I’m Preventing Light Pollution


Light pollution is a global and fast growing type of environmental pollution. This pollution is caused by poorly designed lighting or people’s insensitivity. Because most people do not know about light pollution and the harm it causes to natural life. Many scientific studies show that light pollution negatively affects the health of both humans and wildlife. Our aim in this study is to raise awareness of students about light pollution and to design various parks that will give priority to light pollution with STEM applications. Thus, while my students were gaining awareness about light pollution; They created a design that would reduce light pollution using the fields of science, mathematics, technology, and engineering.


Our STEM activity is planned with primary school students aged 10-11. One of the main goals of this activity is to raise awareness about light pollution. The second is to enable our students to illuminate the parks they have designed according to the STEM activity plan in a way that does not cause light pollution by establishing a simple electrical circuit. They combined their designs and engineering skills with science and mathematics to create a self-confident design.

Good lighting doesn’t just happen. It’s designed.

IALD (International Association of Lighting Designer
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2021 Stem Discovery Campaıgn and(“The World is My Habitat”

Forest footprint grassland footprint agriculture footprint

Grassland Footprint: Like meat, leather, wool and milk
animal breeding to obtain products
make; forage products produced on agricultural land, in natural environments or on farms
It requires the use of fish feeds and pasture areas reserved for grazing. world
approximately 3.5 billion hectares of natural and
there is a semi-natural pasture area. While calculating the footprint of the pasture area, the amount of animal feed available in a certain country and the feed obtained from the grazing lands are required for all animals within a year.
Comparing the amount
Forest Area Footprint: Forest areas are needed for the production of pulp, timber, industrial wood and firewood. Approximately 3.9 billion hectares of forests worldwide
There is an area (Kitzes et al., 2007: 5). National
The forest footprint consists of the sum of products obtained from abroad and national sources. Disruption of the integrity of forest lands,
footprints such as non-conservation of biological diversity, climate changes and the separation of forest areas that need to be protected for wood production
The factors not included in the calculations reduce the capacity of forests to continue ecosystem services.
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PE-STE(A)M (Physical Education and STEAM)

Think sketch vector – The visual was provided by the Author – Attribution CC-BY

Recent innovations have been made in the field of education. STEM education has brought to the fore. STEM showed more importance in the life of the individual and society.
In the new education system, the student is in the center, not the teacher.
Nowadays, students should take responsibility for their learning. Students need different skills. This applies to physical education. Students should be familiar with the science in sports branches. Students should be motivated to produce. 4 countries came together. We have 106 students in our project. Our students discovered STEM fields and created projects, took responsibility and learned to express their feelings. They found solutions to problems with their peers in different cities and countries. And they learned to use technology wisely.

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SDGs STEM fair: Mapping presentation and Makey makey games ” SDGs in a pizza box”

The aim of this activity is to disseminate an Erasmus+ project ” SDGs Action!” to the school community and local institutions by using STEM . The project main goal is to educate the next generations of students to function sustainably in our interconnected world using technology as a mean of sustainability . In the “SDGs Action !” several digital games have been created about SDGs: 17 Scratch games (one per SDG), Makey Makey games ” SDGs in a pizza box”, interactive online games” Visible actions for invisible waste” EWWR’20 board game .

Working cooperatively students have learnt to value each other, the world around them and their contributions to their community and the planet. Six schools from six European countries( France, Finland, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and Catalonia-Spain) have been working together to achieve the project goals. The project is close to the finish line and students are busy preparing the SDGs STEM fair in the Town Hall square in May for the whole school community and the local institutions.

An exhibition of the ” SDGs in a pizza box” made with Makey Makey will be shown by the pupils to their families and the school community and even local institutions will be able to play with them. Finally, the great challenge! Students will present the SDGs Action! project on the walls of the Town Council by ” Mapping”.

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Suyun atmosfer ile dünya arasındaki yolculuğu bir su döngüsü olarak ifade ediliyor ve bu döngü bir takım sosyal ve ekonomik nedenlerle tehlikeli bir sona doğru ilerliyor. Bu bağlamda birçok neden sıralanabilirse de en yaygın nedenler küresel ısınma, su kıtlığı (kuraklık), fosil yakıtların aşırı kullanımı, kontrolsüz nüfus artışı, plansız su yönetimi ve kirliliktir. Başlangıçta ulusal boyutta olan kuraklık, son zamanlarda küresel boyutlara ulaşmış ve suyun önemini vurgulayan çalışmaların sayısı artmıştır. Giderek artan bu soruna çözümler aranıyor ve kalıcı çözümler bulunmazsa dünya ciddi bir su kıtlığı ile karşı karşıya kalacak.


We designed this event called ‘Rain Harvest’ with the aim of reducing water scarcity somewhat and raised awareness during Stem Discovery Week. Three hundreds students who are 7-10 years old participated in our online event. In our online event, we first made them raindrops and internalize them with the drama method. Where would you fall if you were a raindrops? We drew their attention in this direction by saying close your eyes and imagine. We made it a game by symbolizing the words Water-Harvest-Cycle. We created a different movement for each word and asked them to say the words in confusion and make the movement corresponding to that word.Then again, using the drama method, we asked the students to have running water, splashing water, choppy water and raining water. We asked where water comes from and chatted about the water cycle.In the past, we’ve brainstormed the question of how people deal with thirst.

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