STEM NBS Competit challenge
In this lesson, a plan is prepared for 8th grade students. The introduction to the lesson starts with a story. On this story; Mathematics and science subjects are included. Students then benefit from the discovery steps in the process and the informatics in deepening. They also acquire 21st Century skills. They see that new professional groups are not really foreign in life. It just got some technology involved. Working in the field, Ali helps his father and grows the crops. Crops are ground. Now they will produce new materials and put them on the market. Entrepreneurship and economy will come into play. Well, how many square meters of the owned field – how many trees and vineyards are in it. How many kilos have been collected from these grapes and how much is the amount of vinegar obtained. How to make a quality vinegar. You will learn these in the course content. If they want to increase their income, they will learn new agricultural techniques. He should research biotechnology. It will visualize the tree and vineyard planting in the field with the tinkercad. Maybe they may need to buy new agricultural equipment. What processes are required for vinegar, can you change the materials?
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Subject (s)
Please list in detail the subjects taught in this lesson and briefly explain why specific subjects and teachers were chosen, including the link of the non-STEM subjects and their use in improving the lesson.
I am a science teacher, our topic is physical chemical change, so we worked with a science teacher, a mathematics teacher, a Turkish teacher, and an informatics teacher. Our science teacher explained how to create a hypothesis based on the example and how the changes occur in meals. The math teacher taught all problems to tabulate the gain to be obtained by proportionality method and percentage problems. The Turkish teacher exemplified story formation and inference. The Information Technologies teacher provided visualization of the event by designing. They discovered tinkercad and phet.
Real- life questions
It researches and produces the journey of formation of foods like vinegar that we use daily.
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