of paints used by students in their home and the frequency. Students will analyze the findings.
Group Tasks for students
Students are divided into groups of 5 and they are asked to research on the varieties of paints available in the market and share the composition, utilities and process of making and present their findings through a table or presentation with pictures.
Resource: – A walk through the paint making process
Type of paint | Composition | Utility [Where is it used] | Cost of the paint | Advantage of the paint | Process of making |
Students explore ways to paint a wall
Students will study how to paint a wall.
Class Assignment – House projects/Group
Students will now measure the length, breadth and height of their classroom in group/home living room [individual] and determine the amount of paint they would require for 2 coats. They present their mathematical evaluations to the peer groups and the teacher supports them to arrive at approximations.
Students will decide upon the choice of paint and the colour for the walls and ceilings and share their scientific and aesthetic reasons for the same.
Teachers will design a rubric to evaluate their tasks. Students will solve the quiz on paints and write a 100 words reflection report on the experience.
As a teacher, the experience for me was overwhelming. The students were constantly engaged, they were curious to learn the wall paint used by their peers in their homes and the costing. They were critically evaluating the gallons of paints to be used for their classroom. They were contemplating the colour for classroom walls and the debating between the groups was interesting. some wanted images and some wanted plain walls. Finally, they have now connected the classroom concepts of area, perimeter, mathematical operations, pigments and dyes and much more to wall paints used all around them and appreciating the STEM principles.