Mars Project: Hey Mars, wait for us!

Short Description:

This is a multidisciplinary project including STEAM activities about the planet Mars in which students brainstormed and exchanged ideas on how to establish a settled life on it. During the project students did research about this planet on the internet and got help from their chemistry and art teachers. Firstly, they got to know this planet and they learned all the important features of it. After that, they tried to find some solutions about how to reveal water, create weather events in Mars atmosphere like in the world, use the soil for agriculture and build houses and Martian cities. During the activities students conducted an experiment on how to produce oxygen and designed draft plans for building houses and cities with the help of their science and art teachers.

Partners of the project:

Stavroula Prantsoudi (Greece), Albina Abromavaviciene (Lithuania), Cristina Laura Ionaşi and Gabriela Stan (Romania), Derya Şeleci and Tuğba Sağlam (Turkey)

Age range of the students: 13 – 16

Aims of the project:

1. Improving language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and pronunciation) in English.
2. Arousing curiosity about Mars and the idea of creating life on it.
3. Enabling students to form new ideas about how to provide living conditions on this planet.
4. Establishing friendly relations among students.
5. Increasing creativity and self-confidence of students.

Work Process (1st February – 30th April)

Warm-up activities:

Before the main activities we aimed to inspire students to develop their imaginations and put forward new ideas about project topics. The main warm-up activity was watching the film “Martian”. In addition, there were two optional activities. These activities were playing the online games “TerraGenesis” and “Survival on Mars 3D”, and examining into the website “Access Mars with Google” (


Main Activities of the project:

There were six main activities in this project. For this reason, we divided all the students in this project into 6 mixed teams. Each team had a topic and worked on their topics by searching the Net, collaborating with their science and art teachers, and doing experiment and designing survival areas on Mars.

Team 1 : Let’s get to know Mars

With this activity we aimed to make the students learn about this planet detailedly. All the students in the team searched this topic on the net in the light of some guiding questions. What kind of planet is Mars? Why Mars? Why do we want to create a new life on Mars? What have NASA and the other space companies done for Mars so far? After that, they shared their findings and opinions to each other on the project forum pages.

Team 2 – Water on Mars

Water is vital need for all living things. There is no life without water. Therefore, students searched this topic on the net in the light of some guiding questions. Is there really water on Mars? If yes, how can we reveal it? Can humans create water and reproduce it on Mars? If yes, how? What are NASA’s efforts to find water on Mars? After that, they shared their findings and opinions to each other on the project forum pages.

Team 3 – Climate and Atmosphere of Mars

Breathing is essential for our lives. With this activity we aimed to make students learn about climate of Mars and how much each gas is present in the atmosphere of it.

All the students in the team searched this topic on the net in the light of some guiding questions: What are the characteristics of the atmosphere on Mars? How much oxygen is there? Is it possible to increase the oxygen rate? How is the climate on Mars? Is it possible to increase the temperature of Mars? Are atmospheric events happening on Mars? How can it be ensured that it rains regularly on Mars? What are the researches of scientists about the climate and atmosphere of Mars?

After that they shared their findings and opinions to each other on the project forum pages. Also the students conducted an electrolysis experiment on how to produce oxygen with their Chemistry teacher.

Mixed Team 4 – Agriculture on Mars

Food is also one of the basic needs for human life. With this activity we aimed to discover whether we can grow vegetables or fruit on Mars. All the students in the team searched this topic on the net in the light of some guiding questions: What does the soil on Mars consist of? How can the soil on Mars be made fertile for agriculture. Firstly, what plants can we grow on Mars? Can plants grow on with no soil, only water? What are the researches of scientists about its soil?

Mixed Team 5 – Building houses on Mars

What kind of houses must we build? We asked the students to do research on how to build Martian houses and put forward their own ideas in the light of it. Also some students designed a Martian house with the help of their art teacher . The guiding questions: Where can be exactly the most suitable place for life on this planet? What type of houses can be built? Which materials can be used to build a house? What are the researches of scientists about building a house on this planet? After that they shared their findings and opinions to each other on the project forum pages.

Mixed Team 6 – Building a city on Mars

How should we plan Martian cities for a sustainable life? Students did research on this topic by tring to find out answers of some guiding questions. What did NASA or the other space companies do about establishing a city on this planet? What should there be in a Martian city for a sustainable life? Which rules or laws should a city or country to be established have in order to make the life sustainable? In addition, some students drew the plans of Martian cities with the help of their art teachers, gave names to the cities and mentioned about features of them on forum pages.

City plans of Some Students and Their Features

Expected Outcomes of the project

At the end of the project we put all the findings together and created an e-book.



Food is a highlighting element of the cultural background of a country. Traditional foods are adapted to the elements that nature brings to people. Thus traditional food is an adaptation to the environment and plays an important role in the cultural heritage.


This is an eTwinning project in which Dr. Işıl Gülmez was co-founder with Guillem Amer (English teacher) who first had the idea of the project. We had partners from Turkey, Spain (Mallorca), France and Italy.

Our aim was to encourage students to promote their cultures through traditional recipes. We also aimed to practice the countable and uncountable nouns, the use of adverbs. In addition we aimed to promote the language exchange.


We used various technologies in our project. Tools such as Canva, Jamboard, Padlet, Flipbook, Google Documents were used in the project.

In order to evaluate the results of the project we used not only post survey but also Kahoot quiz. Within the scope of survey we also got opinions of students about the project. The opinions were shared in Wordcloud.


Our project included step-by-step recipes. It overlaps with the algorithm subject in ICT courses. Our project also used multidisciplinary approach that included various subjects.


Our project promoted key competences as well as STEM concepts. Thus our project promoted competences such as language literacy, Math, science, digital and entrepreneurship.

math competence

In our project students used quantitative data such as weight and time. In addition they used figures, numbers.

scıence competence

Students made experiments and observations of physical and chemical changes in their kitchen while cooking. They also could to do

dıgıtal competence

Students used algorithm when they were working with step by steps the recipes step by step. They also used web 2.0 tools in the project hence promoted digital competence.

Learning to learn competence

Students shared their works and got feedbacks from others. These feedback allowed them to reflect on their own works which helped them to improve themselves.

Entrepreneurship competence:

Each group had a word on how to do the tasks. Students took responsibilities of their own work in creating new contents.

Social and civic competence

Colloborative works in project promoted students’ communication, empathetic thinking and their respect others’ values and opinions. 

Cultural awareness and expression competence

On the whole of the project in which we teamed up with different countries, we learned about different cultures. We found out similarities and differences. We also learned to respect other cultures. 


In conclusion, project improved students’ collaboration, motivation, digital, social skills and cultural awareness. Results of surveys revealed that partners liked the project. To sum up our project reached its goals.

Link of the project:

A Human Network That Shares Its Knowledge To Better Understand the Internet

“A Human Network That Shares Its Knowledge to Better Understand the Internet” is an eTwinning project which was conducted with partnership of Turkey and France. In this project two teachers worked as co-founder; Dr. Işıl GÜLMEZ from Turkey and technology teacher Jean Philippe VIALA from France.

A Human Network That Shares Its Knowledge to Better Understand the Internet eTwinning project

The aim of the project was to enable students to comprehend computer networks. The project also proposed to teach students web 2.0 technologies through games and animations they created using Scratch. Partners generated images to illustrate the Internet network as part of the project’s scope. They created animations related to Internet networks as well. This project had several stages for making tasks clear for partners. Stages are as follows:

Stage 1

Firstly we tried to create a design to compare a human network and a computer network in a symmetrical way. Our students were divided into teams. We started by introducing the teams with the design of a team-building slogan. To do this, each team designed a word cloud with the slogan of each other team.

Secondly partners chose a network topology for building networks. Next they designed a different word cloud in which they wrote the first names of team members. They used a background image that matches network topology they chose. Afterwards each student in teams made a presentation of themselves using Scratch tool.

In addition, teams attempted to build an animation that included a conversation in order to learn phrases related to a network device or network language. They did this by using Scratch to design characters. One of the characters asked questions about the network the other responded.

Stage 3

Finally, each team designed an evaluation using Scratch application in which each teams suggested one or two questions on the topic. Finally we conducted post-survey to get opinions of partners about the project. The results showed that partners liked the project. Besides the results showed that the project motivated students to learn more about the subject. In conclusion we can summarise that our project reached its purpose.


Logo of the task keyrings for animals.


Keyrings for the aimal protector is a STEM task. It is a task of an eTwinning project.


The eTwinning project is called “social revolution“. The collaborators on the project are from Spain, Turkey, Germany, Greece and Portugal.

My name is María José Cayuela.  I am a primary teacher. And I work in CEIP Ciudad de Ceuta. My students are in  the first grade of  Primary.

This task took place in March and in April.  Here you are a page of the eTwinning platform. There, you can find the planning and organization of the task and some evidence of the result.


The task is an awareness campaing. It consist on creating keyrings. Students donate them to animal associations. And finally, associations can sell them to collect money. The money is to help animals to fight for their rights.



First, students draw animals and design them. Secondly, they design them using a a digital tool. It is called “tinkercard“. Thirdly, they print the result using a 3d printer. 


After that, they design the package using a digital tool. It is called “geogebra“.

Finally, they create  a sale catalog. They use a digital tool called canvas. It contains information about the keyrings in stock. The catalog also includes photograph of the keyrings and drawings of animals.


Students used material such as: 3D printer, a camera, 3D printer filaments of different colours, computer, internet conextion. They also use drawing materials, cardboard, paper to print.


The final product has been created in a collaborative way.

This task is multidisciplinary. Above all, it promotes STEAM areas.  It is inclusive and include social values. And very important, it integrates key competences and XXI century skills. 


Students work online. In other words, they used digital tools eTwinning platform offers. They used digital tools to collaborate, communicate, interact and share ideas.

The school community and members of the animal association  can follow the work process and the results. That is because they can visit the eTwinning platform.

Members of the association for the protection of animals collaborate  on this task. Experts communicate with us through videoconference, for instance.

Moreover, families also collaborate. They sell the keyrings to collect money. Then, they donate it.


Other teachers should use this or similar methods with their students. As well as STEM approach. There are many reasons.

This approach combines classroom work with real life experience. In other words, students serve the community. Therefore, they are more motivated  to create for a real reason. And as a result, they are motivated to learn and work. On the other hand, students develop key competences and XXI century skills, in other words, they increase creativity, computational thinking and problem solving.  They learn to collaborate. And they improve their communicative and digital competences, digital competnece, among others.

The task is integrated in Primary Curriculum. It involves different areas, such as Science, Math, Spanish and English. It also includes cross curricular contents. The most important are social values such as emphaty, solidarity, help, respect, tolerance, equalty, love for animals. It promotes Science, Tecnology, Engineering, Art and Math.

The water bridge of tolerance

Nicoleta Livia Barbu

Key words: STEM, Tolerance, Water, Pollution, Awareness

Activity duration: 04-08.04.2022 (5 days)


The topic of marine animals and water pollution provides students with knowledge and real-life problems for them to experience, discover, explore. It also puts an accent on tolerance and its close values towards a sustainable, clean environment.

Topics: Water animals, Water pollution, Tolerance & values, Protection of natural environment


By the end of this Learning Scenario, students will be able to identify forms of marine animals, to explain water pollution. Students will be able to link tolerance and values with protection of surrounding environment.

Teaching materials necessary:

  • Communication & Literacy: “The bridge – a story about tolerance”, different images
  • Science: microscope, glass recipients, magnifying glasses, salt, pepper, oil, paint, seashells, sea star
  • Technology: laptop with microphone and camera, papers and pencils, printed Quiver sheets, tablet or smartphone
  • Social Studies: “The hedgehog story”, A2 white cardboard, paint of different colors, little cardboard stars
  • Art: “The Little Mermaid” fairy tale, printed coloring sheets with different types of fish, colored pencils, scissors, glue, blue A4 cardboard
  • Free Play: selected images, pictures, books, encyclopedias, coloured pencils, colouring sheets,microscope, recipients in different shapes and colours, magnifying glasses, seashells, sea star, pencils, papers, colouring books, different construction sets, electric fishing game, magnetic fishing game.

I used the following resources:

When eTwinning & Scientix are friends…

The activities designed and implemented in this Learning Scenario are part of the eTwinning Project S.E.C.H. Sustainable Education and Cultural Heritage.

The most important step in the implementation of the Learning Scenario was to design the activities. So I started from a set of driving questions that triggers curiosity and a sense of purpose to the students while at the same time enhance their focus in the process of learning.

I encouraged my students to take decisions, think unconventional solutions and collaborate. Instead of being afraid of making mistakes, they were motivated to take the lead, share and exchange knowledge and ideas with their peers while I was a supporter and a facilitator.

I designed and planned the Learning Scenario and together with my students. We created a schedule, selected activities, explained the working process and decided the final output and the evaluation criteria.

The activities provided within the Learning Scenario contribute to the development of students’ mind and allow students to be involved and make a difference.

The Learning Scenario’s topics allowed students to develop the 21st century skills. All students benefit from the knowledge and learning in a more attractive way.

When learning never stops…

A variety of pedagogical methods were used to engage students into learning. Observation, conversation, brainstorming were great ways to discover and explore the new topics. The activities were student-centered, were interesting and fun. Learning became more attractive, students developed imagination, creativity and raised their self-confidence. The activities offered learning support by allowing students to become scientists, researchers, artists.

The visit to the Science Museum was a great way to actually see for real what we discussed inside the classroom. They were really curious and asked the museum curator a lot of questions. Museum curator was astonished by the multitude of information the students acquired so far.

Link to Learning Scenario:

Link to photo presentation of the implemented activities: