Online workshop Brain Lab Challenge of the future

Author: Madlen Christova, 125 Boyan Penev Secondary School

Start date 4/5/2021

End date 4/27/2021

Beneficiaries: students in 7th grade

Activity: The online workshop “Brain Lab” includes preparation and presentation of mind maps on the challenge “What if…” based on topics in mathematics, science and technology. The students work in teams. The mind maps contain hypotheses, forecasts, research of available and necessary resources, interviews (studies) among peers, parents and STEM professionals.

Procedure: The session is realized within the subject “Project Design” in 7th grade. Each team decides the format and the way of presentation: multimedia product; etude; real model. The session ends with a general discussion.

Topics: “What if there is no gravity?”; “What if there are two Suns in our system?”; “What if we all live in an aquatic environment?”; What if there are no numbers? What if we can change the colour of our skin? “If the buildings could move.”

What if there is no gravity?
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Topic: Guardians of the Natural Treasures

Area: Ecology; Natural Science

Author: Snezhana Kostova, 125 High School “Boyan Penev” Sofia, Bulgaria

Beneficiaries: students 8 years.

Duration: 12.04. – 22.04.2021

Summary: Studying the nature around us, mastering ecological knowledge and skills for its conservation, development of analytical thinking.

Resources used: Akademico; Skratsch;;; Presentation;

Building the right worldview and behavior is one of the main goals of education, giving scientific knowledge about nature and developing their cognitive abilities, observation and aesthetic taste to be able to see the beauty in nature. Formation of habits and habits related to nature conservation and education of moral qualities, developing the need to communicate with nature.

In April, a series of events entitled “Guardians of the Natural Treasures” took place, where the knowledge acquired by the students was strengthened and enriched.

In the course of the events, the students in a fascinating and interesting way entered a subject not very familiar to them. They understood the significance of human actions in their interaction with our greatest wealth – Nature. They realized that anyone and at any time can help preserve it in the name of a better future.

In the first stage, students were challenged to become researchers, each with the task of conducting an experiment showing water, soil and air pollution. They kept a diary in which they recorded their assumptions, observations and the final result, with conclusions. Everyone shared that they found it very interesting and liked it.

A selection of pictures is the author’s own (Attribution CC-BY)
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Training session “My smart home”

Author: Jasena Christova, 125 Boyan Penev Secondary School

Start date 4/4/2021

End date 4/20/2021

Beneficiaries: students in 10th and 11th grade

Activity: Far from science fiction, AI is becoming an increasingly common part of our daily lives. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we live.

Think of artificial intelligence and the first thing that comes to mind for most is a machine that can walk, talk, think and most importantly, make decisions the way people do. And while we may be decades away from the things we see in future developments or movies, how to deny the presence of AI all around us. AI is found in many forms. For example, many people talk to their phones or virtual assistants. The car I bought recently has features like an automatic brake, reads the speed signs and warns me if I drive too fast. All of these are examples of how machine automation takes on the role of intelligent people and can therefore be seen as a form of intelligence.

The term cognitive intelligence is increasingly spoken and used. The idea is for intelligent machines to analyze, theorize and update like us.

We monitor our environment; we appreciate it and have an idea of ​​how to react to it. Then we try this idea and if it doesn’t work the way we expect, we try something else. This interactive cycle of observation and learning is what distinguishes mechanized behavior from AI.

Procedure: The session was realized within the subjects “Project Design”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “Career Development” in 10th and 11th grade.

My smart home
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