STEAM Month celebrations ended with Girls winning awards at ICT workshop.

It all started last year in November 2018 when the Science and Technology department at Internationella Engelska Skolan in Kista, Stockholm, Sweden started the STEAM club with 3 teachers and 30 students. The club was started as an initiative of the Erasmus plus project granted by European Union called ‘We are creating Steam embassies’.

It just takes one enthusiastic teacher to start the change. Our tech expert, Mr O’Brien had the idea of making an Arcade Machine. With the help of the Aesthetics teacher and a group of year 9’s, they designed and built the body of the machine. Mr O’Brien then programmed the machine and had a group of year 8’s help with the soldering and wiring of the buttons and switches. Art teachers joined us to decorate the video game machine. Students started to play with it and started asking questions how did we make it. That made the teachers intrigued to take up the challenge to build the Steam department stronger in our school.

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