World Mathematics Day celebrations at our school & Mathematics Unites

People and organizations from all over the world have organized events in their cities.

The theme for the 2022 International Day of Mathematics is Mathematics Unites. The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a worldwide celebration.

We examined with our students how NASA uses the pi number in their work.We prepared activities within the scope of World Mathematics Day celebrations at our school and exhibited them in our pan.

Scientists working at NASA use PI number 3.141592653589793…. for their missions and evaluations related to the International Space Station.

Quiver Education enriches traditional school content by making it more engaging and entertaining. Pi is a number that deals with circles. A two-dimensional circle is like the circle on your paper. A three-dimensional circle is called a sphere. A basketball or soccer ball
is a sphere. Pi is a decimal that is never ending. It goes on forever!