OBJECTIVE: To design the fastest sailing sailboat to represent her/his school in the Land Sailing tournament.

Grade: Primary School 2nd Grade
Lesson Duration: 10 Lessons

HB.2.6.4. It contributes to the recycling of consumed materials.
HB.2.4.1. Categorizes the types and means of transportation.
T.2.1.5. Answers questions about what they have listened/watched.
T.2.4.1. Writes meaningful and regular sentences.
M. Creates structures using shape models, draws structures created.
M. Recognizes standard length measurement units and explains their usage.
1-Explains the basic processes needed for a project. (including design and prototype development)
2-Uses appropriate units for all calculations and measurements.
3-Applies design concepts related to physical and mechanical system problems.
Drama: ***Role playing skills develop.
***Gives the ability to act together with the group.
G. Unexpected/unpredictable results occur when creating visual artwork.
realizes he can.
T.10. By actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories,
creates a pool of knowledge by emphasizing answers and solutions.

*wind force
*Push and Pull

*Project-based learning
*Learning by doing
*Stem learning model
*Design thinking

*Plastic bottle and cap

  • Garbage skewers, tongue sticks
    *Silicone gun
    *Toy wheel
    *Carrier bag
    *Aluminium foil
    *Hair dryer


Lesson Preparation for the Teacher:

Photos designed in the form of a blockposter in the link above are removed. You can divide the children into groups if you want, or you can have them done individually.

Drawing Attention:
Students are asked to put together the puzzle-shaped photos distributed. Students may then be asked the following guiding questions:
1-What does this tool look like?
2-Why does he have a sail?
3-Does only sea vehicles have sails?
4- Gasoline is necessary for the movement of cars and planes. Some trains run on coal. So what do you think drives this vehicle?
The answers given by the students to the above questions that establish the school life connection and include their preliminary knowledge.
answers are heard by the teacher. And it goes to the problem state:

Problem State-Scenario
“Deniz’s teacher enters the classroom with a photograph that looks like a sailing vehicle in his hand. The teacher says that the photograph is a “Black Sailboat”, how it moves, its features and tournaments. It states that our school will also participate in the land sailing tournament and the fastest land sailing boat will represent the school. Do you think Deniz will be able to build the fastest “Black Sailboat”?

Your Mission;
1- To learn about land sailing
2- Helping Deniz to design the fastest land sailboat.



1- First of all, students are asked to do research and gather brief information about land sailing. Using the “Popplet” web2.0 tool together, a mind map is prepared with the information you have learned:

Note: Popplet Usage Video:

You can prepare it in different ways and with different information.

2-A wind rose is made to observe the force of the wind with the students.
Wind rose construction stages video:


Game play: First, the students are asked to form a circle. And one person in the middle becomes a midwife. The students are given the names of the materials of the land sailboat, respectively: Sail-Mast-Wheel-Carbine-Seat…. A name is also given to the midwife. When the teacher says to change the sails, the sails are changed, and when the teacher says to change the masts, the masts are changed. But when he says LANDSAIL, everyone has to change places. The midwife tries to find a place for herself. The person who cannot find a place becomes a midwife. The game continues in this way.
The aim of the drama work is to make people comprehend the materials of the land sailer…
Note: The game can be more fun with large groups.

Promotional video of the drama:


At this stage, students are briefly informed about the land sailing boat:

What is Land Sailing?
Racing tricycles over wide and flat pieces of land is called land sailing. In sailboats moved in the direction of the wind, the angle of the sail is changed to give direction to the vehicles. Land sailing first emerged in the 1950s. Land sailing, which has turned into a racing sport after the 1950s, is one of the extreme sports that is very popular especially in the United States and Europe.

Land sailing tournaments and races are held in many countries. One of the most popular of the international tournaments is the week-long European Championship. The World Land Sailing Championship, which is held every four years, is also one of the most popular tournaments.

Although it has similar points with normal sailing, land sailing is based on the wind. Wind has much more thrust than water. In this way, sailboats can move much faster than on the water.

How to do Land Sailing?
In this sport, which is made with three-wheeled sailboats of different sizes, vehicles are classified differently according to their sizes. Sailboats in the same category compete with each other. Sailboats are divided into 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 8th Class. At the same time, mini sailboats consisting of standard class and smaller vehicles compete separately. The most frequently used class in these races is the 3rd class.

Necessary Materials for Land Sailing
The sailing materials required for land sailing are usually purchased separately and combined to make them ready for the sport.
The first equipment required for land sailing is a sail. Models produced in different sizes and features are in various classes. Pilots choose sails according to which class they will be in. Sails from 2 meters to 8 meters are produced.
The masts that help the sails to stay stable are produced with durable materials. Poles produced with materials such as fiberglass, carbon and ultra carbon are designed in various thicknesses and lengths. In addition to being durable, the sailboats are very light thanks to their maximum weight of 1 kilogram.
It is necessary to use different sizes of wheels in sailboat models, which are divided into early and late periods. Wheels are chosen from multi-toothed and heavy or flatter and lighter models according to sailing classes.
Carabiners are used as attachments in many extreme sports. High quality carabiners are used together with ropes and screws for joining main parts such as sails, seats and masts.

When is Land Sailing Done?
For land sailing races, periods with strong winds are definitely preferred. Beach edges, dry lakes in desert lands, even airstrips are suitable for races. Spring months, when the wind is strong as a season, is the most suitable season for land sailing. Races can be held in the regions where the wind is seen in the summer season. Very cold weather and snow-covered areas are not suitable for this sport. Generally, from March to November, there are favorable weather conditions for doing this sport.
Best Land Sailing Routes in the World
Land sailing tournaments, which are widely held especially in Europe, are accompanied by uniquely beautiful beaches.
The following informative videos can also be watched:

PUSH AND PULL issues can also be briefly mentioned:
If the direction of the force is towards us, it is attraction.
If the direction of the force is ahead of us, it is repulsion.
Examples of Push and Pull Forces:
*Wind shakes tree branches
*The wind blows the kite
*The wind carries the sailboat
*The wind turns the windmill


“Answers questions about images” with Blockposter work. The learning outcome is “Answers questions about what they listen/watch with the informative videos they watch.” The outcome is “Writes meaningful and regular sentences” in popplet web2.0 application. His achievement is “Fills the forms according to the instructions” in the crosswordlabs web2.0 tool application. A plan suitable for gains is implemented.

Information is exchanged on which geometric objects to choose for the design. The designed prototype is first measured with non-standard measurement units and compared. Then, using a ruler, drawing the line segment whose length is given, forming triangles, squares, rectangles and determining the diagonals are done.

The student realizes that he can solve problems by modeling. Uses problem solving steps. Develops the ability to use technology in the right direction while researching and using web 2.0 tools.

“What is wind energy? Where to use? Have information about “Push and Pull Force”.


An Annex-1 form is distributed to the students. Students start making design drawings to help Deniz.
Each student draws a design. Describes the features of the design in prototype drawing and explains how the design will work.
The necessary materials for their design are provided by the parents and the teacher.
All students will be given 3 days for the design and at the end of this period, everyone will be
It is stated that he will explain the features of his own design in the class. with available materials
Ask students to turn their solutions into products. The design phase begins.


**At this stage, students will be guided while drawing the design.

**You can watch the Black Sailboat design drawing presentations from the link below:


**Start and check the design you will prepare.


**Tell your friends about the construction stages and materials of the design you have prepared by making a presentation.
**After the presentations are over, everyone compares their own design with the designs of other students. Thus, they have the opportunity to evaluate and improve their designs. The teacher uses supportive statements for students to improve their products. After sharing, students are asked what they can do to improve their designs. Students can refine their designs if they need to.

**Products made in the school entrance hall are exhibited and offered to other students:


In order to measure what the students have learned about the “BLACK SAIL”, the following puzzle is solved using the CROSSWORDLABS web2.0 tool.

After all the sharing is done, the design evaluation form is distributed and the students
It is ensured that they evaluate their product objectively.


Have you learned about the Black Sailboat?   
Did you find a solution to the problem for the Black Sailboat to go fast?   
Did you imagine and design while drawing your design?     
Did you have a hard time designing the product?   

• You should tell us your product’s strengths and weaknesses.
• What would you like to change if you were to do it again?


Name and surname :………………………………………………..
Class No:…………………………………………………………

Dear Students,
Can you draw the tool or mechanism you designed?

Can you tell me what science, mathematics, engineering, technology or other science branches you should benefit from in order to be able to make the tool/machine/assembly you pictured above in real life?

STEAM education and the ancient Greek civilization with jigsaw method

The past comes into the present embraces with stem education because as the ancient Greek writer Ploutarchos said, the mind of children is not a container that we have to fill but a fire that we have to light.

By Margarita Dakoronia, primary school teacher of 32nd Primary School of Piraeus-Greece, and her 21 amazing 9 years old students


We meet the ancient Greek civilization based on steam education. And the jigsaw educational method helps us in this activity. Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that enables each student of a “home” group to specialize in one aspect of a topic. Our topics will be science, technology, reading, arts, and maths in Cycladic, Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations in ancient Greece.

Our resources:, youtube with the videos which I have added in the presentation, Europeana, the following greek museum Santorini museum, Knossos museum, Mykeanes and ideas for stem activities from scientix, nasa stem, vivifystem.

Aims of the project:

  • to acquaint students with ancient Greek culture through a different perspective -stem in history
  • to cooperate in the production of the desired result
  • to teach interdisciplinary traditional teaching subjects such as history
  • to find the best possible solutions by collaborating
  • to teach their peer based in jigsaw method
  • to create through the areas that interest them by participating in the team of their choice, as professionals

The project is scheduled based on the following relevant trends and innovations 4c’ skills:

Project based learning: The pupils ought to schedule the steps of the project, to collaborative in groups with their peers and each of the group to produce the materials for the specific period.

Collaborative learning: Collaboration is very necessary to our project. The groups collaborate at the three steps of jigsaw method to succeed their goals. The jigsaw method helps the kids to collaborate and to teach each other. The role of the teacher is only instructive.

Steam learning: Each group of the 5 historical period create the materials depend on steam acronym.

Science: the evolution of life, the search for the extinction of the dinosaurs, the discovery of the wheel, the discovery of writing, the eruption of the volcano of Santorini in 1500 BC and the destruction of ancient civilizations in ancient Greece.

Technology: the construction of the wheel that is considered the most important ancient invention and the programming of our robot – the first wheel to move between our ancient settlements.

Engineering: the architecture and the construction of the first settlements in Greece, in Dimini and Hoirokitia as well as a house of the Minoan period

Art: the group of artists created rock paintings of caves, murals, vases and seals used by ancient civilizations for their financial transactions

Mathematics: Mathematicians engaged in the construction of a vessel similar to what is considered the first computer and was a creation of the Minoan civilization. They measured the distances that the points on the vessel that show the seasons and the months should have.

For the realization of the project, I tried to encourage and cultivate the development of the Creativity , the Critical Thinking, the Communication and the Collaboration, the 4c’ skills of 21st century.

Dates: 1st of April-29th of April 2022, we worked on this project about three hours per week.

1st step: The children were initially divided into composition groups. I assign one of the group members the role of coordinator and distribute the necessary material for the children to study. The student coordinator instructs each student to study in depth a part of the content, taking on the role of expert. The groups have on their tablets the following presentation to study.

 2nd step: Specialization groups are created. Each group of specialists brings together the people from the initial groups who have undertaken the same common subset of the learning object. So we were divided into the following groups

  • the group of Paleolithic civilization
  • the group of Neolithic civilization
  • the group of Cycladic civilization
  • the group of Minoan civilization and
  • the group of Mycenaean civilization

3rd step: Ιn each culture group the children according to their preferences undertook to present the following thematic and they also teach their peers what they have learnt for the period that they have examed:

  • Sciences
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Art and
  • Mathematics

Paleolithic civilization

We started from the moment of the creation of the earth and examined the evolution of the species as Scientists. They showed great interest in the dinosaur period, as Artists painted and made comics about the extinction of the dinosaurs. They researched the species of dinosaurs and their categories according to the type of food in herbivores and carnivores.

Photos with kids’ activities for the Paleolithic period

Neolithic civilization

The team that worked for this period, was the Engineers making the first Paleolithic settlements and planning our robot to visit them since at this time we have the discovery of the wheel so the scientists worked on the construction of the wheel. And the Artists painted their first rock paintings.

Photos with kids’ activities for the Neolithic period

Cycladic civilization

The team that worked for this period, was the Artists who painted famous murals as well as the first seal stones that the merchants of that time needed for their financial transactions.

Photos with kids’ activities for the Cycladic period 1st

Minoan civilization

The team that worked for this period, was the Scientists and Mathematicians who tried to make the vessel that is considered as the first computer. The Artists who created the album of Phaistos, one of the oldest inscriptions in the world. This scripture has not yet been read.

Photos with kids’ activities for the Minoan period 1st

Mycenaean civilization

The team that worked for this period, was the Engineering who built great ships-robots so that the Mycenaeans could develop trade and become the largest naval power of their time,

Photos with kids’ activities for the Mycenaean period (a file)

We say: Ocean Life without Plastic

The Blue School team of our school, Gymnasium of Anthousa from Greece, cares about ocean life without plastic.

For this reason, our school supported the 2022 STEM Discovery Campaign. As a contribution to the campaign, we participated in the live event in April 12th 2022 with the tittle: “UNDERSTANDING AND ACTING FOR A HEALTHY PLASTIC FREE SEA”. The working language of this event was English.

We joined with the eTwinning partner schools: Alytus Jotvingiai Gymnasium from Lithuania and Liceo Linguistico “Ilaria Alpi” di Cesena from Italy.

The event focused on examining and understanding the paths of plastic pollution, the impact on marine ecosystems and new technologies for observation and removal. Students also refered to different sectors of the blue economy, in a circular economy perspective, by spreading a message.

The contribution of our school are the following activities.

1. Let’ s play the board game Snakes and Ladderswithout plastics in the seas!”

The main purpose of this board game (Snakes and Ladders) is to raise environmental awareness, which concentrates on ocean life without plastic.

When a player lands on a ladder, moves to a square with a higher number. This action represents that he/she did something good for the environment. When a player lands on a snake’s head, moves to a square with a lower number. This action represents that he/she harmed the environment. There are also some squares that make you move some steps forward or backwards, depending on the player’s environmental actions. The participants of this board game can be at least two.

The board game Snakes and Ladders about healthy seas

2. We CLEAN  beaches – We RESPECT our environment!

On Monday 11/4 our school visited the beach of Rafina, which is located 17 km close to Anthousa. During our school program, the students – members of the Blue School participated in an action which was about cleaning a beach.

At first, the were students divided into groups. Each group received a folder, which included a map of the area and a worksheet. At this worksheet the students wrote down the types of rubbish that they met, annotations and questions.

They not only wrote down the types of rubbish that they saw, but also took pictures, observed the beach and orientated themselves. Since at that day the weather was unsettled and windy, the next day at school, they placed on a paper the rubbish they collected and observed their types. These were mostly out of plastic and they hat as origin the land. The majority of them were for a long time on the beach or in the sea.

One of the students volunteered and was “tied” from the other students with a thin rope, in order to be in the place of an animal that is trapped at fishing net. She felt panic, despair, being trapped and fear. She mentioned that after hours she would feel hunger and the danger that a predator might attack.

Collection of rubbish on the Beach
Examination of the rubbish
Being in the place of a trapped fish


Within the framework of the blue school project in our school “Gymnasium of Anthousa Attikis” in Greece, the students created a video about the pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. This video participated in a competition organized from The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research and won the first price, during the school year 2020-2021.

V International Lviv STEM Festival during the war in Ukraine

This year, Scientix Ambassador Olha Doskochynska organized the V International Lviv Stem Festival for Ukrainian teachers and students during the war in Ukraine. The purpose of this festival is to promote science, technology, mathematics, and art.

We planned to organize V International Lviv Stem Festival offline and invite colleagues, and Scientix Ambassadors from Slovakia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Albania, and Israel to Lviv for exchange experiences. But now there is a war in Ukraine and we will use an online format for teachers and an offline format for our Ukrainian students.

During the online seminar, my colleagues and I talked about the implementation of STEM in our countries and shared our ideas and innovations.

The main part of the festival was a visit to the Museum of Science of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which moved to Lviv from Kyiv.

Since the beginning of the war, we have been organizing offline training for students who have moved from cities where there is war.

Students of my school and students who came from the East of Ukraine during the seminar had the opportunity to conduct research, develop critical thinking, cooperate, develop communication skills.

As a Scientix Ambassador, my task is to promote STEAM education and share experiences.

Science and education are always relevant. Education is the force that helps us, Ukrainians win everything, especially now that my country, Ukraine, is at war.

In this Museum of Science, students have the opportunity to implement ideas, develop projects, and conduct experiments. Here we visited games and interactive exhibitions, which focus on the promotion of technology, science, and innovation.

Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the exhibits in the areas of IT, bio- and modern technologies, physics, robotics, electronics, and Smart Cities. The museum has research laboratories for children and young people, where you can create your own experiment under the supervision of specialists, learn about chemical processes, and have an unforgettable time. Physical phenomena await visitors in a separate hall. Here you can understand how gravity works, look at lenses, and learn more about sound propagation. In other halls, you can build roller coasters, explore human anatomy and get acquainted with the great inventions of mankind. For example, make an architectural arch and feel why such structures hold ancient and majestic buildings.

During this week, my students and I also explored the planet Mars. Students created their own models of the rocket, as well as the work of the rover. Students explored whether life on Mars is possible and what people need to live there.

Cargo Transportation & STEM

Today, Cargo Transportation, cargo has an important place. People want products that are not around for their needs from different places. We use cargo to send things to people we know. In this study, students will make designs for the problems experienced in cargo transportation with STEM. They will make these designs with Lego blocks and Lego Wedo 2.0.


Our work was supported by Bilim Kahramanları Derneği in Turkey. In the study; students, robotic coding integrated into STEM activities.


The achievements of our students

1-Systematic thinking, problem solving, the ability to see the relationships between events.

2-Providing creative thinking.

3- Give them the ability to produce by entertaining them.

STEM is looking for solutions to everyday life problems. Robotic coding activities make students’ designs tangible. Students complete the Engineering Department of STEM with robotic coding.

     STEM Method

Students were given eigenvalue training in each study. With these trainings, group work and imagination developed.
Our theme this year; ‘Cargo Transportation’. For the problem situation; scenario transferred. Students do research to find a solution to the problem situation. The teacher brings together the expert on the subject with the children. The children spoke to the experts. Students make drawings and animations for the solutions they have designed. They come together and design the best solution with lego blocks.

 Our Work

Students work collaboratively in their studies. They take part in all stages. it is believed that the student takes part in every stage. Students share sections and studies. They make drawings by designing their solutions. This work improves their imagination. Students discuss their drawings and plan a joint design. This work also improves their speaking ability. Students test by experimenting with code designs to move blocks. This boosts improve their engineering skills.

Students receive Scratch training to design their animations. They receive Lego Wedo 2.0 pieces of training to code moving parts

At the end of the event; students presented the project and the designs of the project products to all stakeholders (student families, other teachers in the school, experts involved in the study).

Check out the videos of our activities on the links below: