
About nataliagrushko

My name is Natalia Grushko. I am a teacher from Ukraine. I live in a beautiful town called Zalishchyky that is washed by the Dnister River. I have been teaching Maths and Computer Science at gymnasium. I have taken part in pedagogical skills contests. I prepare students for competitions. Also, we write research papers together. We are actively engaged in project activities. I am happy to have such a wonderful profession. I have some hobbies. I like traveling very much because, as for me, it is great to meet new people from other countries and learn something about their culture and customs. Travel opens me up to brand new experiences. Also, I enjoy cooking and taking pictures. In addition, I really like solving logical tasks, mathematical puzzles and sophisms. I am creative and sociable. I enjoy taking part in various projects and finding interesting colleagues and friends. I am open for cooperation and communication. I will be glad to acquaintance.

An interesting and informative meeting

Ukraine, Zalishchyky State Gimnasia, Natalia Grushko

We had a Skype meeting with an engineer from Saudi Arabia. We have watched a video about a plant and searched for further information on the Internet. Then we asked Mr. Gonzalbo to communicate with us. He told my students about his job at the plant where he works. Students asked then questions which he replied to.


Meteorological station

Ukraine, Zalishchyky State Gimnasia, Natalia Grushko

Recently, a meteorological station was created at the gymnasium, an idea that was developed throughout the year. The head of this project is Dmytro Luchyn, a 10th grade student. He will present his work at the final stage of the competition for the protection of research works in Kyiv.


A wonderful admiration is a step towards a future dream

Ukraine, Zalishchyky State Gimnasia, Natalia Grushko

It is obvious that children love to play games, but how to make these games useful for education? Here is how we solved this problem with LEGO and Rubik’s Cube competitions. For starters, it’s no secret that learning something new helps promote a healthy and happy brain. Each time you learn a new skill you are rewiring the parts of your brain by connecting neurons. The Rubik’s Cube has been around for decades and has always been considered as a fun game, but it also is a great activity to train your brain. This is why the idea of making a competition between first graders has been made. All of the students brought their Rubik’s Cubes and learned how to solve this interesting puzzle all together with teacher’s help. The Lego Education brand has been working with educators for over three decades to develop experiences in the classroom that bring learning concepts to life. Lego is just a toy to some people and the educational benefits of playing with the colourful, multi-faceted bricks aren’t always clear. We have identified eight key benefits of creating, configuring and crafting with Lego. This is why it was interesting to work at school with LEGO. A fun game and a great way to train students’ brain. The first graders had a great time.


STEM – for teachers of mathematics

Ukraine, Zalishchyky State Gimnasia, Natalia Grushko

There was a training conducted with a psychologist for teachers of mathematics in the district on the subject ‘STEM-education at the lessons of Mathematics’. Teachers in the groups created projects for their students, which they will carry out at their schools. There were four groups and each one of them presented their results. Teachers focused on the interdisciplinary connection between different sciences and tried to create new techniques of teaching.



Girls in STEM

Girls from 10th and 11th grades had a great opportunity to listen to a presentation about women who work in STEM. Maryana Dzividzinska was our speaker. She used materials from the social media, online resources and her own life experience. She had a speech about her achievements in subjects like physics, chemistry, economics, biology etc. She shared her experience of winning in a science competition.
