Living on my Moon. Sustainability 4 future

This Learning Scenario concerns future sustainability on the Moon. It is structured for students of middle school (11-13 years old). They will image the future life on the Moon and the right behaviour for the correct use of water, air, food, waste in their hypothetical future homes and their hypothetical future vehicles for mobility. In this way, all students build knowledge on basic features of the Moon, and they are involved in laboratory activity through design thinking. They work in groups in cooperative learning, in fact, they are called to project, to design in group 3d models of their own lunar home on and own car lunar sustainable model with online tools like Tinkercad (, Cospaces (, Minecraft Education Edition. So they can compare their knowledge about the environmental sustainability of Earth and provide alternatives for the Moon on mobility, buildings, waste, air, water, food and cultivation.

In this LS students develop key skills (21st-century skills), improve digital skills concentrating on an awesome topic of aerospace. At the end of the path students in groups will have to produce 3d lunar sustainable models; they will have to produce some presentations, with slides, video, VR/AR tour, printed 3d models. These presentations will have to be in the English language and founded on the basic features learned on the topic of the Moon. In the end, students are involved in a debriefing test for a self-assessment. In the pictures is possible to view some models 3D designed with Tinkercad; all students have worked in the team from their own homes during the pandemic time. In other words, in this Learning Scenario technological tools, environments and devices have allowed (and will allow to all people that want to try building a similar activity based on design thinking) the creation of relationships and communications capable of enriching the experience of simultaneous sharing of physical space.


Education in constantly changing world

It is an undeniable fact that the time our children live will be very different from the time we live. So the knowledge and skills that our children need to acquire will surely be different. The aim of education in the 21st century is to raise individuals who are sensitive to the environment, respectful to nature, who feel responsible for the society and planet they live in, and who have a developed citizenship awareness. Because the world is changing at such a rate that even it is surprising! It is very important to raise awareness for our students in order to leave a livable world to new generations.


Have you ever thought what do we do if our world becomes uninhabitable? What if the world expels us one day, where do we go? What challenges do we have to deal with? How do we settle? Is it possible to live on another planet? 


Here I wrote this learning scenario to learn the answers that my students will give to these questions. This learning scenario targets both the cognitive, psychomotor and affective development of students. It has been prepared to enable students to find solutions to possible future problems with STEM. If human beings do not take precautions and act sensitively, possible dangers await mankind in the future. This learning scenario was prepared to attract students’ attention and raise awareness. I am a design and technology teacher at a secondary school. This learning scenario is suitable for students in the 12-15 age group (5, 6, 7 and 8 grade of secondary school) and could only be partially implemented due to the pandemic conditions.

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We’re here for EVERY STORY ONE STEAM Stem Discovery week

Our project

Teachers from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Slovakia and Croatia came up with 5 rules, discovering the Power of Water, Earthquake Resistant to Design Houses. Parıltı designs a new generation recycle bin. Glitz Helps Bees. We created the stories through joint product studies with students. According to the Problem situation determined in the story with our Project Partners, our Joint 4 Plans include the main theme of Sustainability and Citizenship in the best way. We implemented our plans with pleasure.

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STEAM and Space flights!


How can we get to the moon? What’s the procedure to launch into space? And what about flying in space and landing on the moon? This scenario is addressed to primary school students aged of 11-12 years old and is based on STEAM education methods. They will understand how a rocket engine work, the factors which affect a space launch and how it can be achieved. Students will also have the chance to construct their own rocket using simple materials.


Through the present learning scenario students will be able to: a) describe the whole procedure of launching into space, combining the previous and the new knowledge, and b) construct their own rocket using simple materials. They will work in groups and realize the importance of team work while having fun. As a result, they will develop their creativity through interesting constructions and innovative presentations of their work.

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