The project’s preparation was held in the form of small study – research groups (3-5 students), it was continued from December 2018 to April 2019. Every month the groups received tasks on which they worked and prepared their scientific messages, presentations and models. 52 students from Vocational school of Economics and Management, Pazardzhik, Bulgaria and several students from different schools with whom the Vagabond Foundation took part in this project. The project manager is Roumiana Anguelova with assistant teachers Angel Angelov and Sasho Yordanov.
The final part was the event, which took place on April 24 at 12.30 am as a binary lesson – within 2 hours, led by 2 teachers. 11 presentations, 4 models, 8 boards and posters were presented at the STEM event. In addition to the 60 participating students, each of whom worked on a research assignment and introduced himself with his small study group, about 100 students attended and watched the lesson. The project is a sequel of Mars Mission, with which we participated in STEM Discovery Week 2018.
In the research, the headmaster directed the students to get acquainted with specialized literature from the journal Kvant and NASA’s publications. We also used resources from Scientix repository Resource :
Different aspects related to the Moon and people in the past and now have been presented. The phases of the Moon, mathematical aspects related to Moon movement, were explored.
Two of the groups offered interesting business ideas to use moon movement and tides to get electricity and water purification.
Moon motion pictures are also produced:
We are a partner of STEM Discovery Week 2019.