
About rosamarincola

I am Italian, I live in Rogliano, near the city of Cosenza. I teach Computer Science in secondary school Istituto Tecnico Economico "Marconi-Guarasci" in Rogliano and I graduated in Mathematics. I like math, computer science, travel, I have many cultural interests. I'm Scientix Ambassador for Italy http://www.scientix.eu/

STEM Careers: activities for students IIS “Marconi Guarasci” ITE Sistemi Informativi Aziendali Rogliano (Cs)-Italy

An intensive programme for STEM Discovery week 2018 at the Rogliano (Cs) Technical Institute, including: in-attendance workshops, seminars, video conferences with business managers, experts and researchers in Artificial Intelligence. The objectives are to promote STEM careers, to help and support students to make informed choices and to promote the study of technical-scientific subjects.

For more information:



STEM discovery week 2018 in Rogliano (Cs) – Italy

“World we want” is an eTwinning project that aims to use different free resources such as Scratch for Second Life and edMondo, an online 3D virtual world, and many others, where you can make teaching immersive, all in workshop mode.
The coding can be implemented to create games, simulations, but also to achieve remote collaborations between schools. Students will use online labs for experiments, they can learn, share their experience, work, resources and knowledge as well as common interests.


Help students strengthen skills, STEM (Science / Geography, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) with the aid of computer technology.
Use various types of environments to develop computational thinking, what divergent, critical spirit and implement problem solving, cooperative learning, learning by doing, using the CLIL methodology and gamification.

Working procedures

The lessons will be conducted in various ways and on different platforms, partly in the presence and partly online in Edmondo.
Collaboration, cooperation, sharing of knowledge, skills and content will be the basis of the proposed activities.
The project will be documented in progress on etwinning.net platform within the TwinSpace.
