
About mcarmen

Pedagogical assessment. Training. Coaching. Coordination. Scientific expert teacher professor - Conferences, workshops, classes, courses, articles. - Planning, Coordination and Assessment of professional organization. - Pilot teacher of teachers' Communities of practices in Projects International. - Textbooks, education material, school guidance, Researcher in the University of Barcelona in health topics. - Management practices in company. Counselling marketing and publishing production. Negotiating. - Science, math and ICT teacher in Primary, Secondary and Professional School. Implement the innovative technologies, active methodologies, cognitive processes, classroom strategies. Leadership in education, school projects. - Scientific and scholarly publishing

Learning Professions with Bees (STEM Family Library Project)

Author: Carmen Diez Calzada

International concern to develop sustainability on Planet Earth challenges us to remember the importance of biodiversity.

Bees are the example of directly delivered benefits to biodiversity components (ecosystems, species and genes) that may contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A family workshop was organised to discover the importance of bees, to experience real and virtual, and to learn professions with bees. It aims to bring science closer to citizens.

The workshop is a part of the STEM Family Library Project started in 2013. Family workshops are organized to spread the knowledge and interest in STEAM subjects within the society. Each workshop enables the participants to travel through a different everyday reality and build knowledge on a family level. At the end, the participating families must complete a challenge at home. Read more about the project here.

Key words: STEM Pofessions, Virtual Experiment, Health, Citizenship, Health studies.

Date: 7 March 2020

STE(A)M Family Library Project evokes interest in STEM trough family workshop and knowledge exchange. Thus, it corresponds to the need for creating a European space, oriented towards the demands of the job market in the 21st century. The methodology developed is Inquiry-Based Science Education.

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Space mission. I’m an astronaut (STEM Family Library project)

Every day we are surprised by the news with new data about the Universe. And 2019 surprises us with the celebration of the Global Science Opera Gravity recalling the works of Einstein. Einstein surprised the scientific community by stating that Gravity, which exists where there is a body, rather than a force in itself, is a geometry. And the presence of a body in space deforms the “space-time” and it is this deformation that attracted the bodies between them.

In 2019 there has been already many spectacular discoveries in the field of astronomy and astrophysics: the first image of a black hole, the confirmation of an exoplanet immersed in an iron storm, the presence of bacteria and fungi in a International space station, the arrival to the Moon by an Israeli ship which however fails to land on it, studies that confirm that Mars was a blue planet millions of years ago.

In this singular year, I propose a brief story about a trip, including travelling in dreams, taking a trip with fantasy characters, turning it into reality, planning a trip to space which we are a part of, to that immensity in which we are insignificant.

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CUIDAMOS LA SALUD DEL MAR Seminario online   ( 11 de abril a las 10:00 de la mañana)

Charla en lengua española acompañada de música de guitarra

Durante este seminario los participantes conocerán la observación marina y la recogida rutinaria de algunos parámetros (temperatura, nutrientes, fito y zooplancton, etc.) . Los centros oceanográficos hacen este trabajo y con esa información pueden determinar el estado de salud de nuestros mares, predecir escenarios futuros y decidir estrategias para conservar la salud de las aguas del planeta Tierra. Conocer el funcionamiento del mar es el primer paso para cuidar la biodiversidad, y los estudiantes y la población en general sois un aliado en la defensa de la salud de los océanos. Speaker: M Carmen García Martínez investigadora del Instituto Oceanográfico español de Málaga.
La composición musical “Náyades” es un canto a la protección y conservación de los mares es un trémolo de guitarra española, en clave de sol menor ; un mensaje que acompañará como música de fondo la comunicación. Compositor: Davida Yáñez Sanahuja.

Global Science Opera 2018, One Ocean, es promueve el cuidado de las aguas del planeta Tierra. La webinar proporciona información para este proyecto CREATIONS, uno de los Proyectos Scientix.


WEBINAR: Ocean Health

OCEAN HEALTH Webinar (9th April at 15:00 PM CET) English language explanation and tremolo guitar.

You will know marine observation and the routinely collection of certain parameters (temperature, nutrients, phyto and zooplankton, etc…). Oceanographic centres work in order to determine the health state of our seas and to predict future scenarios. The analysis of the information collected is fundamental to decide which strategies must be followed to conserve the health of the waters of the planet Earth. Knowing the functioning of the sea is the first step to take care of biodiversity, and students and general population will be an ally in defending the health of the oceans. Speaker: M Carmen García Martínez researcher at the Spanish Institute of Oceanography

“Náyades” is a song tremolo guitar in the key of minor G; it is dedicated to water. Express a desire for protection and conservation of the seas and nature .This message accompanies the webinar as a background. Composer: David Yañez Sanahuja.

The Global Science Opera 2018, a CREATIONS project, develops the need to take care of the waters of the planet Earth as One Ocean. We focused during the webinar on the importance of the routinely collecting ocean parameters and carrying out work in the field of STEAM in relation to the waters of our seas.