Robot Quiz ‘Little Seekers’

Author: Georgia Lascaris

This STEM activity is one of the many STEM activities of the European eTwinning project “Little Seekers”. This project involved schools from Greece, Poland, Romania, and Turkey.

The 4o Primary School of  Pefkis (Athens, Greece) has been part of this project with students of the 4th Grade (9 to 10 years old). The project started in September 2019 and all activities were completed in March 2020. Our school has received a Lego Wedo2 set from the eTwinning NSS to take part in eTwinning STEM actions.

The project aimed to involve the students in STEM activities through collaborative, experiential, and problem-solving actions. Through those activities, they were able to gain digital competencies in line with the DigComp 2.1.Framework for Citizens. These also include information management, communication, content creation, digital safety, and problem-solving.

LegoWedo robots

Students created digital content, built and programmed robots, designed and printed 3D objects, created electrical circuits and learned how to use the Internet with safety.

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