
About ozlemkahraman

Özlem Kahraman is working as a high school Mathematics teacher since 2002.

Girls in STEM

Quality Education and Gender Equality are two important goals in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Today, gender equality in education has been achieved to a great extent. However, when employment in STEM Careers is considered in terms of gender, it is seen that there is a great imbalance against women. The equality of the number of men and women working in technology can only be achieved by directing female students to more technical fields during school years. 

About the project

Girls in STEM is an eTwinning project that aims to encourage female students’ participation in STEM careers. The project includes 15 schools, 16 teachers and 103 students from 6 countries.The expected results of the project include the awareness of the important scientific discoveries made by women and their effects, the development of cooperation and communication skills by doing group work in mixed country teams, the effective use of technology and the development of communication skills in foreign language.

Work process

We started working on the project on February 10, 2021. During our project, we used Twinspace’s internal communication tools as well as WhatsApp and Zoom for communication between partners. In the project, we first provided statistical information to our students about the representation of women in STEM fields and the preference of female students in STEM related departments at the university. Then, we applied our questionnaire on society, women and STEM to determine the tendency of our students to choose a STEM related profession. By organizing online meetings, we brought our students together with professionals working in STEM fields. In this context, Adiyaman University Faculty of Engineering Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Department academic Zuhal KARAGÖZ GENÇ, Civil Engineer Beste Selekoğlu, Otorhinolaryngologist Dr. Lecturer Fulya ÖZER and Radiologist Prof. Dr. Özlem ALKAN shared their professional experiences with our students.

In the final phase of our project, our students prepared joint presentations about pioneering women who worked in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in mixed country teams. Some of the web 2.0 tools that our students use while working on the project are Canva, Google Forms, Google Slides, Padlet, Genially, Coggle and LearningApps. We have a project blog that we created in cooperation as project partners and we will collect the project outputs in an e-book.

For more information please visit the Twinspace and project blog.

The partners are

  • Özlem Kahraman (Founder), Çorlu Ticaret Borsası Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
  • Rukiye Ok (Founder), Batıkent Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
  • Aida Petrovska, ООУ “Димитар Миладинов” Скопје, North Macedonia
  • Antonija Borovac, Poštanska i telekomunikacijska škola, Croatia
  • Begoña Menéndez Canal, IES Doña Jimena, Spain
  • Buket Karakaş, Şehit Metin Arslan Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey
  • Didem Ulu, Tekirdağ Doğa Koleji, Turkey
  • Ella Rakovac Bekeš, I.gimnazija Osijek, Croatia
  • Ineta Lielkalne, Krišjāņa Valdemāra Ainažu pamatskola, Latvia
  • Irina Soselia, LEPL Zugdidi muncipality village Chkhoria public school, Georgia
  • Maka Tolordava, Akhalabastumani Public school, Georgia
  • Mònica Amores, INS Thos i Codina, Spain
  • Ramon Dangla Soms, INS Thos i Codina, Spain
  • Serap Çinar, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
  • Zerrin Alkan, Mersin Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey
  • Özlem Okuyan, Özel Çerkezköy Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey

Author: Özlem Kahraman

We Discover Biodiversity Around Us

Author: Özlem Kahraman

During the 2020 STEM Discovery Campaign, when we were in our homes because of the Covid-19 outbreak, we discover the biodiversity around us. In this activity, our students researched the species living in İğneada Longoz Forests in our region (Marmara region, Turkey). With the research results, we prepared a virtual tour to İğneada Longoz Forests using Thinglink.

The world is changing faster than ever before, natural beings are running out. The pressure created by the increasing population and uncontrollable consumption desire causes the unsustainable consumption of natural assets. And it endangers the future of our species and our planet.

There are more than 1.7 million identified plant and animal species in the world. Unfortunately, the number of these species has begun to decline in the past century at an unprecedented rate. Since 1970, 30% of the known species in the world have been destroyed.

Nowadays, the importance of protecting natural life and biodiversity has emerged once again, when we are faced with the negative effects of the destruction of human activities on nature and wildlife and on human health. Experts warn that there are 1.7 million unknown viruses living between mammals and waterfowl and that these diseases can be transported to human habitats and cause new pandemics as a result of interventions in natural habitats.

Story of creating a virtual tour to İğneada Longoz forests

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