Encouraging Girls to Pursue Careers in STEM

How can female students be interested in STEM fields in secondary education?

Research in the STEM field states that female role models are very important for STEM career fields (Hiil, C., Milgram, D. & Zachmann, K). For this reason, the science woman who is a role model for our students, Prof. Dr. We chose Imran HATAY PATIR. Selcuk University Faculty of Science Department of Biotechnology Prof. Dr. I. Hatay Patır told our female students about her life story and her work to become a science woman  and answered our questions. Science activities were carried out by his assistants in her laboratory. We visited the scientist at Selçuk University (23/3/22). Selcuk University is located in Konya. The interview with 26 female students lasted 120 minutes. The age of the students is approximately 13-14.


Prof. Dr. İmren Hatay Patır

Prof. Dr. İmren Hatay Patır was born in Tekirdağ in 1983. She graduated from Selcuk University, Department of Chemistry in 2003. She received her master’s degree in the same field in 2006. He completed his doctorate in chemistry at EPFL Institute in Lausanne, Switzerland, and Selcuk University, Institute of Science and Technology, with the support of TUBITAK’s Domestic – International Integrated PhD Scholarship Program in 2010. She received the title of associate professor in 2013. She received the title of professor in 2019. She completed his project titled “Hydrogen Production from the Decomposition of Water Using Sunlight”, which he is the coordinator of and supported by TUBITAK, in 2018. In 2016, he was deemed worthy of an award within the framework of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) Outstanding Young Scientists Award Program (GEBİP) in the field of chemistry. In 2017, she won the L’oréal Turkey & Unesco Turkish National Commission Young Scientist Support Award for her project on producing hydrogen from water using nanocomposite materials containing metal oxide and carbon nanotubes.


Prof. Dr. İmren HATAY PATIR visited the Selcuk University and gave a presentation to the 26 female students, about what they can do to become a scientist, from her own life and studies.

Lecture with students
Lecture with students
Selcuk University conference hall and Prof. Dr. İmran Hatay Patır’s presentation

STEM science activities for our students were carried out in the laboratory by their assistants.


  • STEM ACTIVITY: Flying Balloon Experiment
  • STEM ACTIVITY: Golden Rain Experiment
  • STEM ACTIVITY: DNA İsolation rom fruit
  • STEM ACTIVITY: Water Bear Examination with a Microscope

1.STEM ACTIVITY: Flying Balloon Experiment

The flying balloon experiment

2. STEM ACTIVITY: Golden Rain Experiment


3.STEM ACTIVITY: DNA İsolation rom fruit

4. STEM ACTIVITY: Water Bear Examination with a Microscope

A selection of pictures is the author’s own (Attribution CC-BY)


Hill, C., Corbett, C., & St Rose, A. (2010). Why so few? Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. American Association of University Women. 1111 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.

Milgram, D. (2011). How to recruit women and girls to the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) classroom. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 71(3), 4-11.

 Zachmann, K.  (2018). Women in STEM: Female Role Models and Gender Equitable Teaching Strategies, Masters of Arts in Education Action Research Papers, 8


Betül ESEN, one of Turkey’s Scientix STEM Ambassadors, completed her graduate degree in mathematics education. She presents her studies on STEM and mathematics education at national and international congresses. In 2020, within the scope of the project, three primary schools, a secondary school, a science center and a school development organization were visited by the Konya Provincial Directorate of National Education sent to STEM schools in Cardiff, United Kingdom/Wales with STEM curriculum. He is currently working as a mathematics teacher in Konya. She is passionate about trekking, one of the nature sports, and integrates her hobbies with her profession as a trekking trainer. She has made it a lifestyle to travel domestically and abroad, to follow her dreams.