
About Lorena Elena Olaru

I am secondary school teacher of Physics, Chemistry and ICT, Scientix ambassador for Romania, Innovative Educator Expert at Microsoft Romania, and Esero Romania consul (European Space Education Resource Office). I am addicted to teaching and I am always looking to improve my teaching and learning skills. I have a particular interest in using ICT in the classroom and I love to share ideas and resources.

Series And Parallel Circuits

87 students of 8th grade from Secondary School “Ioan Vlăduţiu” Luduş, Mureş County, Romania, have learned during two weeks (18.III.2019-02.IV.2019) about the parallel and series circuits with the “Electrical Circuit Lab” from Go-Lab / Next-Lab platform

The didactic scenario (https://www.golabz.eu/ils/gruparea-rezistoarelor-serie-%C5%9Fi-paralel) is based on INQUIRY LEARNING SPACE (ILS): SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS, resource on the Scientix platform (http://www.scientix.eu/resources/details?resourceId=6712).  The lessons have been integrated into the school curriculum.

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“Open days” at Technological High School Nr. 1, Luduş

On April 17, 2019, the students of the 8th grade participated in the “Open Days” at Technological High School Nr. 1, Luduş. Students had the opportunity to find out about the material basis and the high school education offer.

On this occasion, we organized meetings with students and teachers, visits to training rooms, laboratories, sports hall, etc.

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What is like to be scientist? What is like to be chemist?

The students of 8th grade from “Ioan Vlăduţiu” Secondary School found out the answers to these questions thanks to the meeting with Paul Cristian Martian, a student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babeş-Bolyai University and a volunteer in the Caravan which promotes the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. For the students, it was an opportunity to interact with a student of this faculty and to learn about a possible career in chemistry.

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How to choose a high school and the right profile!

On March 26th the students of 8th grade from “Ioan Vlăduţiu” Secondary School attended a meeting with Mr Teculescu Daniel, the school counsellor. An honest and open discussion took place about how to choose a path in life. Together they established the toolkit criteria for the decisions on the choice of high school profile to be followed by students.

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What is like to be a scientist?

During the ”STEM Discovery Week 2019” campaign, the 8th grade students from Secondary School “Ioan Vlăduţiu”, Luduş, Romania, will find out the answer to this question. They will participate in several activities in which they will meet face to face with the school counselor, and online with scientists and students from the University of Bucharest and the Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca.

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