
About Malgorzata Kulesza

I am innovator, learning facilitator , designer and coordinator of numerous international projects . Most of the European projects have been highlighted by Erasmus+ National Agency , Ministry of Education and European Commission as role models. . In June 2018 I have been nominated by European Schoolnet as an European Hero in the Euronews Chanel's campaign #Europeanheros.I continuously develop my practice , both as individual and as active participant in several European and Global communities :Council of Europe Pestalozzi Community,- Learn to change, change to learn; Microsoft Innovator Educator Experts (MIEE) ; Community for science education in Europe;Teach SDG. Very important part of my work is implementing and promoting ICT in my school as a powerful tool to promote and support innovative teaching and learning and a wide range of 21st century skills. I have been recognized as global leader in using technology to transform education and awarded the status Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert .

17th SDGs UN as a roadmap for a better future

The Sustainable Development Goals are humanity’s to-do list for a sustainable planet, a clear roadmap for a better future. This matters to each of us because we are all responsible for being a part of the change. SDGs  play a huge part  in my science classrooms. These goals can help me engage students and inform lesson plans.

Discover some of the activities and  projects I have undertaken with my students to  stay on the road to a prosperous planet.

2021 Goals Project by Take Action Global /January 25 – March 4/

The 6-week program brought together over 3,000 schools and classrooms from 118 countries to examine the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their ability to take action through shared experience and use of innovative technologies and practices. Students took  on one Global Goal and worked with students from other countries as they consider both local and global implications. In the final week, students  joined with project partners from the UN in a global online celebration, the Goals Project Day of Solutions, as they shared their learning, actions, and even inventions.

The United Nations has been offering an exclusive Virtual Tour of the UN Headquarters in NYC for all Goals Project teachers and students. 

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Teaching and Learning in Pandemic Times: Sustainable Consumption project

Author: Malgorzata Kulesza

Date: 01/03/2020-22/04/2020

We are facing unprecedented times during COVID-19 pandemic.  I would say the biggest challenge for students, teachers and parents is that we’ve had never done this before, so we are all facing the unknown.

Planning for education in the pandemic requires different approaches. I needed to think and choose how to incorporate a blended learning approach and which tools and pedagogical practices will serve my students best.

Project-based learning is a great solution to teaching in a time of coronavirus. I have focused my teaching on building relationships and creating learning opportunities to help my students understand the world and their place in it.

Recently I have been working with my students on the UN Sustainable Development Goals Projects that included many real-world applications. Now I have used them at the starting point for our online learning.

I have developed online activities to start working on the Sustainable Consumption Project. What we eat not only affects our own health, but also the environment. Food is at the heart of many environmental issues – it’s a significant contributor to climate change and responsible for almost 60% of global biodiversity loss.

I have planned activities which involve a combination of synchronous and asynchronous approaches. A synchronous approach takes place in real-time, allowing instant feedback and clarification. Microsoft Teams gives me the opportunity to set up a live session with my students, to answer their questions and to support each other. An asynchronous approach allowed my students working independently at their own pace, at different times. We use different collaboration tools like Flipgrid, Sway, Wakelet, Padlet, Google Earth, Mentimeter, Microsoft forms, Google Forms and many more.

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Together for the Global Goals

STEM Discovery Week 2019

The aim of this project is to:

– develop competencies that empower students to reflect on their own actions, taking into account their current and future social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts, from a local and a global  perspective

– integrate cultural heritage into science lesson

– enhance 21st – century skills in students learning including communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity

By implementing the ideas above, we have prepared a few mini projects. The activities took place between February and April 2019.

Digitally illustrated climate change – working with Europeana Collection and Pulitzer Center Education Resources 

Using text from “Losing Earth” by Nathaniel Rich and George Steinmetz (published in the New York Time Magazine) and a work of art or image from the Europeana Collection, students created a visual that conveys a part of the history of the climate change debate. Students shared their creations on their personal accounts – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook to showcase all students’ creations together.

Through their stories and the choices that they made, students gained a better understanding of the effects of climate change and our capacity for resilience.


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