Technology to prevent Earthquakes, Safe Cities for all

Author: Stavroula Skiada

The logo of our project

School: 8th Primary school of Nea Filadelfeia, Athens Greece
Participants: Students of 5th grade (10 to 11 years old)
Implementation dates: 1 February – 26 February 2021
Learning Scenario:


This STE(A)M project was a collaborative activity between the 8th primary school of Nea Filadelfeia and the 2nd primary school of Nea Erythraia, Athens. The main idea of the project was the simulation of a seismograph using the BBC micro:bit controllers. The activity started in February 2021, was integrated into the cross-thematic national curriculum and implemented both online and in-class. It aimed to introduce students to basic skills of programming, computational and critical thinking, creativity and social, emotional intelligence. Additionally, through STEAM education students created links between the classroom training and the world around them and solved real-life problems. Furthermore, the use of advanced technologies in the classroom encouraged participation as it made learning fun and engaging process. 

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My Earthquake Resistance Building

Turkey is located in a region of earthquakes. Many earthquakes occur in our country. On October 30, 2020, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 occurred in Izmir. Our students wanted to do a study on this subject. First of all, they started by doing research on earthquakes. What is an earthquake? How does it occur? They then discussed what they could do to minimize damage to homes from the earthquake. Due to Covid-19, all interviews took place online.

Our students used the following instruction as an example for this study.



The strength and durability of our homes will ensure our survival in a possible earthquake. The design of earthquake-resistant structures is one of the important work areas of civil engineers. You are also expected to design and present an earthquake-resistant building model by thinking and working like an engineer.

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Author: Semih ESENDEMİR

Within the scope of the “STEM Discovery Campaign 2020” organized by Scientix in European countries, I, as a science teacher at Emine Emir Şahbaz Science and Art Center, organized an online STEM activity “Don’t Fear Be Aware” with my students being 9 to 12 years old between 20 – 26 of April, 2020.

My aim in organizing this activity was to develop scientific and engineering process skills by directing my students to research, questioning, and design with the online STEM event that I organized during these difficult times when I am separated from my students. To achieve this goal, I dealt with the earthquake, one of the most significant natural disasters that concerns our country. Due to its geographical position, Turkey is a country located in the world’s most important earthquake zones. Compared with countries located in earthquake zones, Turkey takes place in the front row in terms of life and property losses caused by the earthquake. I believe that it is necessary to raise awareness about earthquakes at a young age to change this situation. I wanted to raise this awareness with this STEM activity where my young students could grasp the earthquake dynamics, learn how to measure the earthquake, and discover how to design earthquake-resistant buildings.

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Citizen science students about earthquakes in STEM education

STEM Discovery Week is coming but the STEM club Evangeliki Model High of Smyrna managed by Argyri Panagiota has participated in innovative activities for studying earthquakes from February.

Students must be exposed to real problems in order to learn how to develop, evaluate and choose solutions. Seismology can be safely considered as a field of science that offers this particular real-world environment that will motivate and improve student’s problem solving skills, both individual and collaborative

Teachers must also be prepared to look at the real world, especially the world of the students, in order to attract the emotional field to problem solving (willingness and persistence), but also to the cognitive field, helping to transfer skills to different environments.

Students develop STEM skills and take role of researcher, engineer, ICT programmer  participate to the competition  Make your own seismographer under the framework Open Schools for Open Socities EU Project, The competition organised by Ellinogermaniki Agogi and the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens.

Students participated in a Greek Student Parliament 2018 that includes real parliamentary procedures while acting as researchers on scientific issues with the help of distinguished specialists and scholars. It aims at enhancing dialogue and exchange of views and knowledge among students and scientists by involving children in parliamentary processes on issues that cover diverse areas of science and research and everyday life.

The theme area of ​​the Greek Student Parliament for this year is:
“Earthquakes: Exploring today’s achievements, future challenges and expectations in terms of education, response and prevention.” And it includes three sub-sections
A) Education, B) Tackle C)Prevention

Creativity in Earthquakes

Seismographer created by students