The travelling Caty cat

Students are familiarised with the concept of social and environmental justice through the story, photos, and videos of Caty Travel – a cat who likes travelling through Croatia and Serbia. Via web 2.0 apps (Linoit, WordArt) students analyse Caty’s “environmental” photos in order to build a socio-environmental fair neighbourhood (water/lake/sea) in which they would like to live using recycled materials. But before the building commences, they have to discuss and collaborate with their classmates in order to understand the principles and importance of nature-based solutions (NBS). Nature-based solutions must benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a range of ecosystem services.

Learning scenario “The travelling Caty cat” is a result of collaboration between my colleague Ljiljana Mudrinić from Serbia and myself.

This learning scenario will fit perfectly in both national curriculum (Croatian and Serbian). This learning scenario is consistent with the fourth grade grade objectives, as students will learn to express themselves, describe and discuss the need to preserve nature. 

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