My Space Rocket for STEM

Children are curious and they begin to know and perceive the world at an early age. From the moment they are born, they tend to explore the environment by observing. In the “concrete operations” period, children tend to learn information with the help of materials. The information of children that learned through material becomes more pernament and open to discuss so that’s why we designed a rocket from bottle that will work with water to help our students to improve the interest that they have about space in our eTwinning project “STEM in Space”.

Materials that we used to make our rocket:

Plastic bottle, cork stopper, thick cardboard, bicycle pump, water, scissors, glue, relief valve.

How did we do our rocket:

First, we cut a conical cap and glued it as the tip of our plastik bottle and we made support legs from thick cardboard because our bottle was upside down. Then, we placed the relief valve in the cork stopper in such a way that water does not leak into the mouth of the bottle. Moreover, we put about a quarter of the water in the bottle. After that, we pumped air into the bottle with a bicycle pump. The plastic bottle jumped upwards in ten seconds.

To sum up, as we are awere of the importance of using materials during education period and we want to raise the interest of our students in STEM in Space topic, we desinged a rocket that can work with gas pressure. We hope it will be useful for my fellow colleagues and their dear students. I wish you an education life which is full of material learning eduation and of course space interest.

See you in another contents.

You can access the video of this event taken in our school from the link below.

My Airplane


Pixabay Attribution CC BY

Author : Nilüfer Altındağ Sönmez


Our activity includues Science, technology, engineering and Maths. We conduct our activity with 11 years old students as online. We built a recaycled propeller plane by setting up a simple electrical circuit.

Learning, Planning and Preparation

One of our Science topic was “basic electrical circuits and a working circuit”.

At first, I started my lesson with asking questions about this topic such as “Which abilities do the livings and vehichles have for fling?” and “What do you know about propeller airplanes?” Next, I had some inferences from answers of my students.After that, I asked them to watch these two videos below about aviation.

Then, we had a discussion about “How to do a propeller airplane?”. After they had a idea I let them to drow their own propeller airplane.

Their common idea was making the airplane with using a basic electrical circuit. Because of that I asked some quesitons like “Which circuit components do you know?”, “What are the functions of …?” or “How can e make an airplane with a basic electrical circuit?”

Finally, we built consensus about how to do, we procured about the materials which we are going to use.


We used easy to find materials to do our recayled propeller airplane such as:

-Ice cream sticks

-Wooden skewers


-Bottle caps

-A DC Motor

-A rocer switch

-Connection wires

-A battary

-Hot slicone

-A slicone gun

We used simple steps for making our airplane. You can see the steps below.

Firstly, we sticked the battery between two ice cream sticks with hot slicone. Next, we sticked the DC Motor to the afterpart of the sticks (with slikone).

The students used our Maths topics for the third step. We took 2 more ice cream sticks and we measured the space between sticks with ruler by cut some line segments from wooden skewers in that long. For the third step they sticked them between the sticks so we could immobilize the ice cream sticks.

We bonded these two pieces to eachother with a 90 degree angle as the fifth step. After that, we put two legs to our airplane from the wooden skewers. Then, we sticked two bottle caps under the legs which we did from the skewers.

Finaly, we install a basic electrical circuit by using our Science lesson informations.

Our planes was ready to fly. All students tried to make their planes fly one by one and I asked students to take notes about the results of different desings.


I implemented this activity and i saw that is a useful way to learning with fun! The students hit the targets.

You can see the students’ assessment and photos below.

Student’ photos:

Students’ assessment:

Author’s Attribution CC BY