As Amasya Şehit Ferhat Ünelli Science and Art Center, we established an eTwinning project called Exploring STEM Careers. 16 different schools and more than 100 students from 7 different countries participated in our project. Within the scope of the project, firstly we prepared projects in accordance with the STEM approach within the scope of a theme we determine every month. Secondly we invited experts from this field for a career talk. In addition, every month students from different schools made presentations to their peers introducing their future professions.
STEM Careers Talks
‘Space’ was chosen as the theme between February 15 and March 15. Therefore we had an online career talk with the academician Astrophysicist Selçuk Topal from Van Yüzüncü Yıl University.
Nearly 300 students between the ages of 10 and 17 from different cities attended the conversation. Dr. Selçuk Topal gave information to the students about space, astronomy and future professions in these fields. After that the students sent all the questions they were curious about to our guest. Our guest answered all questions with great care.
Space themed STEM Projects
Within the scope of the Space theme, our students prepare STEM projects throughout the month. Even during distance education periods due to the pandemic, they come together with online meetings and design their projects. After that our students shared their projects they prepared with other students in the online meeting. In addition They asked each other about the projects. They shared their suggestions.
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