Life on the Blue Moon – Learning Scenario

This lesson plan deals with the critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity skills of Learning and Innovation Skills. Students get together and plan a Moonbase where they will build new and safe living spaces to live on the Moon. For this, they will watch the video of the best place to live on the Moon. Later, while building our house on the Moon, it should have more than a place to eat and sleep, it is the only building this month, discover its place, customize it, and watch whatever materials are needed, they will build their own home.

Subject Mathematics, Science, stem and science
Topic My learning scenario
– Mathematics – Geometric shapes and length measurements
– Science – Moon structure, properties of the Moon
– Science – Designing three-dimensional houses
Age range of students 7-8 age
Preparation time 90’
Teaching time Mathematics 30’
– Science 30’
– Science and design 30’
Online teaching material Canva:
– Genially:
– Padlet:
– Thinglink:
– Youtube:
Offline teaching material Interactive whiteboard
Computer and Video Tracker software ( )

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Aerospace in class: A Learning Scenario ‘Moon Life and Healthy Eating’


It is a learning scenario created as a result of ‘Aerospace in Class online course’. This learning scenario is a learning content for a science lesson to reach creative ideas about how we should organise our dietary conditions in order to stay healthy on the Moon. People need to eat healthy in order to lead a healthy life in the world. But the living conditions on the moon are not like those on Earth. This study is a learning content for science lesson to reach creative ideas about how we should organise our dietary conditions in order to stay healthy on the Moon. This learning scenario Science and Technology lessons are located in the curriculum, basic skills and explore their competence, creativity, digital skills, provide information, explanation, justification, explanation, prediction, and are intended to develop skills such as reflection.

The image is the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)
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“The Moon Landscape”

“The Moon Landscape”

The activity took place on 22 April 2020

Auther: Stella Magid-Podolsky, STEM teacher and educator in Israel

Scientix resources that were used for this activity:

This activity took place during the week of Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel.  7th grade students were introduced to the sad story of the Jewish boy Petr Ginz and his painting “Moon Landscape” which he drew during World War II while living in the ghetto. Through Petr’s personal story students were introduced to the Lunar Landscape. After that, students studied further about the moon through activities which were taken from Scientix Resource Repository: “Lunar phases” and “Lunar landscape”.

The activity was divided into 4 lessons.

During the lesson number one, students were required to learn about Petr Genz’s biography. They read about his life and his passion for Science and Space and they had a chance to see his painting which he drew before his death in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Also, students were introduced to the special connection between the first Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon and Petr Ginz. At 2003 Ilan took Petr Ginz’s painting “Moon Landscape” with him to the space mission. Unfortunately, he was killed in the crash of the Columbia shuttle.

Students were introduced to the first part of the activity through this website.

After that they got the following assignment:

Look at the painting “Moon Landscape” and answer the following questions:

“Moon Landscape”

A. What feelings do you have as you look at the painting?

B. If you could meet Peter Ginz today, what would you tell him about inventions, innovations and discoveries in space?

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Building a rover for the Moon mission

Author: Ferhat Ayranci

In our astronomy club, students designed their 3D rover which will fit best on the Moon’s surface and help scientists discover the Moon.

They constructed the Moon surface

As a part of 2020 STEM Discovery Campaign, my students challenged themselves with a very tough mission; designing the best rover for the Moon’s surface. They constructed Moon surfaces by looking at the pictures of the Moon and changed the design of their rover accordingly.

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