School: 2nd Primary School of Nea Erythraia, Athens, Greece
Name: Georgia Lascaris
Class: 6th Grade (11 to 12 years old)
Implementation Dates: 1/2/2021-26/2/2021
Link to the Learning Scenario:
This learning scenario was created during the “Stem is everywhere” MOOC and aimed to introduce integrated STEM teaching in our classrooms.
Greece ranks sixth in the most seismic countries in the world and earthquakes are in the everyday life of our students. During this learning scenario, students build their own seismograph by programming their BBC micro:bit (pocket-sized computer) to detect and react to earthquakes.
Using the micro:bit built-in accelerometer sensor, they record the magnitude of an earthquake. Each time an earthquake is detected, the micro:bit responds in various ways: lights up the led panel according to the intensity of the earthquake creates a plot graph as a graphical representation of the earthquake’s vibrations, triggers a sound and visual alarm.
The students acquire a basic understanding of earthquakes, of the notions of acceleration-velocity-gravity and how seismologists can track and interpret earthquakes. Through those activities, the students understand how technology (Tech4good) can be used to solve major challenges like natural disasters (SD Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities).
Students also realize the importance of designing inclusive solutions by taking into account people’s disabilities: visual or sound alarm for people with visual or hearing impairment (SD Goal 10: Reduced inequalities).
Implementation context:
This scenario has been implemented both in the classroom and in remote teaching during the ICT and Computer Science lessons. It involved 3 STEM subjects ( Computer Science programming- micro:bit in, Physics-acceleration, acceleration units, Natural Science- discovering what is an earthquake and what causes them) and one no STEM subject ( Art – build with recycling materials different type of buildings on different grounds and test how they will behave in case of an earthquake).
The students worked in teams of 2 to 4 ( classroom or breakout rooms) using their micro:bit board (or using an online micro:bit simulator). The age of the students was 11-12 years old and they already had basic coding skills in programming micro:bit sensors and a basic understanding on earthquakes issues (curriculum: ICT and computer science, geography and physics). For this reason, part2 of the Learning Scenario (Investigating about Earthquakes, causes and impact) was merged with part1 of the scenario (Introduction to the problem (Earthquakes) and how technology could help to find a solution). The last part (Part 5: Drawing and making buildings to test their resistance to Earthquakes) couldn’t be implemented due to Covid19 schools’ closure.
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