Stem NBS Competition challenge






We see that water resources are not used properly in Turkey and many countries of the world. At the same time, many countries, especially in Southern Europe, face water shortage during the warm summer months and green areas experience irrigation problems. Recovering degraded ecosystems can also benefit from water recovery. Through this course, students will learn about nature-based solutions (NBS) in general and NBS for wastewater treatment in particular. They see that not only will they remove pollutants from rainwater, but also numerous side benefits. Through the project-based learning (PBL) approach, students will prototype storage areas for stormwater harvesting.


Efficient use of rain water, revitalization of vegetation, water management, nature-based solutions, ecosystem, sustainability.

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Let’s buzz for STEM bees.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: whatsapp-image-2021-04-30-at-21.02.05.jpeg

Serap Denizli/Cumhuriyet Primary School

Age Group: 9-11

Participating students: 50

In this application, we sought an answer to the question of how we can protect bees based on climate change, and we integrated nature-based solutions with the body environment. We had our activities done sequentially according to the 5E model.

Because of climate change, flowers bloom untimely, making it difficult for bees to make honey. In our survey with children, they found it appropriate to build a greenhouse based on what has been said before about climate change. Are we teaching students that we will protect flowers, bees and use renewable energy in this greenhouse construction? First, by looking at the map of our region, empty areas were determined and greenhouses were planned to be built in accordance with this area. Flowers that bees love will be planted in these greenhouses.It is aimed to make greenhouses in certain places in and outside the city and to protect these greenhouses from rain and extreme cold in winter and to provide nutrients to bees by protecting them from extreme heat in summer. . It will be thought about heating and cooling using only solar or wind power, without the use of fossil fuels.

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Bee Friendly

Bee Friendly is an eTwinning project. Poland, Spain and Turkey are partner countries for the project. Project duration is 6 months. Activities are suitable for primary school children. It can be easily adapted science, mathematics, technology, art and English (as a foreign language) lessons.The guidelines for the implementation of activities are in the Bee Friendly STEAM learning scenario.

The aims of the project are to raise awareness about the importance of bees for nature and humans, their contribution to the ecosystem and what can be done to protect them.

Amazing Facts about Bees

Firstly, in order to attract students’ attention, we presented them some interesting information about bees.

Bee Friendly Amazing Facts about Bees

They were amazed, and they themselves searched and found new information from the Internet. They drew the information they choose and they prepared one poster with interesting information about bees.

Amazing Facts Poster

Body Parts of Honey Bees

Secondly, they learned more about bees: their body parts, their life cycle, their jobs in the hive and how do they communicate.(Bee Dance) They created a life cycle and a hive model.

Bee Body Parts

Life Cycle of Honey Bees

Bee Life Cycle

Jobs in the Hive

Waggle Dance

waggle Dance

They played an online Bee Dance Game.

Bee Hive


We talked about pollination. They created a pollination and collecting nectar and pollen simulation.

They made pollen from yellow chalk powder, flowers from Cartons.

What do Honey Bees Collects

Above all collecting pollen with tweezers, drinking nectar with syringe was funny.

We watched videos about how bees make honey and talked about other bee products (Pollen, Propolis, Wax…) and their benefits.They realized that many things exist thanks to bee but they also realized that this is not an easy task at all.

When we asked if they wanted to do a profession about bees, the answers were amazing, they all wanted very much.

The students research on the net the relevant STEM careers. They share they knowledge about Job descriptions, duties & requirements. And they share their career interests.

After all that they learned, they decided to create a Bee Friendly area in their home garden.

As a result, they are now Bee Friendly.

All the visuals, screenshots and photos belong to the Author – Attribution CC-BY