
About payhan

Primary teacher in Konya, Turkey. Since February 2021, a Scientix ambassador. In order to be beneficial to her students, try to continuously improve her education methods and participate in trainings in this sense.

Plants, My Past and Future Friends


Our life in earth depends on the plants. They are the key food of animals, like us. We, animals, appeared here in earth because plants learned how to create food but plants need water, air and light to create their food. Lack of water is a fact in some parts of our planet; so food is not available and it constitutes a great real problem for so many people over the world, in this project we will try not only to understand why plants are so important.

Aim of the lessons

  • Understanding the way plants obtain their food.
  • Understanding the relation between plants and animals life.
  • Participating in inquiry based science projects: Inquiry project about what plants and animals need for living.
  • Estimating plants and taking care of them.
  • Thinking critically about food problems and migration to better places.

Age of students: 9-11 years


Preparation time: 3 hours

Teaching time: 7 hours

Teaching resources

Materials: Paper, glue, pots, plants, two white flowers, rubber bands, chopsticks, clay, plant seed.

Online tools: PPpoints, video conference, Padlet, Kahoot.

The pictures is the author’s own- (Attribution CC-BY)
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