Aquelando at home

Author: Patricia Barciela

Date: 13 March 2020 to 30 April 2020

Aquelando at home” comes every day to Galician homes presenting experiments, challenges, activities and much more, all recorded and sent to the program by children, teachers, scientists and science communicators from all over Galicia on a voluntary basis.

Through a call made by the teachers and science communicators through social networks, public participation has exceeded initial expectations and has created an unexpected and genuine science education project.

Educational and collaborative science TV block broadcasted by TVG2, the regional television channel, as support to Galician students while schools remain closed.
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Learning science by doing science

Another STEM Discovery Week activity in Domus! On Thursday, we discovered more about hearts and pigs’ eyes by doing live dissections. And on Friday, the students studied how medicines are developed during a workshop about the synthesis of a new drug, currently being researched in relation to Parkinson’s disease. An unforgettable week for all the children and young people that came to Domus to learn science by doing science.

Be a biotechnologist for one day

Open Lab from Domus keep on doing science activities during the STEM Discovery Week! Students from 16 to 17 years old came to the museum to experience how it is to be a biotechnologist for one day… or maybe for many more days in their professional future!

They participated by searching for a solution in the treatment of atherosclerosis through a bacterial transformation and investigated if the vaccine for AIDS, which scientists from the IrsiCaixa Institute are working on, could be effective to protect the population all across the world.


Open Lab: a place where you are the scientist

Open Lab, in Domus science centre, is a place to wear a lab coat, take safety goggles and handle the instruments that scientists use in their everyday life, from pipettes to centrifuges, agitators to scales, pipes and much more. We will run the following workshops in April 2018:
Biotechnological revolution: Students become biotechnologist for one day and participate in searching a solution for the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Investigate HIV vaccine: Try if the vaccine for AIDS in which scientists work in the IrsiCaixa Institute could be effective to protect the population from different continents.
How are medicines developed? To participate in the synthesis of a new drug under investigation for Parkinson’s disease.
Live dissections of heart and pig’s eye in the lab to show how these organs work. Wear your gloves, and look at the anatomy.
Artists of Prehistory: A workshop to become a prehistoric artist and know the materials, techniques and favorite themes of our ancestors.
ExploreDomus School: Science exploration activities that can be found in the kitchen, as make a hot dog mummy or discover the amazing cornstarch.

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