Remote photo hunt with Zooniverse

Author: Daniela Leone

Resources and tools

In this remote activity, my students used the Zooniverse and Wikispecies websites. To create and share content they used G-Suite apps Google Sheets and Jamboard.

The learning goals were to classify animals and represent data with charts, get informed about environmental research projects. The age of students: 11-12 years old.


Engaging as many students as possible is more challenging in remote activities. Collaboration in groups is also weaker due to distance, different devices and time organization. The goal of this activity was to encourage everyone to give their contribution starting from a simple task.

We started presenting the Zooniverse website, inviting volunteers to help a research project by processing part of the data. We chose the Wild Mont-Blanc program, that studies animals’ distribution by analyzing the images made by a camera trap. Pictures can be checked in a simple way by users, following a guide to recognize the species and provide some related details. For this trial, students did not need to register on the website, but if they got interested, they could create an account later on and keep collaborating to research projects.

classroom assignment
Example of classroom assignment
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The value of hands-on activities during distance learning (5-28 April 2020)

Author: Aiki Jogeva

When our school closed on March 12, no one believed that we would not be able to return to school during this school year. So we can say that during overnight the lives of both students and teachers changed dramatically. At first, everybody needed some time to get used to the new situation and very soon we were facing a problem of too much screen time.

When planning inquiry-based tasks, I have often preferred those that can be done hands-on, or in reality. There are definitely loads of inquiry-based tasks that can be done successfully with animations, models and other digital tools. Nevertheless, in chemistry, biology or science both I and my students consider experimenting with natural objects or substances more exciting and I didn’t want to give it up. In the classroom it has worked well, especially because students worked in groups, they could discuss and help each other. But it seemed to be a challenge during the distance learning period.

I wanted to make use of the situation and asked myself a research question: How does distance learning (e-learning) influence the students’ interest in doing hands-on inquiry-based tasks?

I set up the hypothesis that most of the students will be enthusiastic because they can get away from the screens.

I used structured inquiry resources from our own student books. In some cases, I had to change the list of equipment because people had to stay at home and couldn’t go shopping freely. Sometimes I relied on the explanations in the books, sometimes we had lessons on Google Meet before or after the activity.

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Artificial Intelligence in our Lives

Author: Theodora Gkeniou

Artificial Intelligence has invaded our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine. Before the lockdown, we had carried out research about the benefits and dangers our society is facing due to AI proliferation. We presented our findings in an online meeting.

SHDA: Staying Human in the Digital Age

Artificial intelligence is something that we have all heard of but we actually know nothing about, although we seem to be experiencing it in our everyday lives. This is what we realized in my class, when we decided to do a research on this topic, as part of an eTwinning project, entitled SHDA: Staying Human in the Digital Age that we implemented with three more schools, located in France, the Netherlands and Poland.

AI: a friend or a foe?

Project logo
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Distance learning, discover the plants at home … having fun

Author: Costantina Cossu

Is it possible to learn and having fun even if we are far from each other? Yes, it can be done and you can discover other living creatures that live with you in isolation: the indoor plants. Really? Yes, using Kahoot! and Quizlet.

These are the 2 free platforms, based on gamification approach, specialized to create questionnaires, tests, quizzes and verifications in a simple and funny way. These can also be offered to students online, using videoconferencing tools. Designed for any mobile device, they are valid support in this moment of isolation and schools closure. Quizzes using Kahoot! and flashcards using Quizlet can be created by everyone, for any topic and regardless the age of a student. They are suitable for most devices. You get a smartphone and you’re ready! These 2 platforms attract and amuse students who actively participate in a collaborative working corresponding to the new world of work.

See our flashcards made using Quizlet here!

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Biology & Geology: Levels of Mastery

Authors: Inés Naya & Jenny Lythaby (Colegio Internacional Eirís, A Coruña – Spain)

To engage students during the Covid-19 crisis we created a badge earning system for the remaining part of the term.

This event started on March 13th with the school closure in Spain and will continue until the end of the school year. Continuous improvements were being made to adapt to the changing circumstances of the pandemic.

Activity: students have to earn points and level up their badges until they master the contents of the units by completing different types of quests.

There is a badge for each unit and a final badge certifying their achievement in all units.

How does it work?

The final badges that they can obtain at the end of the event.

There are different levels of mastery in each unit.

The students start as a Candidate and level up as they earn points until they reach the Master level (Maximum level for each unit).

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