STEM Lesson Plan
Tiny Hands eTwinning Project
Eylem Bİlgin
Coding is gaining importance today, where digital learning is developing. While improving the design skills of students with Web2 tools, they should be guided to find daily life problems and solutions. While the relationship between coding and daily life is explained in an entertaining way, students’ hand skills are developed through learning by doing. At the same time, basic level skills related to coding are gained.
Attribution CC BY. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, if they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.
1. Will be willing to act sparingly in the use of resources.
2.Recognizes the importance of resources and recycling necessary for life.
1. Develops ideas for designing unique products based on the needs around him.
1. Makes evaluations based on specific events and situations.
2. Collects and evaluates data.
3. Estimates and measures area measurements.
4. Draws the given shape symmetrically according to the line.
1.Uses technological products in a way that does not harm himself, others and nature.
2.Uses the knowledge about the developing technologies.
3. Comprehends the message in short and simple digital texts.
4.Applies speaking strategies.
1.Makes three-dimensional studies using different materials.
2. It creates a depth effect on a two-dimensional surface.
3. Arranges the forms on the two-dimensional surface.
1. Sings different rhythmic melodies.
2. He moves in accordance with different rhythmic melodies.
1. Makes prepared speeches.
Frame 2 talks about a specific topic.
Real Life Questions
There is coding in many of the things we do in our daily life. The problem of daily life will be found by the student and product design and evaluation will be made from waste materials.
Course objectives
To help students find solutions to their daily life problems by using the basic disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learned in the course.
To reveal the talents of the students.
To direct students to research and production by using the knowledge in STEM fields and to gain problem solving skills.
Link to STEM careers
MATHEMATICS: Analyst, Data Manager
TECHNOLOGY: Computer Engineer, Information Literacy, Handicrafts
ENGINEERING: Technology Instructor, Software Engineer
Age of students
Primary School 4th Grade (9-10 Years)
Preparation Time: 50 minutes
Study Period: 2 Months
• Preparation Activities:
Mixed Student Team Meetings: 40 minutes
Guest Meetings: Seda Kılıç (Tile), Esra Bora (Coding), Aylin Aydın Sel (Ceramics and Glass) 40+40+40 minutes
• STEM Lesson 1 7(1.1) I Code With Patterns: Pattern 7(1.2)Answergarden: Coding in everyday life 40+40 minutes
• STEM Lesson 2 7 (2.1) I Code With Symmetry: Symmetry 7(2.2) Canva: Coding image in everyday life 40+40 minutes
• STEM Lesson 3 7(3.1) Coding with Crafts: Crafts involving coding 7(3.2)ChatterPix: Product introduction 40+40 minutes
• STEM Lesson 4 7(4.1) Robot Dance: Performing robot dance following directions 7(4.2) WordArt: Creating Word Cloud visuals 40+40 minutes
• STEM Lesson 5 7 (5.1) Roby Tiny: Making robots from waste materials 7(5.2)JigsawPlanet: Making your own robot game 7(5.3) Game with My Robot: Coding games 40+40+40 minutes
• STEM Lesson 6 7.6 I’m coding:Strach-Strach Kids 40 minutes
• STEM Lesson 7 7.7. Padlet: Student Product introduction or presentation40+40 minutes
Teaching resources (material and online tools)
Materials: Waste materials, coding papers, symmetry papers, etamine, carpet-rug knitting, threads.
Online tools: Computer and camera.
Web2 Tools: Ansvergarden, Canva, ChattrePix, WordArt, JigsawPlanet, Strach, Strach Kids and Padlet.
21st century skills
How the lesson plan corresponds to 21st century skills. To find out more:
To develop the skills of efficiency, responsibility, cooperation, patience, reaching information, observing and separating information, transferring information, curiosity, imagination in students.
Lesson Plan
Event Name | Prosedür | Time |
Preparation Activity-1 | Guest Meetings: Seda Kılıç (Tile), Esra Bora (Coding), Aylin Aydın Sel (Ceramics and Glass) A meeting is held with three different guests and basic level information is given about both handicrafts and coding. Students’ attention is drawn to the subject. | 40+40+40 minutes |
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Preparation Activity-2 | Mixed Student Team Meetings: The class is divided into groups of web2 tools. Students learn and apply the web2 tool in their group. In their work with their classmates, the students in charge lead while their web2 tool is implemented. The teacher guides. | 40 minutes |
STEM Subject 1 | 7(1.1) I Code With Patterns: Pattern 7(1.2)Answergarden: Coding in everyday life Pattern studies are done with the students and the coding relationship with the patterns on the checkered paper is discussed. Students write their thoughts on the Answergarden link. | 40+40 minutes |
STEM Subject 2 | 7 (2.1) I Code With Symmetry: Symmetry 7(2.2) Canva: Coding image in everyday life Symmetry activities are done with students. Symmetry activity is done with cubes in accordance with the given codes. Product design is made with the Canva web2 tool, which is suitable for symmetry and coding in daily life. | 40+40 minutes |
STEM Subject 3 | 7(3.1) Coding with Crafts: Crafts with coding 7(3.2)ChatterPix: Product introduction Crafts involving coding are made. Students promote their products with the ChatterPix tool. | 40+40 minutes |
STEM Subject 4 | 7(4.1) Robot Dance: Performing a robot dance following directions 7(4.2) WordArt: Creating Word Cloud visuals Dancing activity is done in accordance with the instructions. Coding in dances is discussed. Word cloud work is done with WordArt. | 40+40 minutes |
STEM Subject 5 | 7 (5.1) Roby Tiny: Build robots from waste materials 7(5.2)JigsawPlanet: Build your own robot game 7(5.3) Game with My Robot: Coding games Robot designs are made with waste materials. Students design their own game with Jigsaw Planet. Coding games are played in the classroom. | 40+40+40 minutes |
STEM Subject | 7.6 I’m coding:Strach-Strach Kids Students are directed to Strach or Strach Kids. | 40 minutes |
Subject 7 | 7.7. Padlet: Student Product introduction or presentation Students are freed about the material. Students introduce the products with the Padlet web2 tool. Next, students test their own product or a friend’s product. | 40+40 minutes |
Initial Evaluation
Before the events, parent and student surveys are applied.
Final Evaluation
Parent and student evaluation questionnaires are applied.
Student Feedback
An exhibition is held with student products to internalize coding and learning.
Teacher Feedback
A certificate of participation is issued for students.