Projenin adı: Techno Green School

Sınıf: 3rd Class


The methods that will enable our students to develop their basic skills are developing and changing day by day. Solution-oriented approaches to problems come to the fore. With our project, our students will establish a new sustainable school. They will be able to examine the ecosystem of the place where they live and select compatible plants. They will redesign the sections where there are animals that can be found in the school and will not harm the students, and they will create different study areas that are compatible with nature. They will create the school of their dreams by creating the school garden, building and ecological section.


The aim of our project is to enable students to find basic skills and solutions themselves by providing them with the skills to solve real-world problems in the environment they live in. Offering different solutions to problems is being a part of the solution. With the school they will re-establish, they will contribute to the creation of a more environmentally friendly and more livable environment. They will design the living spaces of both humans and animals by using the sun, water, soil and technology. A nature-friendly school will be created with designs that will reduce carbon and water footprints. With the web 2.0 tools to be used throughout the project, students will develop their digital competencies, take the responsibility of being a digital citizen, and move from being a consumer to a producer.


The project, which has 10 Turkish and 6 foreign partners, is a project that we carry out jointly with the countries of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Italy, Greece, Romania and Ukraine.

Project Plan

In the project, students determined what their dream school was and realized it in their schools.

In the first stage, the students visited the school and searched the area.

In the second stage, using the web2 tool mentimeter, brainstorming was done and the students were allowed to think and write about what their dream school was.

As a result of the Mentimeter, we concluded that the students wanted to create a hobby garden in our school.

Officials from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture explained the life cycle of the plant to the students and planted applied flowers in the school garden.

We made the drawings of our hobby garden that we plan to realize in our school.

We made a model of our hobby garden that we plan to realize in our school.

They made a school exhibition and explained the models designed by our students.

We have integrated the technology into our project, and we have made a drip system and we have both saved water and provided the water required for our plants.

Our students planted the flowers of our application garden and thus we added our hobby garden to our learning process.

Project Results

Thanks to the project, students’ 21st century skills have improved. Students who are confused with a problem situation have produced solutions to the problem, analyzed the solutions and come up with a product. Thanks to the work they have done in groups, their collaborative working skills have improved. The students who designed the school of their dreams are now coming to school more happily and in the learning process. They were very happy to be active.