This activity, firstly aims to evaluate waste materials using STEAM disciplines, calculate the daily waste produced at home and design products from waste. Secondly, they will make seed balls and observe the seed germination. Finally, students will write an acrostic poem. As a result of the event, it is aimed that students take action to reduce waste at school and at home. And moreover, they are expected to change their behavior in their daily lives.

Age of Student: 13-14
Activity duration: 4 lessons


The world population is growing rapidly. At the same time the need for energy is also increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the energy needs of future generations without ignoring today’s needs. Firstly, the depletion of natural resources based on sustainable development should be prevented. Secondly, resources should be used consciously. It is possible to do this with recycling. Thanks to sustainable development, a healthy, quality life and quality education can be provided. Moreover, poverty and hunger can be ended through sustainable development. To summarize, individuals should be aware of the fact that natural resources are limited and can be depleted.
Firstly, the teacher asks the following questions to students. “Are natural resources infinite?”, “Which of the items you throw away can be re-evaluated?”, “Are the wastes that we consider as garbage really garbage?“. In conclusion, students have used brainstorming to generate ideas. Then they watched 2 videos explaining the importance of recycling and sustainable development.

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Pollution is a kind of damage to the environment. Substances or wastes cause it. Some pollution breaks down quickly. However, some might take thousands or millions of years to break down. Therefore, food waste is a global problem. It is threatening environmental, social and economic sustainability.

In this learning scenario, we are planning to find solutions to prevent environmental pollution. For instance, we can use homemade waste. In addition, we will have a useful product. Firstly, students will learn a way of preventing environmental pollution. It will be by recycling food waste at school or in their household. They will use a simple method. Secondly, they will be simulating the worm’s role in nature. Worms are used to recycle food into valuable soil. Thirdly, students will produce fertilizer for planting. They will help to clean the environment. Moreover, the pollution will decrease with the help of recycling. As a result, students will discuss other solutions for pollution. Also, they will prepare a final presentation of their findings. Some will prepare posters in Turkish or English.

The picture is the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)
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