I am a science teacher and scientix ambassador. Stem , robotics, and coding studies are my interests. It is enjoyable for me to organize science fairs and take part in project studies. That's why I wanted to be a part of this group.
This work is an eTwinning project carried out by 11 schools in total, with 2 Spain, 2 Italy, 2 Romania, 1 Greek and 4 Turkish partners.
The main aim of the project is to help students improve their knowledge through robotics and STEAM activities. Blended teaching methods were used. Thus, it contributed to the development of creativity, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and digital competencies. During the implementation of STEAM learning scenarios, the subjects in the curriculum were addressed. For example, biodiversity, the effects of the environment on living things, and speed are integrated with engineering design. Our work has been showcased on twinspace, Facebook, and our school website. Our work has been done face-to-face and remotely. The project Logo and posters were designed and submitted for voting. After that, the most liked logo was determined as the logo of our project.
Students learned how a robot moves, what the role of sensors is and how they can detect an obstacle.
For this they used previously acquired mathematical and physical concepts. They did this on a virtual platform with a simulator in the first stage (https://lab.open-roberta.org/, VEXcode VR/), then in the second stage with the active help of robots on certain platforms.
With Open roberta lab, they guided their vehicles with block coding from the starting point to the end point. They tried to get to the finish line as soon as possible.
They did block-based coding with Microbit coding. At the end of this course, students created their animals with microbit coding. Pupils learned how to code the microbit’s accelerometer and radio capabilities to prototype a device that will help them monitor animals and discover how they are affected by climate change.
Our students made a game with Scratch. They worked on international women’s day and peace.
They designed a robot with the Lego mindstorm EV3 kit and wrote codes for the robots they designed.
Şebnem Gençtürk, a science teacher, conducted this study with 10 teachers and 78 students from 8 different schools.In the last few years, we have needed to explore and understand the power of nature more. We have volunteered to be aware of and protect the opportunities that the world we live in offers us. Who are we? All of us partners of the eTwinning project “STEAM for Green Nature”.
We crossed paths with some of them in the “Digital Science” eTwinning project last year and this year we continue to work on the project with new partners. We made our project application in January and started STEM learning scenario activities in February. Our projeject will finish on April 30. The basis of our work is a STEAM learning scenario. We apply the steps of the learning scenario in our schools.
Our aim with our project is to raise awareness for a sustainable climate, first among our students and then in a larger audience. To explain the importance of our students adapting less harmful activities to climate change into their future lifestyles. When we started the project preparations to popularize STEAM studies, we determined studies suitable for the participation of our colleagues from different branches. Because, the “Global Climate Crisis” is a problem for all of us. We worked with teachers from Science, Social Studies, and English branches. In addition, our group teachers, and visual and technical design teachers in our schools also supported us.
In the implementation of the learning scenario, we carried out our work both face-to-face and remotely. Mixed country teamwork and collaborative work were also included in our work.
There are many activities in our scenario, which we integrated with our course topics. After the pre-test we applied, our students prepared posters and logos. We constantly updated our activities according to the decisions we made with our partners and students at our monthly meetings.Our partners attended seminars for the safe internet day, and each school organized seminars for its own students.
Expert Support
As expert support, we have planned an online seminar with the responsible of the Turkish Anti-Erosion and Afforestation (TEMA) Foundation. ITU Environmental Engineering Environment Club made an online presentation on “Tears of Water” to our students on World Water Day.
outdoor activity
We did an outdoor activity. With the Plantnet phone application, our students became aware of the diversity of plants in our school’s garden.
Outdoor activity with PLANTNET app
Students designed products from recycling materials to explain that waste is also valuable.
Product from recycling materials
We went to the “Botanical Garden” and “Nature Park” with our students.
Another of our activities we sang songs in our classrooms during world forest week. Our students prepared slogans. Than, they chose the most popular slogans from these slogans. Rap songs were made with the most popular slogans among the slogans so, we created a collaborative product with the web2.0 tool.
Project Rap song
mixed shool team activities
In addition, for the World Water Day, we created a board with the students in our groups formed from mixed country teams. We created a calendar from the pages we prepared as a board.
At carbon footprint activity, we had our students watch videos to explain what activities result from the carbon we give to nature. After that, they calculated their carbon footprint and water footprint.
Carbon footprint
Exhibited our works and presentation
School board- Exhibition
We collaborated with the group teachers and decorated our school boards with the activities of all classes. Our students in the project conducted research on climate change and shared what they learned with their friends in other classes in our school with the presentations they prepared.
write your story
Pupils wrote a story about climate change as a collaborative product. They turned the story in to a cartoon with the Pixton web2.0 tool.
Story with Pixton
Our students created videos about what kind of world they want to live in. They prepared the videos with the Toontastic web 2.0 tool.
My Dream World
At this activity, pupils made bioplastics. Than, one of our students videotaped his work to show the construction stages at meeting.
Facebook, Instagram, youtube channels, and the school website to disseminate our work. Also, we have benefited from Whatsapp groups for both communication and sharing our work.
On April 15-16, Turkey II. We attended the Scientix workshop and introduced our project. Also, we shared our project in the İzmir ETwinning İzmir News bulletin and in the book “Turkey Scientix Ambassadors Project Studies”.
Students learned the causes and consequences of climate change. So, they discovered what they could do to reduce global warming. They became aware of the vegetation around them and realized the importance of biodiversity. On the other hand, their digital competencies have improved,
How will the new generations growing up in environmental problems such as carbon emission and global warming deal with this problem?
In this Learning Senario it is aimed to find a solution to global warming and to increase awareness. First, the students answer the pre-test questions. Then, by watching videos on the subject, discussion is started, brainstormed and they share their thoughts in the pedlette. They watch scientific resources, global warming studies and videos on climate change. After that, Reviews IPCC 2020 and IPBES 2019 report. To learn about citizens’ views on environmental problems, students go to a park and try to identify problems by meeting with the citizens there.But, the park was not visited (due to the epidemic)
Using Web 2.0 tools, they make posters, videos, and puzzles about the environment they want to live in. In the first activity, it calculates the carbon emission per person with the carbon footprint calculator. Accordingly, they calculate the number of trees we need to plant per person. Then they try to find nature-based solutions to prevent carbon emissions. In second activity, “What can we do to reduce plastic waste? “They look for the answer to the question. They are doing a “Let’s make bioplastic” activity. Finally, they answer the final test questions.
The pedagogical values of the activities: to enable students to be creative, responsible, independent, self-confident, collaborative individuals
In this learning scenario, they will experience the decision-making process by thinking like a chemist, biochemist, environmental engineer, computer programmer, designer. Thus, students will be able to find solutions to real-world problems. At the same time, students will conduct experimental research and learn about the ecosystem through their research. Also, they will create posters, puzzles, videos and present their research. So they will have experienced 21st century skills.
Integration into the curriculum
The learning scenario is suitable for the curriculum. Above all,discusses the causes and possible consequences of the greenhouse effect and global climate changes. Questions how environmental problems can affect the future of the Earth and human life in the context of global warming and global climate change. It is careful to act efficiently in the use of resources. Designs projects for the efficient use of resources. Explains the importance of sorting solid waste for recycling. İn addition, it offers solutions by specifying future problems if resources do not use efficiently.
STEM Learning, Collaborative Learning, Inverted class, Mobil learning, Open Source Learning, Personal Learning Environment, Student-Centered Learning, Project-Based Learning
21st century skills
Critical Thinking: Understand the effects of environmental problems and think about solutions
Collaboration: Collaborate within and between groups
Creativity: Designing products using their creativity
Communication: Strengthening communication skills
Problem solving: They will try to solve the problems they face to face.
Productivity: Designing products
Digital competence
Description about NBS and Carbon Emissions
Watch videos with explanations about carbon emissions and its consequences.
Environmental problems are increasing day by day. Think of yourself as an environmental engineer. İf you were, how would you solve this problem? Discuss the problem.
What are the causes of environmental problems? Do you have any solution to avoid Carbon Emissions? Can we find solutions to reduce the effects of environmental pollution? Firstly, students discuss the questions. Secondly, they share on pedlet the problems they face in their environment. After that,they comment on each other on the topics they share in Padlet. Pupils design posters reflecting environmental problems with Web 2.0 tools. They, prepare a puzzle game from the posters they have prepared.
Students go to a nearby park and make interviews. Questions should be prepared in advance and answers recorded or noted. For example, what do you think about environmental problems like carbon emission and global warming? But we did not do this activity due to the pandemic. A word cloud on environmental issues was created with Wordart.
Students are asked what kind of world they want to live in. They make a video about “my dream world” using Web 2.0 tools. Thus, the students shared their beautiful dreams with each other.
What is global warming and, greenhouse effect and climate change? What is recycling?
Our world is warming up… According to measurements made in recent years, greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere cause more of the heat they lose. As a result, glaciers are melting in our increasingly warmer world. Snowfall is decreasing. In short, the climate of our world is changing. In other words, carbon dioxide gases accumulating in the atmosphere cause global warming and climate changes.Therefore, if we recognize the factors that affect global warming and act consciously, we can reduce our carbon footprint.
The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere can be measured by the carbon footprint, meaning the damage individuals and companies leave to the world.Following the explanations, students calculate their carbon footprint using the Carbon Footprint Calculator, If desired, a tree-planting campaign can start.
Last, students create avatars with pixton and make them talk to chatterpix to design slogans on environmental problems such as global warming.
The results were evaluated and recorded. According to the survey results, the average carbon footprint per person is shown in the graphic below.
According to the results of our school, the average carbon footprint is 6.3 tons. As long as a tree lives, it breathes 0.73 tons of carbon dioxide. As a result of, the number of trees to be planted per person in our school is 9. At the end of the activity if possible, a tree planting campaign can be started.
They are asked to produce solutions on this issue. After that, answers to the question of how to prevent carbon emission and global warming were noted on pedlet.. Nature Based Solutions To Prevent Carbon Emissions:
İntroduction: What is the role of plastics in carbon emission and global warming?
We use plastic materials in many areas of our daily life. Because, plastics are easy to shape. It also provides heat and electrical insulation. Some of the plastics are recycled. However, plastic waste that cannot be recycled is becoming a huge threat to our world. If you were a biochemist, what solution would you find? Could using bioplastics be a solution? Students will learn with information about the subject using various resource.
First, the materials required to make Bioplastics are informed to students. Than, they make bioplastics.
1 tablespoon starch, 4 tablespoons water, 1 teaspoon glycerin, 1 teaspoon vinegar, Pot or coffee pot, Food Dye, Aluminum foil and Heater
Firstly, put the water and starch in the pot and mix. Secondly, add vinegar and glycerin on it. Add food coloring to the mixture that we prepare optionally. Than,Heat, stirring, to a gel-like consistency and spread it on aluminum foil and let it dry for two to three days. Finally, Keep it in the mold for two or three days.
Information is changing rapidly today. What should we do to keep up with this pace? Is it possible by developing new skills?
In order for information to change rapidly and keep up with this change, it is necessary to be a good digital literate. It is important to be an excellent digital literate in order to understand the digital world, take advantage of opportunities and use technology effectively and efficiently. Digital literacy also allows users to develop cognitive, sociological and emotional skills.
It is very important to have digital competence skills for this adaptation process. So, to be an excellent digital literate it is important to:
Understanding the digital world
Taking advantage of opportunities.
To use technology effectively and efficiently
Pupils need to be proficient in digital technologies to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and produce information. While doing all these, they should also be familiar with the safe use of the internet. Students need to be informed so that they have a basic understanding of ethical and legal issues. Therefore, we can work to increase the digital competence of our students in our classes.
How can we contribute to the development of our students as digital literate? We provide online trainings during the pandemic period because we think that students are passive when learning from distance. That’s why we decided to use web 2.0 tools to enable them. Thus, we wanted the students to develop their cognitive, sociological and emotional skills. Using the reverse training method, students had the opportunity to improve themselves in accessing, using and processing information.
Our work (Digital Science) is an eTwinning project. There are a total of 11 teachers in this project. Our project started in January and is still ongoing.
About the project
Science enables us to understand nature, living things, all beings and existing laws and produce solutions.Digital platforms make it easy to transfer this knowledge and experience. With the pandemic process, we can continue the lessons with distance education throughout 2020. Although we cannot meet face to face with our students in the classroom at our schools, education is carried out live using digital platforms. With the use of existing blended education models and inverted training techniques, students began to learn how to access information and use skills effectively.
In this process, web2.0 tools are our most important tools in distance education. We want our students, children of the technology age, to get to know web2.0 tools and use them for their purposes. Using digital learning tools (web2.0), they will create content related to the courses or a subject they are interested in and transfer their lessons to the digital platform.
Target of the project (Digital Science)
To inform students about safe internet use.
To gain the ability to create digital content.
A student-centered, active participatory learning environment.
Using the reverse learning method to accelerate the access of students to information processes.
İmprove social skills using digital resources.
Citizens with 21st-century skills.
Going out of traditional learning methods. (teacher, textbook, student, four walls).
Development of writing and writing skill.
Development of cognitive, sociological and emotional skills.
First of all, we chose some topics from our curriculum. Students worked on these topics using web.2.0 tool in our project and organized seminars ( esafety, media literacy and disinformation, science and technology week and world water day) After the seminar pupils prerared poster.