We Discover Biodiversity Around Us

Author: Özlem Kahraman

During the 2020 STEM Discovery Campaign, when we were in our homes because of the Covid-19 outbreak, we discover the biodiversity around us. In this activity, our students researched the species living in İğneada Longoz Forests in our region (Marmara region, Turkey). With the research results, we prepared a virtual tour to İğneada Longoz Forests using Thinglink.

The world is changing faster than ever before, natural beings are running out. The pressure created by the increasing population and uncontrollable consumption desire causes the unsustainable consumption of natural assets. And it endangers the future of our species and our planet.

There are more than 1.7 million identified plant and animal species in the world. Unfortunately, the number of these species has begun to decline in the past century at an unprecedented rate. Since 1970, 30% of the known species in the world have been destroyed.

Nowadays, the importance of protecting natural life and biodiversity has emerged once again, when we are faced with the negative effects of the destruction of human activities on nature and wildlife and on human health. Experts warn that there are 1.7 million unknown viruses living between mammals and waterfowl and that these diseases can be transported to human habitats and cause new pandemics as a result of interventions in natural habitats.

Story of creating a virtual tour to İğneada Longoz forests

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Learning Professions with Bees (STEM Family Library Project)

Author: Carmen Diez Calzada

International concern to develop sustainability on Planet Earth challenges us to remember the importance of biodiversity.

Bees are the example of directly delivered benefits to biodiversity components (ecosystems, species and genes) that may contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A family workshop was organised to discover the importance of bees, to experience real and virtual, and to learn professions with bees. It aims to bring science closer to citizens.

The workshop is a part of the STEM Family Library Project started in 2013. Family workshops are organized to spread the knowledge and interest in STEAM subjects within the society. Each workshop enables the participants to travel through a different everyday reality and build knowledge on a family level. At the end, the participating families must complete a challenge at home. Read more about the project here.

Key words: STEM Pofessions, Virtual Experiment, Health, Citizenship, Health studies.

Date: 7 March 2020

STE(A)M Family Library Project evokes interest in STEM trough family workshop and knowledge exchange. Thus, it corresponds to the need for creating a European space, oriented towards the demands of the job market in the 21st century. The methodology developed is Inquiry-Based Science Education.

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