Author: Pınar Altunsoy
Date: 20-26 April 2021
Target group: 12-14 years old
Duration of activity: 40’+40’
There is greenhouse gas effect in almost every activity people perform. Greenhouse gases emitted from human activities. Industry, deforestation, transport and land-use change cause climate change. Photosynthesis is an important reaction to reduce carbon dioxit condensation.
Lesson 1- First Phase Of Activity
First of all, the teacher inform the studens about the concept of carbon sink and use the links below.
In this part, students discuss about carbon sinks. There are two important sink areas on the earth. One of them is terrestrial ecosystems and the other is oceans. The plants produce organic matter by taking carbon dioxide from air through photosynthesis in terrestrial ecosystems. The density of carbon dioxide is the main reason for the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.
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