
About snappi

I am a math teacher in a secondary school in Italy. I am involved in projects that meet the real needs and challenges of both society as a whole and local communities. I am a Scientix Ambassador and I'm a territorial trainer of the mathematics and reality "M&R" project .

“Build your Future – Financial Education“

The analysis, of the latest survey on financial literacy carried out by the OECD, found that level of knowledge of the Italian adult population is lower than the average of the countries involved in the survey.

In addition the growing tensions in the economic macro-sphere arising first from Covid 19 pandemic emergency and then from the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Both highlighted how necessary it is to have a basic knowledge of economic and financial concepts, in order to build and live a more peaceful future life.


The students of the IV and V class of the technical tourism course, on the occasion of the Global Money Week, held from 21 to 27 March 2022, participated in several online meetings organized by Global Shapers of the Naples Hub, with industry experts and financial educator for the in-depth study of topics concerning:

  • the operation of the economic machine
  • Inflation and money: concepts of real and nominal value
  • the simple and compound interest rate
  • the personal budget
  • the types of income

Global Money Week,GMW,is the annual event promoted by the OECD. The aim is of raising awareness among young people,from preschool age on the importance of acquiring the knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to make financial decisions consistent with their own needs and possibilities.


The disciplines involved are economics, mathematics, Italian, and law.

Teachers: Sabrina Nappi, Mario Di Fonza, Lucia Cozzolino, Imperatrice Natale, Krizia Rosa Aiese

Financial Educator: Felice Oliviero, in collaboration with: Giovanni Ciriello

Career Sheet: financial educator


The goal was the dissemination of the economic-financial culture among students, teachers, families, and sector experts, taking into account the guidelines of the Ministry:



Financial Educator, in collaboration with teachers, involved students on the topic of financial education.
Through a simple and fun approach, with videos, interactive quizzes to check the mastery of the contents, the experts, in collaboration with the teacher, involved students in the topic of financial education, in order to explain to them how to manage their budget, learn how to use it responsibly as a useful resource to support future life choices.

Picture provided by the author (Attribution CC-By)

Through a quiz on mentimeter.com, the students wrote what they imagined in their future: starting their own business; buying a car; renting an apartment; studying outside the city; going on holiday

Basic concepts were thus introduced, starting from the functioning of the economy and, arriving at concepts of personal finance.

The experts, starting from basic concepts of microeconomics, such as the alternation of economic cycles and inflationary phenomena, use some examples relating to the effects of what happened on the global economy first as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic, then with the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

Financial educator explained how shocks were generated in the world supply chain, following the Covid 19 pandemic,and how expansionary fiscal, and monetary policies together,with the demand shock on global markets, led to inflation phenomena, then amplified by the outbreak of the Russian- Ukrainian conflict.

The concept of credit / debit is explained by the distinction between “good debts” and “write-downs”.

The students reflected on the costs and benefits of their choices when they buy a product, such as the latest generation smartphone, or a training course, and how these decisions affect not only their well-being but the economy in general.

The economic choices we make every day, knowingly or unknowingly, are fundamental skills.


  • Collect the connection between the disciplines: of mathematics, Italian, and economics, to activate cognitive processes and develop fundamental skills for the economic citizenship of the youngest.
  • Promote responsible choices in the use of money. These choices, must be linked to the implementation of environmentally friendly behaviors, in an equally responsible way.
  • Sensitize students to adopt a critical, and active style concerning the social and economic dynamics in which they are daily involved.
  • Saving education in the context of Citizenship Education

The project was part of the curricular learning units.



Activities: laws and savings

By reading/rereading some articles of the Italian Constitution, (article 1, article 9, article 32, article 34, article 41, article 47), students reflected on the fact that the choices they make today as “savers ”Determine their future.

Focus questions

  • Why is it important to save? Who saves? What do we save? What do we waste?

Assets: savings shares

Students, based on their personal experiences, brought examples of savings or waste actions, of managing their weekly pocket money, and report in groups on the social and economic aspects of savings in a concrete and daily case.


  • buying a more efficient refrigerator: cost/benefit
  • buy a more fashionable smartphone: Cost/benefit
  • buy a training course: Cost/benefit

Activity: data analysis

  • Reading of household expenses: bills, invoices, receipts
  • Analysis of Operations Research on the problems of choosing between two or more alternatives with the processing of the profitability graph.


Disciplinary contents

  • income, personal budget, family, fixed expenses, variable, occasional, attributed value, real, waste, costs -benefit analysis, savings.

Picture provided by the author (Attribution CC-By)

As individuals, the students reflected that saving translates into investments and benefits for both themselves and the community.
In the future as workers / entrepreneurs / investors / and that there is no easy money.

Focus questions

Why do you save?

What are the savings goals?

The concept of savings was studied in depth with behaviors to be associated with the term “savings”.

Turning off the light or taking a shower instead of taking a bath, for example.

The students thought about a concrete example of savings in various daily areas close to them in their preferred expressive mode, commenting on the value.

For example, someone said that even a purchase like a decoder for the TV, not particularly expensive, was possible because the necessary money had been saved.

The experts focused about precautionary savings, which help us in the event of unforeseen and unpredictable events, and they about savings to carry out a project, such as a vacation or a larger house.

They highlighted how the financial objectives are intertwined with those of environmental protection. For example, thanks to sustainable behaviors such as forms of sharing economy or shared purchases not only people protect the environment but can have significant savings.

Focus questions were asked to bring out the perception that students have of the management of the money,they have at their disposal, setting up the dialogue so as not to bring out differences in economic availability.can protect our environment with sustainable behaviors: forms of sharing economy or shared purchases, and we will have significant savings.

For example: what criteria do we use to decide if an expense is possible?

How do we choose the most important expense, if we have to do more than one?

What does budget balance mean?

Students provided examples of inalienable and deferrable expenses.

After having discovered the meaning of the term “budget” together, the attention of the students was focused on managing their budget.

They asked themselves:

What expenses do you consider important? fixed, variable, or occasional expenses?

Is shopping a fixed weekly shopping appointment? Do you usually travel by car or public transport?

Students were aware of their economic choices starting from the budget, a fundamental tool that helps to control income, expenses, and savings, to evaluate the costs/benefits of what is done in the present,and what is planned for the future.

  • The students To learn to manage daily income and expenses;
  • To Correctly evaluate your resources;
  • To Learn the value of savings to achieve a long-term personal project.

Group activity

As a group, students filled out a format on how to best manage their income.
investigation phases.

The students:

  • define the monthly savings share to be allocated to investments
  • monitor the costs incurred during the month
  • analyze the nature to understand whether or not they are “necessary” costs and where to act to increase the amount saved.


It was taken into account to fix some sensitive figures, in order not to create a discriminating factor.

These data were taken by accessing the national average data www.istat.it.

The pupils in groups of 4 people intervened on the modifiable entries/exits that depend on choices.

Each team identified a typical family made up of 4 people: mother, father, son (18 years), daughter (4 years) who must carry out a purchase project within one year.

Each group prepared a list of expenses to be placed in three categories: fixed, variable, or occasional expenses and, the results were discussed together.

The aim was to

  • stimulate attention to equal gender opportunities (salary …)
  • empowering to manage the family budget

Final product in work

Students build a glossary of the economic-financial terms encountered and small video bits and/or presentations to share with other students.



Cross-cutting objectives

Self-esteem, creativity, ability to ask oneself and solve problems, choose and make decisions, a spirit of initiative, entrepreneurship, orientation towards results, change, communication skills, and teamwork.


Activities: Research on the reasons and consequences of the 2007/2009 financial crisis generated by the absence of proper use of credit, decline in the real estate sector

Crisis of subprime mortgages on the website www. Consob.it for the control and supervision of financial markets.


The concept of the economy,that was proposed to students, is the one that links personal responsibility with social and civil responsibility: calculations and information at the service of the ability to make decisions based on principles of fairness and sustainability.

Based on this, it is essential to convey to students a differentiation between the types of debt that the state produces.

There is a “good” and a “bad” form of debt.

The country, through investments, tax revenues, and acquisitions on an international scale, bridges the gap that is created between GDP and “public debt”.

Without forgetting that debt should not be understood only with the negative connotation of the term the state uses policies that are not designed to avoid debt but to balance it.

In-depth video for reflections on debt:

 https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLaBJRSQO4Q

Financial Educators, and teachers were mentors and facilitators of self-learning: they collected experiences and proposed concrete situations contextualized in school and extra-curricular daily life to make students reflect on the theme of conscious savings.

Pupils shared the learning outcomes and benefits obtained from the project through sentences on www. Mentimeter. it

Comments of students


The course was very useful for today and tomorrow because it allows you to explore topics that you did not know, such as good and bad debts, because generally when you think of a debt you think of a negative thing. In the beginning, the experts used terms that were too “sectoral”; then the activities were more interactive and everything that the expert explained is clear to me, also because he was very attentive to our answers, our feedback, and offered us continuous food for thought.

In the beginning, the experts used terms that were too “sectoral”; then,the financial educator is very attentive to the answers we students give, providing us with continuous feedback, and new food for thought.

D. S. The course is very useful for my training, because it deals with topics of reality, like the increase in the price of gasoline and bread

S. M. Experts are available and, the use of examples related to everyday life, allows us to better understand the topics covered.

R. R. the mathematics and finance course intrigued me for the various topics covered; I have learned many new topics thanks to the expositions of the experts and their PowerPoint performances, exhaustive and effective answers.

One of the topics that I found very interesting is “good and bad debts”.

It is a theme I did not even know existed.

D’A. R. This year with the school we started a course with two young professionals dealing with economics and commerce. I believe these topics explained engagingly can be very useful tomorrow.

G. G

I thought the topics difficult, then I must admit that by attending the lessons I changed my mind, everything is very simple and also interesting.

The issues are tackled simply with topical ideas, and it is easy, for us students, to interact with examples taken from our daily life.

More e-bike, no e-fake

From the experimentation of the debate methodology to the verification of sources and data with the TAG method of the Open The box project.

The project brings career experts to the classroom on issues at the center of the digital debate:posts on social profiles, memes, short videos, and deep fakes.

Who we are

Let me introduce myself, I am Raffaela Auriemma, a student of I.S.I.S. Europa of Pomigliano D’Arco, class 2C technical address for graphics and communication.

This year the theme chosen for the UDA (teaching unit of learning) had as its focus the goal 11 of the 2030 Agenda: to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.



But, how can we help humanity by not having great powers to do so?

The answer is simple, never underestimate the strength of things of people who strive for the same goal.

In class, the theme is address in all disciplines, and each student, in small groups, studied a specific theme.

Me, together with Antonella and Jasmine, came across the following blog: https://ladradibiciclette.it/tutti-i-numeri-della-bicicli/ and we asked ourselves:

“Do bicycles meet our needs?”

To answer, we leveraged everything that was preciously learned, from the experimentation of the debate methodology , to the verification of sources and data with the TAG method of the “Open The box” project, a project that, thanks to a career, brings the topics to the classroom center of the digital debate


Why e-bikes?

“When future generations, judge those who came before them on environmental issues, they may come to the conclusion that they “didn’t know”:

let’s make sure we don’t go down in history as the generation that knew but didn’t care.

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev

Melting glaciers, deforestation, rising sea levels, pollution, endangered animals … THIS IS NOT THE WORLD WE WANT TO LIVE IN!

We have to change our lifestyle, for the better!

We start from everyday life, and we try to promote sustainable mobility solutions in line with the commitments that the States have taken on with the 2030 Agenda (Goal 11).

So, let’s start with a real problem, namely providing safe, sustainable, and affordable transport systems for all (Goal 11, Target 11.2), and to solve it, we propose a solution that we intend to discuss.

So, we are debating the following motion:

This assembly argues that the state must finance the production of electric bicycles”.

To analyze the motion we used the “Keywords” method and the “Stakeholders” method, visible at the link:


With the mathematics teacher, we participated in the lessons of the “Open the box” project, and thanks to the experts: dr. Federica Arenare, project manager, and Nicola Bruno, project director, were led to the study and deepening of issues on media and data literacy.

“Open the Box” is an interactive training event, which uses live quizzes during which, we explore the different content formats we encounter every day online, such as posts on social profiles, memes, short videos, and deep fakes.

The pupils have the opportunity to discover tools, strategies, and methods to verify the reliability of the information sources found on the web while having fun on Kahoot

  • Can you recognize online content?
  • How do you go about verifying the reliability of a source?

Do you recognize when a content is manipulated?

The experience is shared by teachers and students to test their knowledge, and the degree of awareness. They have concerning the different types of content with which online information circulates.

The lessons are organizedI in the following way

  • quiz on Kahoot.it
  • a ppt presentation or watching a video, to provide the skills and tools useful to recognize and verify online sources.
  • activities to do at home or at school
  • a test to evaluate the skills acquired.

During a meetings with the experts, we students interviewed Dr. Federica Arenare who told us about her work.

Career Sheet: Project manager



After analyzing the motion, we verified the veracity of the information online through the methodTAG After analyzing the motion, we verified the veracity of the information online through the method TAG of the Open the Box project presented by the experts.


Below are the steps for verifying sources with the use of specific tools.

We start from the article found on the net:

Article In 2020, more than 2 million bicycles sold in Italy


Media Literacy and application TAG method

  1. Find the primary source.



-Is the site name credible?

It is a specialized blog, that is, a site that talks about topics related to the world of bicycles. On the site there is a “About me” section where you can find all the relevant information about the author: a journalist with a lot of experience in the travel industry, bike blogger and web writing expert. Our research shows that the author is also present on the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

– Is the URL address reliable?

 Yes, because the “https” protocol is secure.

– Who is behind the site?

Through the Whois Lookup tool, we verify that the information relating to the domain is present. The name of the person who registered the domain corresponds to the information in the About section of the site.

-What do the disclaimers say? https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disclaimer

The disclaimers tells which personal data are used, and the owner of the treatment of them.

The analysis shows the following:

Has the site been online for a long time?

Using the Wayback Machine tool, we have noticed that the site has never disappeared from the web over the years. Still regarding the source, we looked for the first contents published by the journalist on the site. The “home” screen was created on June 9, 2017, then the portfolio and biography dated June 14, 2017 are published.

Which social pages show the contents of the site you used?

With the Crowdtangle tool we have detected social sharing by profiles related to the bike world.

2. Analyze the content

– Is the information contained in the article reliable?

We do not yet know whether the information reported can be considered reliable:

from the analysis of the source, some information appears to be incomplete but not entirely suspicious.

Already in recent years there has been a significant increase in the use of electric bicycles and the data reported indicates an increase in the production of E-bikes: since this information matches, the information could be reliable.

Among other things, the “boom” in e-bike sales of 2020 can be attributed above all to the government bonus that prompted many Italian citizens to buy one.

3. Look around.

What do other sites say on the same topic?

Searching the net on other sites for the news, we found the correspondence of the data.



Data Literacy Data reliability

We then focused on the accuracy and reliability of the data reported in the tables in the article. These are the estimates of Confindustria ANCMA, the National Association of Cycle Motorcycle Accessories, communicated on 25 March 2021 and reported below.

We observe that if we consider, for example, the year 2018 for the sale of bicycles, the figure is 1.422.000 calculating the increase of 7% for 2019, we would have 1.521.540, but this result is approximated to the whole number 1.518.000.

The relative increase is 96,000 / 1,422,000 = 0.0675, which in percentage corresponds to 6.75%, approximately 7%.

Proceeding in the same way, we note that also in other cases, the figures are rounded up or down.

In addition, the 209 % increase in the production of E-bikes is noteworthy.

Speaking of increases, the correct result is :

+ 109 %, because 109 % * 102.000 = 111.180, therefore, 111.180 + 102.000 = 213.180

If therefore, we consider the% as increments then we should write + 109%.

From a careful reading of the first table, we also note that in the last row “Cycle Sector Commercial Balance” the data relating to the years 2019 and 2020 are reversed.

Another very important aspect is that we are faced with a cherry-picking effect:

ignoring the evidence that would refute one’s thesis by highlighting only the information in favor. Newspapers tend to speak of a “boom effect” by altering the terms and titles of the articles, which is not entirely correct if we analyze the 2000-2020 trend.

A revision of the data is on “Statista”

For example, we can see that in 2007, almost 2 million were reached and then decreased in the following years.

Therefore it is correct to speak of records (in 2020 the maximum sales peak was reached), while speaking of the bicycle boom seems more forced.

The primary source

The data comes from Confindustria ANCMA: National Association of Cycle Motorcycle Accessories.

The source is reliable as ANCMA is a commercial organization of bicycle manufacturers and the data is not independent. There are no others on this subject from different sources.


Datalink 2020:


The end, we have analyzed the percentages in the table and reported in bold the percentages calculated without approximation



We remain convinced that bike mobility is the solution to various problems for society and that the individual it is always important to provide correct data.

Conclusions to the internet public, which must pay attention to disinformation and fake news.

We thank the experts: dr. Federica Arenare and Nicola Bruno of the Open The Box project for having guided and supported us in our research.

Teachers: Prof. Sabrina Nappi, Mario Di Fonza, Maddalena Spiezia,

Students: Jasmine Giulia Romano, Raffaela Auriemma, Antonella Aiello,

Class: 2Ctg

STEMin & STEMout 

With the pandemic, we have lost human contact and being together. STEMin STEMout is a path that has as its main purpose learning in an outdoor group context, socialization and collaboration.

Involved 90 students and teachers of mathematics, science, biology and physics, of the two-year specialization in graphics of the ISIS “Europa” in Pomigliano D’Arco.

Focus Create a mathematical path with the activities carried in groups out inside and outside the classroom.

Parco delle Acque” and its measurements


The study contest is Parco delle Acque a park close to school, it is a public park in the municipality of Pomigliano d’Arco. It is a pleasant meeting and leisure place, with lawns, tree-lined areas, gymnastic routes, games for children. It is located near schools district and is mainly suitable for outdoor STEM activities.

Work process

The students divided into groups of 3 members each have a specific role:

Leader coordinates the activities out class; creates folders and subfolders to gather all the materials produced. He or she collaborates with the group to prepare the final activity report.

Organizer takes notes by writing down the materials and tools used, calculations and procedures. At the end of the activity, upload the group documentation in the  folder.

Photographer, through representative shots, tells the important moments of the activities, and at the end classifies them in an orderly way into folders and subfolders.

Tools used

The students use simple material : a meter, a tape, a smartphone, a wire;

The students use free apps : Arduino science journal, MathCitymap and globe observed.

They carry out real study activities for themselves and their peers.

The goal

The goal is to create a mathematical trail to be disseminated in the community of the school, and to make it accessible and available to other students and to all those who want to solve scientific / mathematical problems.

Mathematical / scientific contents:

  • numbers, percentage calculation, proportions, mcm, algebra, equations,
  • geometry, calculation of areas and perimeters, equisomposable figures, Pythagorean Theorem, similitude between triangles, measurement of angles,
  • combined calculation

Phisics contents:

  • calculation of speed,
  • slope,
  • composition of forces and vectors,
  • oscillatory motion.

Learning by doing

Through the methodology of problem solving and learning by doing, the students had an active role as protagonists in the management of the project itself, without giving up the laboratory form and group learning.

They used the knowledge, mathematical and scientific skills acquired at school in the surrounding reality.

Stages of the activity

Students work in 3 teams to create trail activities and resolve the activities to create of the other groups.

Below pictures of out-of-class measurements

Citizens of the Globe

The pupils walk in the park near the school, observe the surrounding environment through the use of the Globe Observed App of the Globe program.

Outdoor activities involved observing the surrounding environment.

The Globe program https://www.globe.gov/ and the use of the Globe Observer app

The students followed online webinars with the expert of the Globe Italia https://www.globeitalia.it/

Scientific concepts

Earth Science

  • The four Seasons
  • The formation of clouds
  • The climate
  • The atmosphere

Physical science

  • The different states of matter


  • The systems physical and geographical.
  • The geographic coordinates



Starting from their own geolocation, each member of the group observes clouds ☁️ using the protocol provided by the teacher or using the Globe observed app.

With their gaze and smartphone facing the sky, the students provide data to NASA to understand the climate by observing the clouds.

Each type of cloud affects the Earth’s energy balance by heating or cooling it.

NASA GLOBE Cloud Challenge 2022: Clouds in a Changing Climate


Measuring Tree Height (Hint: Trees are greater than 5.0 m tall.)

Through the app lens https://lens.google/intl/it/ , the pupils identify the species of the tree.

The students use the app Globe Observed to calculate the height and circumference of the tree and collect the data sheet

Tree Circumference Measurements
Tree Species 1 Name 
Tree Circumference (cm)
Specimen 1 
Specimen 2
Specimen 3
Specimen 4

The angles measured and the length of the number of steps contribute to the calculation taking into account the presence of the inevitable measurement errors.

The height of the tree it is calculate using the basic geometry of the triangles.

The students build the clinometer to calculate the height of the trees

Height of Tree = TAN (angle of clinometer) x (distance to tree) + eye height
and record the measurements on Data Sheet.

TREES Carbon Activity

Each member of the group chooses a tree and calculates the stored carbon taking into account that:

1. 35% of the green mass of a tree is water; 65% is solid dry mass;

2. 50% of the dry mass of a tree is of carbon;

3. 20% of the biomass of the trees is in the roots. It used a multiplication factor of 120%;

4. the calculated carbon value is multiplied by a factor of 3.67 to determine the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide,

The formula for the amount of CO2 sequestered per tree (in kg) is :

amount of CO2 seized per tree (in kg) = tree mass (kg of fresh biomass) x 65% (dry mass) x 50% (% of carbon) x 3.67 x 120%

Immage of the trail


On the MCM portal https://mathcitymap.eu/ the path is published for all students of the school, and for all those who wanted to have fun outdoors with scientific disciplines

Earth Day, the students made videos which they presented to the community

Osservando il pianeta

Un globo migliore con Globe

Teachers: Sabrina Nappi, Mario Di Fonza, Rosanna Busiello, Josephine Iannone

“Speaking numbers” and their use – Part 2.

Teaching in distance

Teachers: Sabrina Nappi in collaboration with Mario Di Fonza and Riccardo Di Pietro

Students: 14-16 years

DESCRIPTION: Analysing situations and problems of daily life with the aim of their mathematical formalization, we naturally introduce mathematical concepts.

This blog post represents the second part of the blog post on ‘Speaking number’ because it develops the challenges that the students have created after having studied statistics and the use of its tools.

Statistics: Sustainable development goals 

Exercises about sustainable development goals of the Agenda 2030

After watching the introductory video about sustainable development goals, students will solve the exercises. When they are done with that, the following activity will be a mutual challenge in groups about creating problems whose structure is the same one as the sustainability themes previously carried out. They will develop this activity focusing on goals number 2,5,12,13.

The image is the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)
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“Speaking numbers” and their use

Teaching in distance (still in progress).
Teachers: Sabrina Nappi in collaboration with Mario Di Fonza and Riccardo Di Pietro
Students: 14-16 years

Analysing situations and problems of daily life with the aim of their mathematical formalization, we naturally introduce mathematical concepts and tools. Reading and interpreting data in a chart or, vice versa, filling in a chart with provided data, is not always so easy for our students.  

Introduction to statistics 

The starting point of the activity is the question “What does statistics study?” that we ask the students using the software “Mentimeter”.

Students reflect on the topic and make a list of some examples with statistics statements: “The average mark in maths in this class is 6”, “The average height of the students is 1.67 cm”, “Making pizza at home is a very trendy habit this year”.

Statistics helps us to move on from the outstanding variability of phenomena (economical, demographic, social ones etc.) to interpretive models of the surrounding reality, going through classification and abstraction.

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