
About Lefter Adriana Silvica

Primary school teacher, Scientix ans eTwinning Ambassador, Mentor and trainer

Literacy in Sciences

Author: Adriana Lefter

Stories, fairytales are one of the learning ways of children since they are young, they come into contact with life experiences, emotions, find themselves in these experiences and learn. If parents or grandparents were reading at first, when they learn the alphabet students can read by themselves to gain new knowledge, to exercise new skills and abilities and to develop new skills. We learnt to do this together with students and teachers from other 4 countries participating into an Erasmus Project Soft Skills for a better life.

Using the text Lars and the Husky puppy, students found the way to learn about the Universe, planet Earth, Continents and Poles, animals and inhabitants.

Even though the main characters of the texts were a polar bear and a husky puppy, it helped us a lot to research the life of the North Pole. Using the Scientix resource on MOST UNCOMMON ARCTIC ANIMALS the students thus discovered the not at all a simple life the animals are living.

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Teaching soft skills through STEM & reading online

Author: Adriana Lefter

My name is Adriana Lefter, primary school teacher in School Elena Doamna, Tecuci – Romania and with my 8 years old students we start a great adventure during this online teaching period.

Starting with the text The Lighthouse keeper`s lunch that we read it online in our meetings, using Google Meet, together and in groups, we explored the text and we carried out various activities. It was a good opportunity for students to communicate in their mother tongue, to express and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, facts and opinions in writing activities as well as communicating them in a foreign language for interpretations or translation of words and expressions. They did this creating comics about the text using online tools as toonytool or drawings by hand, and they add them all on Google Classroom, the platform that we use in this period.

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STEM in primary school, great opportunity for students and teachers

The STEM Discovery Week 2018 was a great opportunity for primary school teachers from School Elena Doamna, from Tecuci, Romania, to use STEM methodologies to study natural disasters.

During the entire week, students studied avalanches, earthquakes, floods, winds and tornadoes, landslides and erosion, forest fires and volcanoes. By making use of STEM methodologies, they experimented, built and learned in a different, but much more interesting, way about natural processes that take place all around us and sometimes affect people’s lives. Parents participated in the activities, visited the hall where the final products were exhibited, listened to the explanations of the children and the information discovered by studying in the most varied forms.

On Thursday, school teachers presented in a workshop their STEM plans to teachers from other schools invited to this event. A great opportunity was the presentation made by some guests about robotics and robots. All were enthusiastic and excited about what they were doing.

On Friday, the last day of SDW 2018, 430 students from primary schools participated in a flash-mob called SAY YES TO STEM, because students wanted to attract the attention of teachers and researchers to move towards this approach in Romanian education.